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Unashamed's Monthly Newsletter: September 2009

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Fushigi na Butterfly

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 3:23 am
{ Unashamed: The Monthly Newsletter }
Jeremiah 2:2 Go and declare in the hearing of the people of Jerusalem: "This is what the Lord says: 'I have fond memories of you, how devoted you were to me in your early years. I remember how you loved me like a new bride; you followed me through the wilderness, through a land that had never been planted.'"

{ New classes means new newsletter- or something }

Well, September has finally come, the weather is beginning to cool down, and for most, school is back in session. What with all the changes upon us, it seems only fitting that there would be some changes around the guild as well, especially within the newsletter.

As you read through this newsletter (those of you who actually read it xd ), you may notice that a few things are different. First of all, there will no longer be birthday wishes included at the end of each issue. The reason for this is that all the names on our birthday list are no longer names of active members- every time I copy and paste them into the newsletter, I find myself wondering, "Who is this person? Why am I not familiar with this name?" I may take unannounced stints away from the guild, but I am around enough to take notice of who our active and inactive members are. So, to all of you who were hoping to get a shoutout during your birth month, I'm terribly sorry. Perhaps we'll do something about birthdays later on. As a result of removing the happy birthdays from the newsletter, we are also deleting the thread with the list of birthdays (since it's extremely inactive, and it no longer serves the original intended purpose).

Another difference in the newsletters from this point on is that we intend for them to be more interactive, not only to get you guys to read them more often, but also because we want the guild to be member-centered. We want what you guys want. That means we want to hear your opinions, see what interests you, and discuss the topics that are begging your attention. The crew and I have devised a few ways of encouraging member participation. One way is through the verse of the month. Since we seem to fail utterly at hosting an actual Bible study, we thought that the monthly verse would be a great opportunity for doing one. So, if you feel so inclined, don't hesitate to break out in spontaneous discussion of the verse of the month, share a thought on the Word from the Crew, whatever. We especially hope that you'll take into consideration the question each crew (and myself) will pose in every new Word from the Crew. The Amazing Ryuu has inserted a small question into his little write up for us this month, so feel free to answer it, or respond to it, or whatever. It's not mandatory- just something we thought you guys would like. 3nodding

And then there are two last things that we hope will get your interest and that you'll help us out with. Once upon time we had an events thread. And every so often, I would post events that were happening in my area (conferences, concerts, things like that). Its purpose was for everyone to post up events that were happening in their area, in case others in the area were interested in going too. Well, it died, because I was the only one posting. However, through the use of the newsletter, I'm hoping to revive the concept. Every month, once the newsletter is posted, you guys will have the opportunity to post the next month's events to be included in the following newsletter. For example, once this newsletter is up, if there is a concert going on in your area in October, you could post the information in this thread, and it would be included in the October newsletter. 3nodding Make sense? So think about it. If it turns out to be a lame idea, we'll just quit it. This is only a trial after all.

The last thing is a book/movie/website review, or featured one of those three things. If there's a really good (Christian) book, movie, or website that you'd like to shamelessly plug, suggest it here (or PM myself or one of the other crew- it might make it easier to avoid everything we'd want to say about it in the newsletter and make it a surprise that way). If it's a website or blog that's your own, link us to it (via PM please), and we'll take a look at it and see if it's appropriate.

So those are just some of the changes we're hoping to implement from now on. Feel free to offer up suggestions or comments about them in here. Hopefully, these changes will help make you guys feel more involved in guild things besides discussions. 3nodding

{ News about the interfaith discussion }

Yes, it is still going to happen. 8D I promise. I swear. I've been wanting to do this for forever. It will happen. My life got crazy and emotionally exhausting all of a sudden though (and once you read my prayer request from last month, you'll know why), and so it's kind of been the last thing on my mind. However, I plan to PM some guild captains by Friday, and hopefully I can have some good news for you guys by Monday. Keep an eye out for it! biggrin

{ A small intro }

Now that all the srsbsns announcements are out of the way, I leave you with The Amazing Ryuu's Word from the Crew- his commentary on this month's verse. I can tell he put alot of effort into it, and he makes some good points and gets you thinking, so don't forget to read through it. It's very interesting. 3nodding

{ Word from the Crew }

Do you remember the first time you caught The Fire? Remember how caught up in God you were? Remember the high-on-life bounce in your step? Remember the zealous way you tried to tell everyone in your life about this amazing feeling? Remember those eyes and ears that saw and heard the entire world in a completely new way? Remember just oozing love and compassion from every pore?

