“How much longer.” Murmured Wakgot under his breath.

How's ya all doing? Just completed another somewhat short story for Wakgot consisting of 3,441words. I think it's humorous in someways my self, but I hope it has good detailed action and shows more of my Blood axe ork's background. Hope ya like it though and leave a comment please?


For hours his boyz had been guzzling inside this facility the humies called a bar, trying to find out what made it so special to them. All the intel the kommandos had recovered before taking this place was that the humies were very enthusiastic to come here when they got the chance and were in a good mood when they left, Wakgot failed to understand why.

The only thing that Wakgot got as a result was a bunch of useless boyz. At first they tried just coming in here and waiting, but when nothing happened Wakgot decided to hand out fungus beer to drink as the humies were, still nothing happening though, Wakgot made his boyz drink the humies’ lousy humie beer. No luck however and his orks were falling all over the place, breaking out into fist fights and puking all over the room.

How all useless swore Wakgot, he wanted to make a note to one of his nobz to make sure to do more discipline training, but they had all collapsed from the drinks Wakgot made them have.

Soon as Wakgot forgot what him as his boyz were doing here, a loud bang which was loud than any of the guns they had in here had fired. Turning their attention to where the fire had came from and saw at the door five big orks holding up really big guns that seemed more heavily customized than even any shoota in Wakgot’s warband.

All five were standing with smug smirks on their faces, enjoying the way their guns had caught all these senseless other ork’s attention. One with his gun up in the air, pulled it down so he could blow off the smoke that was trailing off it and then making his way over to the counter where the drinks were being served with his ladz following him, still holding their guns up to show them off to the rest of the other boyz.

With a displeased frown on Wakgot’s face, he recognized it was those Flash gitz freebooters. How they get showing off their big fancy guns made Wakgot want to squash them, but saw how much damage those weapons of theirs did when they suddenly arrived on the battlefield and let loose a barrage of screaming fire into those humie tanks that made them disappear just like that. What was worse was that Wakgot felt he had to pay those flash gitz for the nice, but showing off work they did on those tanks.

Realising there wasn’t enough seats when they arrived near the counter, the flash gitz made eye contact with some of the boyz who were watching them. Not truly getting the idea of what the flash gitz wanted, the flash gitz decided to wave the barrel of their gun in front of them and the boyz then jumped off their seats and scrammed. However one flash git was just in a happy trigger mood, a fired a round blasting point-blank into one of the sluggish blood axe orks.

Eyes now on the dropped dead ork who fell with nothing left of his shoulders or head, yet oozing blood across the floor, the flash gitz were able to easily sit and keep holding their guns up not wanting the other blood axes to forget they had them.

Giving an endless amount of curses inside his mind, Wakgot was asking himself if he should just get up and smash them lot, no one asked their for help anyways before they appeared on the battlefield.

The door was swung open again and another shot fired up in the air, taking all the orks attention with surprise. Standing at the door this time, was a more familiar looking lot to Wakgot, with highly kustomized ones like the other flash gitz that were already in here. It was then that Wakgot realised that they were the real orks who came in a helped them. With that found out in Wakgot’s mind, he was considering on killing the ones in him, all he needed was to remember that one of the dead orks on the ground was made by them.

Confirming that they both had highly customized guns that were fairly similar, the two groups of flash gitz were locking glares with each other only thinking that their own guns were better. None of the two turning eyes away, the newly entered flash gitz strolled over quietly, with guns held out to the other flash git lot to show off to them.

Deep silence now filled the building as the blood axe orks were intrigued at how the tension between the two flash git groups, as one approached the other with guns raised and looking at each other with dislike.

When the newly arrived flash gitz appeared behind the other five, they stood behind wanting something. Even though the sitting flash gitz knew what that something was, they weren’t going to give it, so the standing groups leader s sneered out in a grumpy tone. “Oi, yer in ar’ seatz.”

