NAME: Thomas Keats (aka: Master Keats)
PHYSICAL: Male, 23, 5'10", Normal
CLASS: Parapsychologist
OCCUPATION: Parapsychologist/Head of Department 6 at The University of Washington located in Seattle.
APPEARANCE: Long dark hair with long sideburns. Wears Glasses for reading, but pretty much wears them all the time because it's convenient. Is usually seen as a man of good tastes and style, but seems to have this thing for oversized coats and jackets. Either it's a security thing or he has crazy things stuffed in there
TRAITS: A scrupulous and unprincipled man. Incredibly brilliant in both knowledge and analytical skills. He is obsessed with cause and effect. To complement this, he has a perpetual motion machine that he built over time that covers the walls of his room. He continues to add to it. He loves experimentation, although in more personal decisions (and everything in regards to the dark or ghosts), he feels he needs to know every possible doorway and option, either taking him too far, or nowhere at all. Has tested drugs and other things on himself. Has occasionally done hallucinogens. Formally Insane (Afraid of the Dark), Neurosis (Afraid of possession)
COMBAT SKILLS/WEAPONS PROFICIENCIES: Has experience with ranged weapons as well as melee weapons. Some hand-to-hand as well.
MAGIC (if an Arcanist): none
PSYCHIC ABILITIES (if psychic): none
WEAPONS: .44 Magnum, Crossbow, Hand Crossbow, Rapier, Long Sword, Bowstaff, occasional explosives and dangerous chemicals.
OTHER EQUIPMENT: Cell phone with Blue tooth, Guillotine Computer from which he can pretty much research and hack everything, Infrared Optic System, Portable Magnetometer, Karelian Photography Set, Light Conceded, and other things that are looked in Department 6, including an experimental Proton Pack and a cold fusion collider coil cannon, supposedly made by Tesla. It's considered too dangerous as the result could potentially be that of a nuclear bomb. Also, the ever famous Motorcycle. That thing will last forever. It could be eaten and it will still survive.