What on earth happened?

I think I know. Settle in, get comfortable. I've a mind to tell you a tale.

I was saved 13 years ago, in August of 1996. Oh, I'd gone to church before. My mother ensured that, while she wasn't religious herself, I'd have the opportunity to choose. So at the tender age of five, I entered Sunday school. By the time I was old enough to choose Christ of my own volition, I knew all the stories, all the Bible symbolism, and quite a great deal besides. But my church was full of the elderly and the very young, with only myself in between. Salvation wasn't spoken of, as all the adults had found it the better part of forty years ago, and the four-and-five-year-olds weren't ready to hear such news. It wasn't until 1995 that my church got a young pastor, newly married and barely out of seminary. He treated me more like an adult than a child, and he introduced me to Delanco Camp, in Tabernacle, NJ.

For those of you who aren't from the south Jersey/Philadelphia area, I really pity you. Camp Delanco is one of the most amazing, spiritual, blessed, sleepaway camps I've ever had the privilege of attending. That nice young pastor happened to be voted the camp dean in 1996, and although I was a year too young, he let me come anyway. That year I made friends that I still meet with regularly, a mentor that, while I have surpassed what he has to teach me, is like another father figure, and I was introduced to the wonders of Veggie Tales, that made all my dealings with children SO much easier in the coming years. But during that one week in mid-August, on a Monday night, I heard about salvation. Giving your life totally and utterly over to Christ. Letting him go into all the dark corners of your mind and heart, nitpicking here and there and cleaning up your thoughts and feelings so you could better serve him. It was a huge decision, especially to someone of my age. I was a good kid. Never in trouble with my parents, the honor roll student, detention-free, schedule packed with after-school activities. And yet, something in me balked at handing my life, MY LIFE, over to someone else, anyone else.

It wasn't until Thursday night that I got the courage to make that long walk up to the altar, where so many other kids were already praying and crying. As my knees hit the cushion, I remember a little voice telling me that I didn't want to do this, that I was stupid, that it would be my crutch for the rest of my life. I'd never be able to think freely again. My knees started to hurt. My back started to hurt. It was dastardly hot all of a sudden. And yet, at the right-hand corner of that long altar, at the age of eleven, I accepted Christ as my Lord and Savior, holding my mentor's hand and choking out my prayer from behind the lump in my throat.

Saturday, we went home. I had The Fire, and I had it bad, with all the energy of a child and an over-full, burning passion for God. As every mountaintop experience is followed by the valley, I learned quickly my first lesson about witnessing.

Nobody wanted to hear about what I had to say.

Some people put me down because of my age. Others, like my parents, had heard it all before and wouldn't stand for it from inside their own home. Kids my own age accused me of being a Bible-basher, and my religious standing gave them just one more piece of ammunition to use against me in their relentless teasing. Needless to say, my Fire was quickly banked to embers, still burning, but more carefully. I didn't have anyone my age at church to talk with God about, and my parents weren't interested. I brought a few friends from school to church, hoping to start a youth group. For four years, I let the trials of the world bring me down and force me low, turning my love and compassion into bitterness. It wasn't until I went on a missions trip to Russia that my Fire once again overtook me, and everything about my life. It was wonderful and glorious, and everything was once again right with the world.

Then my attention turned from God to this woman I was ridiculously, head-over-heels, maddeningly, sickeningly in love with. Being without her made me absolutely miserable, and just hearing her voice on the phone made me walk around with a smile for days. When we met, she was a strong Wiccan, and when she found out I was a Christian, she just looked at me a little oddly. A little over a year after meeting, we started dating, and I convinced her to occasionally come to church with me. We'd stay up into the wee hours of the morning, talking about religion and spirituality, and the difference in our beliefs, and what beliefs we had in common. Over the summer, I took her to Delanco for the night services, and on a June Friday in 2004, she curled up in the pew, my arms around her, and sobbed her confession prayer. Seeing the light in her rekindled it in myself, and the two of us spent almost all our time together poring over the Bible, starting an adult Bible study, and talking about what this or that might have meant. By the time we were married, The Fire had again started burning lower, but this time out of longevity. Two years later, when we divorced, I was once again hurt and bitter, stamping out the Fire once again. Since then, it's been difficult to keep going, especially with all the things on my plate as I get a new house, new girlfriend, and, potentially, a new career.