“It don’t got yer namez.” Responded the other leader, making the other orks around him laugh at what a joke to them. “Besidez, we’re da onez with da big gunz here, zo we getz wot we want un’ we want dese seatz we got.”

Already grinding teeth at being a fool out of like that, the standing leader had to admit that was a good one, nonetheless we wasn’t happy at the second thing he said. “No ya don’t, were da Dakka-boom gitz who haf da biggust gunz ov’ dem all, dos gunz ar’ more like gretchin toyz compared ta ourz.”

Now that was a good one all the blood axes laughed silently, but the sitting ork wasn’t going to that. “Oh ya, ya tink dat only becoz ya havant figured out dat were da Gork’s blastas dat meanz yer gunz ar’ nothing more den zpit launchas!”

“I don’t tink so, but I’m not da mood ta fight about it now.” Grumbled the Dakka-boom gitz leader. “Zo I give ya lot a chance ta run out of here before sun sinks behind da mountains, not out of here by den you lot get blasted at!”

“Same goes for ya, except we won’t get blasted.” Replied the Gork’s blastas’ leader.

Not wanting to argue about that either, the Dakka-boom gitz turned and left. Leaving the orks wondering why they didn’t fight it out now.


When the sun was setting and both flash gitz had hit the deadline, it was time to see if either lot was going to follow up on their word. Rumoured they were going to, most of Wakgot’s boyz had sheltered in one of the buildings or hid behind something wanting to watch from a safe distance and hoped they would do it on the desert barren streets.

Chains jingling amongst their trousers or handing from their guns as the flash gitz made their presence know, the two groups approached one another with guns ready and more boyz with them, which answered why they wanted to do it later. They closed in on the main streets were there was almost no cover unless you made a run for the alley, which you’d probably be still shot at if you were starting from the centre of the pathway.

Dozens of orks peered through windows and doors as they witnessed was about to happen from the slight safety of the buildings that stood beside the flash git groups. Though standing right between them idle was Wakgot and his nobz (which had recovered) infront of one of the buildings probably to watch from a good view or he had forgotten what he was doing and was standing trying to remember.

When the two flash gitz thought they were at a far enough shooting distance apart from each other, they struggled to count how many boyz each had brought, but this was taking up considerable time for the flash gitz to count without using their fingers. It was a little painstaking at the time it they were counting and the blood axes wanted them to get on with it, but didn’t want to shout anything to them lot.

As time went on a little bit longer, one of the flash gitz from the Dakka-boom gitz realised at how they had gotten lost in time for a minute and roared out a shouting waagh! For his other boyz to remember as well. Almost as if everything in the world had gone out of control, flash gitz from both sides woke up and aimed gunz and fired.

An exchange of fire was passed out to both sides as it finally begun. Variety of kustom made guns shattered open with a variety of explosive to lighting ammunition that reached out to each side. In just a single five seconds causalities were mounting in the crossfire with the guns finding their mark on one of the enemy orks, either frying him, disenagrated him or exploding him into nothing when he was hit.

Each side was only suffering though because of the amount of destructions their weapon caused, their wielders were merely trying to display to all the other orks at how powerful their guns hit. The shots that missed though ended up hitting into the imperial standing structures that the blood axes were stored in them, causing blood axes to die from pot-shots through the areas they were peeking from or the wall exploding apart against them or some blood axes simply died just because they fell out over wanting to change bets.

The amount of firepower ripping the air made almost impossible to hear anything else, except for Wakgots raging warcry. Being thunked in the arm by a flash git misfire, Wakgot had forgotten that the flash gitz were actually just here for each other, but Wakgot ordered his boyz now to join in. With obedience, the nobz did so and were now firing on both flash git side.

Stretching out his dakka arm, Wakgot locked his sights onto one of the Flash git boyz and fired the rokkit on his kustom-gun. The rokkit clunked at first before whistling over and swishing to the Flash gitz, but unfortunately the rokkit had when too far to the left and kept going until it torpedoed into one of the buildings instead. The inside of the facility boomed as the rokkit probably hit something flammable and was searing with flames and filled with burning orks who panicked , trying to escape outside away from all the flames.

