{ Unashamed: The Monthly Newsletter }
1 Corinthians 10:13 No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.

{ A reputation for lateness! er ... Greatness! }

Happy August, guildies! Summer is in full swing and, I don't know about you all, but I feel like it just started. Lazy summer days never seem to last long enough (and speaking of lazy, I must apologize for the lateness of this month's newsletter). This month's issue won't be nearly as full as past issues have been, but we do have an announcement or two. 3nodding

The first is that our wonderful VC, The Amazing Ryuu (and I'm not just trying to flatter him) has gone through and painstakingly reorganized our
thread directory! We used to have a million posts and categories, but he's gone through and made everything more concise. Please be sure to check it out and/or thank him for his hard work. And remember, if you have questions about any topic or subject, we may have already discussed it, so browse through and see if your question's already been answered. It's also useful if you're looking for something someone else said on a topic and would like to quote them, or their source.

The second announcement is more of a heads-up for the curious and wondering. Priestley, one of our Crew, has had some technical difficulties (and by that, I mean that the last I heard, his computer was in pieces on the floor), so you may see him around, but mostly his appearances will likely be few and far between, pending his ability to get to a computer with internet access. We're hoping he's able to figure something out soon.

And third, I have a reminder. We are still going to have an interfaith discussion, and it will likely be happening soon. Please keep your eyes peeled for more information and announcements about this!

{ That's all, folks }

You thought I was kidding when I said this issue wouldn't have very much substance to it, didn't you? The guild seems to hit peaks and valleys of activity, and right now, I think we're coasting comfortably through a valley. Not too much going on, not too many events.

At any rate, I think now is a good time to start talking about this month's verse. This month, it comes from 1 Corinthians, and it's one that ryuu suggested and for some reason I really, really liked. I think it addresses an issue that most of us, as Christians, don't realize the importance of. ryuu says it better in his own words, but I would also like to point out that temptation, not just sin, can be quite the monster to grapple with. It's important to remember, though, that you are not alone in your struggle- these temptations are "common to man" as the Bible tells us.

With that, I point you to our Word from the Crew Ryuu.

{ Word from the Crew }

In this guild, we've had a lot of talk about sin. What is, what isn't, whether it's man's innate nature to do so, or whether the Enemy has laid his claws into us and pulled us into it. At the moment I write this, sin is the topic behind the top three threads on the list in the main forum, and the thread archive has a whole section on different sins, or potential sins. We talk about all the things that we, as Christians, are not allowed to do, and what God wants for us despite what WE want for us.

Somehow, in all of those threads, we've managed to skip over the topic of temptation. Yet, it's so important to talk about. Temptation is how God strengthens our resolve, our ability to better resist the same sin next time. It puts us through the flames so that we may walk away stronger.

The important thing to remember about sin and temptation is found in this month's verse: God knows what He's doing. He knows you, loves you, and wants you to pass his tests. "No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it."

Just as Satan required permission from God to tempt Job, so does God watch over us and ensure that we don't find ourselves in a situation that we can't possibly say "no" to. The Father keeps a loving eye on us all, making sure that we're not faced constantly with a barrage of things that will make our efforts feel futile, or that the fight is too hard, or get frustrated enough to give up. When temptation rears its ugly head, give yourself some credit. The Lord of the universe knows that you can take it. If He has that much faith in you, put some stock in yourself also. You CAN say no. Remember that, brothers and sisters, and you will have more power over sin than you've ever realized.

{ Prayer requests }

These are all the prayer requests that have come in during July. If you'd like to make comments and offer support, feel free to post in the individual prayer request threads inside the Prayer Request subforum.

This weekend at camp, my pastor was playing tug of war with some of the older boys, and his feet came out from under him. He fell flat on his butt and fractured his last vertebrae. He needs to lie flat for 3-4 days and it'll heal fully in two weeks.

I'd just like some help with praying for not only him, but for his 7 kids and wife. That they'd be helpful and for God to keep their worry to a minimum...That Darnell wouldn't be in too much pain from the whole shebang.

Please and thank you.


My pastor's father has prostate, colon and spinal cancer. He needs all the prayer he can get. please help!

Black Dize
Let us pray for the people that have the sickness that is affecting the whole world. The devil can attack us, but God is more powerful than any beast and we have the authority to cancel aqnything that comes right at us:

"Father in the name of your son, Christ, I come to you in a desperate plea. I come and present to you this sickness called Swine influenza. Father, I know that your wings will protect us your children and I cancel this attack of the devil by authority given by you from the above, and that thanks to the blood of Christ these sickness will cease and desist! Father, show mercy and pass your arm that cures anything and everything. God, we, your children, claim today to you for help because without you we are nothing; we would be no one. Thank you God, and I believe it done in the name of Jesus Christ. Father, bless those souls that don't have you in their hearts, and please, guide them to your feet so that they can find rest, peace and above all, salvation. Father, I pray all this in the name of Jesus, Amen."

