I’ll take your cross, you take my yoke
It’s easier, the weight is but a fraction
There is one condition to my offer
You must give up your life to gain another
And love Us like the most powerful addiction
I promise you peace, love, joy, happiness
Life eternal, life abundantly, life with me
Forever, with your own house, meals guaranteed
Treasures and fun with everyone else
No more violence, no more tears, fears, worries…
Live with me forever, because I love you
I was broken, beaten, battered for your soul
You don’t need to do a million jumping jacks
Just believe in me, have faith in me
For I will bless you because you have not seen
Yet you still believe in my authority
I will have my vengeance, but it won’t include you
I promise you will be a saint of mine eternally
No matter what you did past, present or future,
I will always love you to the end of eternity.