This a background and/or side story of a a character in a story I've been meaning to write for quiet sometime I'll update it when I can but I'm gonna start with the first chapter

Chapter 1: DEMON!, Year 1810

"I... I... I don't get it did we forget something Charles?" Christophe asked his scientific partner. Christophe is a Tall man, or sorcerer I should say, with shoulder length dark black hair and gray eye's. He has kinda dark skin like he has some native American in him and wears black dress clothes with a torn and ripped black cloak.

"I doubt it your spell was right on according to your book, and my science is full proof." Charles say's wondering where it could have possibly gone wrong. Charles is a mid height man he looks young is but with oddly white hair that's bed riddle and not very long and deep blue eyes. He is white like he doesn't see much sun.

They are looking at the body of a young man with dark black hair longer then Christophe's is and he has a bit of a tan. Though you couldn't tell it his body is made up of over 30 different bodies and he has the heart of a crow in him.

They were trying to create a humanoid Demon by creating the perfect body for it using science. Through sorcery they were going to fuse a bunch of souls of the Lost Dead together to create the actual demon half of him and fuse it to the body. For they wanted a Demonic slave to do there bidding.

As they watch the body starts forming Black spots on it. The black spots start shaping and forming into what appears to be tribal tattoos all over his body. His eye's launch open revealing glowing blood red eye's. If his eyes didn't glow he would appear to be completely human with red eyes.

Christophe smiled "I knew that my spell wasn't flawed." he said with excitement they both rush over to him to get a closer look at him Christophe reached out and touched him lightly. "Your name is Mosses, cause you actual have Mosses's finger bone in your finger." he say's absolutely happy that he now has such a powerful slave.

Mosses looks at his new master angered that he was born into slavery he quivers with his rage but can't seem to lift a hand against his new master. After minute he feels another presence in his mind one that's a part of him but not at the same time Hello? what are you? he thinks trying to project it to this presence.

He gets a reply I'm the heart of a crow, I'm your heart give me power and I shall take form and kill these human's who so foolishly enslave you, I'm not bound to them but I'm bound to you forever and till the end of time as your heart whether I'm in your body or not.

Mosses thinks about this and knows no matter how it happens he knows its better then being there slave. He starts sending it some of his power making he doesn't give it to much of it's power he might need it later. Then a splitting pain rips through his body concentrating in his chest he screams in pain and arches his back.

What can only be described as pure energy of a shadow starts bursting off of his chest like a portal is being opened right there. Then the shadow separates from his body bringing him instant relief. He watches as the shadow takes form and starts shaping into the shape of a crow some of the black turns red and forms glowing eyes on the crow.

When this transformation is complete a crow stands on the ground almost completely identical to any other crow besides the eyes. "You were right about one thing Humans, he is powerful, but he is not yours." the crow say's...

(Tell me what you think guys.)