Everyone, pray with me, please

Fushigi na Butterfly
So my friend and I are planning on moving soon, but our move is dependent upon whether or not she gets a job she interviewed for last week. So I'd just like to ask that you guys keep us in your prayers and that it turns out the way it's meant to (whether she gets the job or not), and that, if she does get the job, that we're able to find a good place to live for a good price and that's close to public transportation (since neither of us has a car).

Lisa Faye
My prayer request is for me and for my job.

There was an event in January at my job at Kroger that triggered depression. Ever since then, no matter how hard I try, someone has found fault with me, when I know I am doing everything roboticlly the exact way they want me to.

I have been taken upstairs to that office and written up there more times than any of my other jobs combined.

Ever since January, I have had some panic attacks.

I have dealt with minor panic attacks before. Always at home, always in bed, and always with Cecil near so he can help me though it.

Tonight, at work, I was called upstairs. I got as far as the bank when it hit. Panic in my chest. Just like at night. Except it escalated. And escalated. I began to cry, I began breathing too fast and couldn't stop. I felt like I was dying.

The lady at the bank rushed out and got me to a chair. They called the parametics. At the time, I didn't think it was necessary. I was taken to the back breakroom.

The meeting took place downstairs. It's not over. I will be speaking to someone tomorrow. However, about an hour into the last part of my shift, it happened again. I was thinking of the paperwork needed for tomorrow, and there came the panic. The customer I was serving asked if I was okay. That did it. I turned to Joe, and said, "Joe. Help me." He thought I meant take over the register. I said. "No. Joe. Help me!"

And it began. The fast breathing, the chest pain, I felt like I couldn't breathe. Joe took me to the back as fast as he could go. I told Dean to call 911, I'm going this time.

They arrived, took me out on a stretcher. I felt more humilated than anything. Wishing I could have controlled this.

I arrived at ER. Cecil came. We realized the wait was long, and went to another hospital instead. Where, you guessed it, I had a third immense panic attack. Right there in the waiting room where everyone else could see me.

We were in and out in under two hours, thank goodness. They gave me medication to keep the panic at bay so I could do the paperwork.

What Kroger has done to my emotional state, and what they are continuing to do, is very wrong. I have been struggling to get out of my dark pit since the managers threw me into it in January. Every time I think I am almost out, something happens. Like what happened last night.

I feel trapped. Satan is in that store and I know it. I'm lost. I don't even know if God is listening to me, or if He even cares. My thoughts are starting to borderline suicide. This alone terrifies me. I have struggled so hard to get away from those thoughts, and they are haunting me again.

My Pastor? I called him desperately seeking help. When he answered the phone, I said my full name, and he hung up. Even my pastor doesn't want any part of me, or has any desire to help me.

The darkness is taking over my heart and soul. I'm afraid. Very afraid. Afraid the panic attacks will come back and Cecil won't be here to help me. Afraid the managers will fire me, as they are finding any reason to write me up now. Afraid that if I lose my job, we will lose this house. Even my Mom won't tell me what's going on in her life, for fear I will 'go over the edge'. She probably knows I'm very very close to that edge now. I know I am.

Whatever you can pray for me for, please pray with all your might. Satan is trying to get total control of me. Right now, I've lost almost everything except my heart. But that is faltering now.

freelance lover
I am currently at my wits end with my director for Hamlet. The entire rehearsal process has been a huge mess. He's not communicating with anyone what it is he wants, and he's undermining everyone's authority. He's been asking me to do jobs which are outside of my job and are in fact other people's jobs, blames me for thins that aren't my fault, and he's just generally making everyone in the cast and crew angry and upset.

The show opens tonight so technically after that he's out of the pictures (theoretically, anyway) and I think he's leaving the state this weekend. I have just never been more upset at a director than I have been right now. I'm stressed, angry, and I really just need some patience to get through this mess. He just called me asking to go over the heads of some people and make a choice that isn't really his to make. When I explained I needed to touch based with a few people before I could give anyone a definitive answer he went on to tell me that it wasn't their choice and I need to make this certain change immediately.

I'm about to lose it and I really need some patient right now before I explode at this guy. This is by far one of my worst theatrical experiences, so I just really need some prayers.

Thanks guys.

{ Praise reports }

We also like to praise God for what He's done in our lives, giving Him glory for the immense blessings He's given us. These are the praise reports that have been posted in July. If you'd like to praise along with them, or offer your own praise reports, you can do so in the Praise subforum.

the reason why i wanna praise God now it:
[charararaaa] i got baptized!! =) yay biggrin

{ August's Birthdays }

This month, Unashamed wishes a happy and blessed birthday to:
Squireof the son
Love Miyuki Snow
The Autocrat
beastly gnar
mandy marie

Hope it's a great one, guys!