Okay so a friend of mine starts a forum/roleplay thing based off of .Hack G.U. It's under construction because he just made it but I told him i would try to advertise it y'know? But yeah it's pretty cool!

**You can make your character whatever you want! (Within reason of course) Tribal Grappler, Adept Rogue, anything.
**It's a pretty easy level standard. 250 post for the first level up and then 300 post for another level there after. (So a total of 550 post and you are level 3!)
** Negative and rude attitudes and comments WILL NOT BE TOLERATED. No one will be tolerated if they use abusive language or obscene gestures.
** The site (although still under modifications) is very detailed and understanding. The admins and moderators (including myself and my cousin who is the admin so far.) will help any newcomers along the way and answer any question.

**The site(as said is still under construction)which means there are still a few glitches and bugs.
** There are only a handful of member at this moment so things are still very slow and are just beginning with posts and replies.

Okay so please, we're looking for awesome member to help build our list. give it a try it can't hurt. Anyone is welcome as long you have good manners and can be understanding to other people's feelings.

Here is the site:

So thanks for reading this and thanks for joining (if you do). My name is 'AcidxXxRain'. If you ever need help don't hesitate to PM me. Thanks and Bai bai!