Hello all! I am new, as you can tell. xd
I'm 25% chinese and 75% vietnamese. At my school, there aren't very much asians, maybe 3-5%, so I decided to join a guild full of asians. You know, to talk.
My favorite color is red.
I like to travel, cook and to learn new things.
I graduated high school on May 22 2009, and heading to college to major in radiology.

I have 6 siblings and many cousins, nieces, nephews, aunt and uncles. My mom had 6 siblings as well.
My grandmother, on my mom's side, is chinese and my grandfather, on my mom's side, is vietnamese. They met in vietnam and my grandmother loved being in vietnam so much that she decided to live there and raise her family there with my grandfather.
Both of my parents took refugee in the united states to escape the vietnam war. They met in Texas. I was born in Maryland. But we now take residence in the Gulf Coast of Mississippi. Mainly because most of my relatives live here.

It's a pleasure to meet you all!