I've never turned completely away from God. When I've wandered, I've always kept him in sight. He's seen me through a lot, brought me love and watched me lose it again, but always been there with open arms and a caring smile. His timing is excellent. Just as I feel like I COULD turn away, something comes along to drag me back. The adult group at church. The trip to Russia. A program called Chrysalis (which is the young adult version of the
Walk to Emmaus), where I was afterward chosen to work as staff on two different occasions. This guild does a lot to feed my fervor when I'm feeling downtrodden.

Do you remember the last time you caught The Fire? When was the last time your torch was burning bright enough to be noticed from the heavens? What does it take to rekindle that love and passion in you?

While your spiritual self doesn't always need to resemble a bonfire (we all need rest, after all), don't let the flames go out completely. When the puff of air comes that will turn your match flame into something more, let it. It makes for a very refreshing, amazing experience. Until then, keep the marshmallows out. wink

{ Prayer requests }

These are all the prayer requests that have come in during August. If you'd like to make comments and offer support, feel free to post in the individual prayer request threads inside the Prayer Request subforum.

Autie Lady
My friend's toddler was undergoing experimental chemo for eye cancer in hopes of saving the eye. It's risky because if it failed, there was a high chance of the cancer spreading. It seemed to be working and she had the second round today. Well, it failed today. The vein they needed collapsed so there is no chance of them trying again.

They are going to remove the eye soon in a hope to try to prevent it from spreading and save her life.

They are devastated as am I.

I'm fasting for her.

Fushigi na Butterfly
My best friend's sister is having an abortion on Wednesday. It is a very tough time for everyone involved, and we are all very sad. My friend's sister is the saddest of all of us, for obvious reasons, and has considered all of her other options. She has put alot of thought into this choice, and though we are all very, very sad about it, and though we all (including her) wish there were a better way to handle this situation, she has come to the decision that this is best for her, and what could have been her baby. I just ask that you keep us all in your prayers, especially her, since she will be dealing the physical pain for two days, and the emotional pain likely for the rest of her life. My friend is heartbroken for her sister, and probably also for the loss of her niece or nephew, and her parents will probably never know they had a grandchild for all of a month. I ask that you pray for us to have the wisdom and hearts soft enough to support her, and that the resources necessary will be available to her for her post-abortive care.

This is not something any of us is taking lightly, and I ask that you not judge her. She is an emotional wreck, and right now all she needs is love and support.

Thank you for your prayers.

Atreadia Allaani
Tuesday next week, my mother is having a greenfield filter placed in her inferior vena cava to keep her from having anymore blood clots. The next day she will be having surgery on her stomach. She is having a stomach bypass for diabetic reasons. Please keep her in your prayers.

About a month ago, I was in this service and we were singing this song which I really wasn't connecting to, and I asked God to give me words to mean something to me for this song and then these words were in my mind and these five people I know came up and they are people who are insaned, all except one who is struggling. So their names are Calli, Daniel, Dan, Michael and Rushay. And I've lost contact with half of them so it's praying long distance! And I know that these named mean nothing to you, but please, they are people who God's already promised to work in their lives, so please pray for them! It means the world to me! And if you want to, respond! It's encouraging!
-God bless you!

I really need prayer. I've been struggling with lust, masturbation, and pornography for 6 years, and I can't seem to repent and turn away from it once and for all. I always end up going back to it, and I don't want to. I need so much prayer and guidance concerning this area in my life.

{ Praise reports }

We also like to praise God for what He's done in our lives, giving Him glory for the immense blessings He's given us. These are the praise reports that have been posted in August. If you'd like to praise along with them, or offer your own praise reports, you can do so in the Praise subforum.