While Wakgot cried out raged and whacked his gun into the ground, one of his nobz attempted to make up for the misfire, by holding up his shoota/rokkit kombi weapon in a two-handed grip and fired his own rokkit. Another missile went zooming amongst the same flash git lot, but this time managed to skid itself against one of the flash gitz weapons before twirling off into the air and banging.

Infuriated at the scratch the nobz rokkit had caused to his precious weapon, the flash git bellowed to accept Wakgot and his lot’s challenge and rotated let loose a ricochet of fire from his gun. Some of the other flash gitz from his group and the other group of flash gitz who were getting agitated by Wakgot’s interference also turned their fire upon them, but other’s still kept their fire on who they really came for.

Lighter equipped and closer to standing structures, the blood axe went and ducked for cover before the hellish gunfire fell upon them, going behind barrels, walls and support beams or running inside the building behind them for cover. Even though the blood axe nobz were protected, the cover they had was mainly made out of wood and proved insufficient to protect them from the flash gitz gunfire, nonetheless it did conceal them.

Standing amidst pouring rain of volleys from all sides, Wakgot stood his ground letting the bullets ping and ricochet of his mega armour as he bent down to retrieve a spare rokkit his ammo runt held up to him. Soon as Wakgot got it, the ammo runt was no soon splattered by one random fire, however Wakgot was able to socket his rokkit into place firmly and then stretched his dakka arm out again.

Aiming a bit harder this time, the rokkit on Wakgot’s arm clunked again and zoomed forward. The swirling missile this time successfully crash against one of the flash gitz guns, slapping the gun into the flash gitz’ face before the rokkit against it exploded and sent the ork zooming backwards breaking against a fence with his chest and face torn apart.

Continuing to stand a fire with his shoota now in the open, Wakgot roared out for the flash gitz to try better than that and in a way they did, when one of Wakgot’s nobz had all his cover blown apart in a volley of fire and then having a barrage of ammunition rip him apart. Watching one of his nobz fall like that, Wakgot shouted out.

“Oi, dat woz my Commander ov Shooty tings, you hav’ any idea how hard it iz ta find someone good enuf ta fill dat position do ya!”

The nobz questioned themselves that wasn’t he actually the master of things boomy. Though Wakgot Lumbering forward to find the one who did that to his nob, the half the battlefield, including Wakgot halting for a sec when they noticed one of the buildings wreck apart. The whole place crashed apart with blood axe orks being splattered from within or panicking to jump down from the collapsing building.

Before the orks who noticed it could question what it was that wrecked the place, forcing its way through rubble it was causing as a semi crudely camouflage painted with crude ork decorations hanging from it, was a leman russ battle tank. Recently looted from the carnage from the yesterday battle with the imperial guard battlefield, Wakgot ordered it to be looted immediately for his tribe.

No idea of what was going on, the ork crew of the looted tank had got the tank up and going soon as they heard the sounds of battle and hatched in eager to see what this thing could do. They were more pleased though when they came to the assumption that Wakgot had decided to get rid of these flash gitz who had blown part all the other leman russes they could have looted.

Opening fire, main gun of the tank boomed and crashed a crater hole next to the flash gitz, that caused the ork enemies to be thrown off their feet. For a moment the flash gitz were about to laugh at what they as a lame gun for missing them and only knocking them off their feet, but the big shoota’s that had replaced the original turrets of the leman russ opened fire. In a barrage of shots, two of the flash gitz suffered multiple shot wounds and one was utterly ripped apart from the bullets hitting him and into the ground.

It was obvious that the blood axes had the upperhand, until Wakgot ran towards the looted tank in a war cry. Unable to recognize it was a blood axe tank, with only parts of it finished and the fact that Wakgot had forgotten they had looted one, ran towards in only seeing it as the enemy tank.

