XDD Yes. I wrote a prose about how I was hungry.

I sit upon this hard wooden chair, hunched over my keyboard, fingers typing feverishly, writing these morbid thoughts onto a word document. I pause my thoughts to speak quickly with a friend before continuing with my work. My stomach whimpers and cries within me, its space vacant and hungering for food. The pain stings my side, a feeling of nausea clouding my body. Nothing within. I continue typing, ignoring the aches until it becomes so immense it is beyond all doubt. I must get food, I think to myself, peering within my coffee mug for perhaps a few drops that maybe left to try to forget the hunger. Nothing within. My fingers grow slower, my body faint. I suppose I shall forage for at least a scrap of food, my mind tells me, encouraging the pains to continue until I finally give in. I stalk the shadows of my darkened apartment until I reach the kitchen, filling my mug (which so recently held coffee) with a much coveted chocolate soy milk. Soon, the milk is gone and my stomach hungers for more. Nothing within. I get up once again, only to come back with no food; my hands carrying a mug of coffee. I drink my coffee in between moments of typing and I become lost within my music, forgetting my latest pain and suffering.