Just a bit of background information: my mom has gone through a season of suffering for just over 2 years. Things looked up for a while around January, and then February, she fell at work and tore everything in her ankle. She got reconstructive surgery for it in March, and the cut opened up as soon as they took the stitches out. It never healed, and eventually got infected. She got additional surgery in May to clean out the infection, and it started to slowly heal. Then, a couple weeks ago, it got infected again and she was hospitalized and underwent more surgery to clean everything out.

Earlier this week, she was released from the hospital. She can actually walk on her foot without any type of boot or cast, which she hasn't been able to do since she fell the very first time, and I am so happy! She says that she feels like this is it, and it is finally going to heal, and I pray to God she is right.

Also, it has always been extremely hard for doctors to draw blood from her because of a blood disorder she has; she usually has to be stuck up to five times until they can get anything. Today, she had to get her blood drawn, and they got it on the first try!

My mom isn't a Christian. She has also been involved in an adulteress relationship that I have been trying to get her to seek help on in ending it. I tell her about Jesus, and I told her that if she accepts Christ and repents for her sins, then Jesus will provide for her by His saving grace.

Now, she can't stop listening to my worship music, wants to come to church with me this Sunday, and is really on the road to giving her life to Jesus and getting Saved. I am so happy! She is healing, and I can see the Holy Spirit working in her and changing her heart.

I just wanted to share that with everyone! 4laugh

It's amazing the kind of crap God lets you go through to realize that He's right and you're the dumb little sheep, part of the larger flock of also dumb sheep.

Like going through about a million heartbreaks and realizing, "All this is meaningless! There's no point! Love is a retarded thing created by some man with all these rules on who asks who out and who stays quiet during the whole courting ritual!

Ugh. I give up on love for now.

And I quote from my prayers, "I don't want to go through this torture anymore, God! If I can't have this person, then I wanna live for You! I need peace! I need unending love! I need YOU!"

{ The end (for now) smile }

Thus concludes our September newsletter. Tell us what you think about the changes, or suggest some new ones to us. 3nodding  
PostPosted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 6:52 pm
Good job getting this out at such short notice, guys. You make us proud to be your crew. biggrin  


The Amazing Ryuu

PostPosted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 8:09 pm
Awww, pshaw. mrgreen

Thanks for typing this up, Cap'n. Your eloquence is always delightful. xd  
PostPosted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 3:32 am
I might actually be blushing, you guys. -^^-  

Fushigi na Butterfly

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Fushigi na Butterfly

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 2:10 am
Can I even get a tl;dr??? gonk  
PostPosted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 2:18 am
Not gonna lie -- I skimmed. sweatdrop  


Fushigi na Butterfly

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 12:50 am
It's alot of information, but it's all relevant updates and stuff, some stuff even being plans for the guild and events. At least the intro should be read. sweatdrop  
PostPosted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 6:55 pm
Well I read that bit. There's a whole bunch of stuff I didn't even know was in the planning. Did you guys talk about that while I was away?! D:  


The Amazing Ryuu

PostPosted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 7:37 pm
That'll teach you not to skip over old threads won't it? xp  
PostPosted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 3:39 am
Well I read that bit. There's a whole bunch of stuff I didn't even know was in the planning. Did you guys talk about that while I was away?! D:

Yeah- we were discussing it in the newsletter thread. Sorry you missed it. sweatdrop  

Fushigi na Butterfly

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Cat Sapphire

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 24, 2009 7:06 am
I read the newsletter...yes, all of it...lol! Sounds like you've really put some thought into all of it. I appreciate the hard work and effort. I haven't been very active in the Guild, but hope to do better in the future! heart  
PostPosted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 2:27 pm
OMG someone read it! Quick! Grab her. Before it's too late!  

The Amazing Ryuu

Call Me Apple

Sparkly Shapeshifter

PostPosted: Wed Oct 07, 2009 7:56 pm
Wow - this comment is so late but i honestly never read newsletters sweatdrop

The message from the Crew was very touching heart
I love reading stories of first times accepting God into our hearts x3

As for the "Interfaith discussion" I was wondering which guilds/religions were participating surprised  
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