Grasping the side of the tank, Wakgot’s metal power claw sank into metal sides like it was nothing more than wet clay. Then using his awesome strength along with that of the power arm, Wakgot threw the tank sliding forward and splattering across all the flash gitz in its way and their flash guns unable to penetrate through the frontal armour.

Even though the tank had successfully mowed passed all the orks that were in its way, it kept on going until it rammed into another building which crumbled apart the front walls soon as the ram bashed against it. Soon rubble and helpless blood axes poured across the thrown looted tank, half burying it and damaging it severely.

The fight going on again the same direction, Wakgot then began to notice eager mad doks skitter across the battlefield finding lots of promising clients to help. Badly wounded orks wailed out over the gun fire, not just saying things like help, but prices as they tried to out bid for the Mad doks’ services that it became an auction in the chaos, Mad doks rushing back and forth either to a different comrade or a different side, more for which client had the most intriguing work more than the valuable teeth.

It agitated Wakgot though as he realised some of those Mad doks were meant to be his personal medics and wasn’t caring if he fired on them by mistake. Observing how well his own nobz were doing in this hellish dakka firefight, he found out that they were beginning to run out of cover and weren’t doing well at firing back with simple slugga pistols that were lucky to hit a flash git.

“Right ladz, der beaten uz iv we keep dis up, so I say we do dis da old fash’un way Waaagh!” Ordered Wakgot.

Following Wakgot’s lead, the nobz clambered over the wreckage of the former standing facility and started making their way to one of the flash gitz who started aim fire down on them, not wanting to turn this to close combat. Regardless of how many of Wakgot’s nobz got taken down, the blood axe assault was not wavered and the nobz had hit amongst them.

The combat was quick and decisive, nobz were in joy that they were now able to swing their big choppas or squash foes between their power claws. There was no chance for the Flash gitz seeing as they had sold all their melee weapons for the guns they held, so had little to properly fight back with.

By the time Wakgot had gotten to look for his fifth pestering flash git to kill, he realised the closes to him were now all killed. The other group of flash gitz were still firing at Wakgot and his surrounding ladz, confident they could gun them all down from this distance.

Believing the flash gitz couldn’t gun them down in time, Wakgot had begun shaking his form wailing out as he fired his shoota attached to his arm at the gitz. His Blood axes though, a bit more cautious after suffering so many losses when they charged the first flash gitz from a closer distance, decided to either skulk behind their warboss or went about the flanks, hoping what cover was left and their camouflaged clothes would conceal their movement.

Taking hundreds of shots however, Wakgot was starting to be unable to take the amount of gunfire that was being rained down on him. Nearly none of the flash gitz were being hit back by the single shoota and the occasional slugga fire.

Watching from above though, the stormboyz had been observing from above and when they got bored of watching, let alone seeing their warboss being poorly taken out like this, no matter how much the stormboyz hated their forgetful and insane warboss, they thought they might as well get in there.

Not hearing the sound of whirling jump packs under their gunfire, the flash gitz were surprised attacked by the stormboyz jumping into them and slashing their choppas right into the enemy flesh and blasted point blank fire with sluggas. With the firepower of the snazzguns halted, Wakgot was able to gallop more forward with no more shooting pressing him back and his nobz went out of cover and began to properly rush in the open.

As things weren’t grim enough for the flash gitz with the stormboyz amongst them, the nobz crashed into the combat with Wakgot following in after them. This combat was finished just as quick now as the last fight and Wakgot let out a raging waaagh! Of triumph with his fellow orks joining him.

There was much disaster though that Wakgot might never realise or remember, as many nobz had died in the fighting and dozens of boyz had gotten killed in the much wreckage and crossfires, let alone the single wrecked leman russ that didn’t seem like the mek boyz would be able to get it out under all that rubble and then repair it.

But ah well, Wakgot tribe was still strong and would eventually recover, in time though...