Alpha, Omega, Yahweh, Eloihim
The Way, the Truth, the Life, it seems
Ancient of Days, Redeemer, Mighty Counselor
The Church seems to hate you, every ounce of her
Jehovah, Yshua, the Lamb, the Great I Am
Carry me, Heavenly Father, hold me by my hand
Eloi, Eloi, Messiah, Teacher, King
Let hosannas from East to West ring
Jesus, the Way, the Truth, the Life
You suffered in subordinating strife
Prophet, Son of Man, The Rider of the White Horse
Though ungrateful, the flock pleas for your discourse
God of Love, God of Absolute Wonder
Tear the unfit, unclean fallen asunder
God of Mercy, God of Wrath, resolve this all
For through the clearing smoke, I see you standing tall.