This is, more or less, a prologue to Warrior of Light. I thought it would be good to set the background before beginning the story. With current poll results, I'll be telling the tale of the Warrior of Light.

My name is Jason. These are the words I have written on August 10th, 1056 A.D. The Hellspawn Empire has achieved total victory, and asserted their dominance over all of Planet Earth. While the Hellspawn Empire does not interfere the day to day business of peasants, they provide militaristic support to local lords and monarchs. England is in a state of constant warfare, and I believe this war between local monarchies shall not stop until all are dead. I have played a part in the Empire's rise, through my sheer ignorance. The man behind this demonic Empire learned magic from my mentor, the great sage Elyon. Elyon and I forged great weapons, each containing the power of a certain element. This man I speak of, he attempted to draw the blade of darkness, The Nightmare Blade, and failed. The blade deemed him unworthy. Enraged, he created his own sword, and summoned great darkness to place within the newly forged blade. but the darkness overtook him, and, to this day, is using that man as a tool. This demoniacally possessed warrior has slain many innocent people, and used those souls to create an army of demons called Hellspawn. Now, he has claimed all of the Eastern World as his own...

Tomorrow, I shall set sail for a rumored "New World". if such a place exists, I may find worthy warriors who will be able to take these legendary weapons, and use them to stop the corruption from reaching the New World. But if i can't, then I myself will have to face The Corrupter, The Prince of Darkness, the man known as ...(the pages beyond this point are either too faded from age or ripped out. it is impossible to continue reading this book.)

This is only the prequel. Only the beginning. The current reality that exists is far worse then what is described here.