
Unfortunately, I’ve been forced to make this thread - which should really not be necessary.
But so it is, and your dear guild crew is acting accordingly.
We need some literacy in this guild.

And by literacy I mean that your posts should live up to the following criteria - however, keep in mind that typos/occasional spelling errors etc. are fully acceptable - we just really want you to try to type coherent messages.

And I'm not saying that you're all illiterate, either - in fact, most of the crew is rather proud of your awesomely awesome skills - it's just that some of you might need to try a bit harder.

1. Avoid chatspeak. It’s difficult and unpleasant to read, and makes you look rather dumb. Proper English is to be used at all times, except when it is used in a humorous sense (mockery or some such). One or two sentences of chatspeak is okay, but please, keep it to a minimum.

2. New sentences always start with a capital letter. This is an oft-forgotten rule, unfortunately. Please do use capitals when starting a new sentence, as goes for names, titles, countries, languages etc.

3. Mixing upper and lowercase, symbols, text sizes, colours, and numbers is discouraged. Numbers are not, and will never be letters, nor will symbols. Changing other factors makes the text painful to read, and for the comfort of your fellow guild members, avoid it.

4. Please use proper spelling. If you have trouble with this, please download a spell-check program for your internet browser and it will make things far easier for you.

5. Excessive punctuation is annoying.
Try not to use more than three exclamation marks, full stops and question marks when typing.

6. Furthermore, do use proper punctuation. There is a dire lack of commas in this world. End a sentence with a full stop, question mark, or exclamation mark – or use other types of punctuation appropriately.

7. About quotation – avoid quoting lengthy posts, and if the post you’ve quoted contains an image, remove the IMG-tags.

8. Using the Japanese language all the time is a bit silly. If you’re not in Japan, talking to Japanese people, using their language is pointless. The exceptions would be if it’s a proverb or something, but usually it’s just a no-no. People tend to think less of those who use words like “desu”, “kawaii” and “konnichiwa” excessively.

9. Emoticons should be used sparingly. Do not misuse them. For example, do not post the same emote in a looong, annoying row in your post, and similarly, do not post with only an emote in your post. Words are sort of necessary.

If you’re unsure about your typing skills, read your message through, maybe even out loud. If you think it is clear and understandable, it is probably okay – but remember to keep the rules in mind!

Remember! Type out your words fully, and use capitals, punctuation and spelling at all times!

Here’s an example of a good message, and a (really) bad message:

Bad message:

r u sure???? r mean last time u told me tht she liek went 2 live in amsterdamme. neway wut u been up 2???? i went 2 teh contyside 4 the holidays…………lol. omg and i totaly saw dis uber kawaii guy on the bus!!!!!! didnt get his name tho, 2 bad.

O well ill see u l8r!!!!!!!!<333333
We R s0 guNnA cAch UP, ok???

This is the same message, but not stupid:


Are you sure? I mean, last time you told me that she went to live in Amsterdam. Anyway, what have you been up to? I went to the countryside for the holidays. Oh, and I totally saw this really cute guy on the bus. Didn’t catch his name though, pity.
Oh well, I’ll see you later! We are so gonna catch up, okay? <3
Hugs & Kisses

See, not so hard, is it? biggrin Now you try!