So. I'm in this Creative Writing Club, and for one meeting we did a writing activity where we each got a word and we had to write something influenced by that word and then everyone else had to guess what our word was when we read our writing aloud. My word was fear, and in case you don't get it, Fear is the girl. ;D

She walks through the eerie fog that blankets the cold, wet cobblestone streets as darkness descends upon the carriages passing by. The melancholic tolls of the dark church bells fill the air as men and women scurry from the girl, scurry from the demonic darkness. Her vampiric blue eyes pierce the night, her gaze moving from figure to figure, filling their minds with lost hopes, heartaches, suffering. The sleeping souls’ dreams are morphed, tortured and twisted, into nightmares, the darkness taking hold and never letting go. The birds and crickets have long stopped chirping, the dogs long stopped barking, whimpering in the shadows. Her regal black hair flows down her shoulders, hiding her pale skin and engulfing the world in shadow. The faces of man distort in despondency and apprehension, pupils dilating beyond the range of the iris, lips extending across the expanse of the jaw line, brows knitting together. The hearts beat faster, faces grave, blood pumping oxygen and heat through the viscera and arteries, through every capillary, sweat covering the body in sheets to cool the skin. Demons dance to the infernal symphony that pervades the air, pervades the dreamscapes, pervades belief. Mephistopheles maliciously pursues his search for human souls, his Staff of Hell pulverizing the cobblestones to dust. The two stalk the night, hand in hand in their dark secret love, annihilating hopes, annihilating morals, annihilating belief, annihilating life.