I am actually starting a weight loss journal.

My name is Zoë and I am not overweight, but I wish to get it under control because I am close to being overweight if I do not do anything about it. I also need to build up endurance running because my sweetheart loves to run and I want badly to run with him. My weaknesses are ice cream and sweets. But I will replace desserts with microwaved apples and frozen grapes. Already, when I drink water I do not feel as hungry. So I have started to do that.

Starting Measurments: Hips:40
I am 5'6 or 5'7
BMI of 24.36
I know I am not overweight, but I need to get it under control.

And weight, a grand total of 151 pounds.
I will try to eat healthy choices and stay away from that ice cream. My goal is to walk thirty minutes a day. In the morning. So far, today I had:
Chai tea latte I made myself, with cocoa added in and honey
calories: 260. Of course I will eat more today and post when I am done.

Lunch: Sonic Mango Limeade 310 Calories gum: 10 calories

Dinner: Lubys! :green beans: 90 calories, Tilapia: 200 calories, roll:150 calories macaroni: 210 calories

260+310+10+90+200+150+210= 1,230. I ran for ten minutes today so I knocked off 50 calories, so that is 1,180.... My goal was 1,000 a day... but I guess this is a start........