Chapter 1: The Usual.

The college halls were cramped with students walking to class, it stunk of cheap deoderant and
Even worse aftershave, in this sea of color one, Tall boy stood out, His head tilted down so his medium-length
Deep purple hair obscured his face, His cat ears low, He was deep in thought, Pushing past the others
as he made his way to class. He never liked it here it was full of people who despised and even envied him
for his 'Gift' . he was one of the last remaining Maryians, half men half cat, with the sences and some
charecteristics like a cat, but the rest of him human.

As he walked past one open classroom door a hand reached out and grabbed him, Pulling him
inside,The door slammed imediatly behind him. The boy looked up to see a girls face, She was shorter than him
with frizzy red hair, She smiled and giggled as his ears perkerd and a gentle smile came upon his face.
"I'm glad I got to see you before first lesson." The girl gently wisperd. They were in an empty classroom, she
didn't want them to get caught, "Say, Kiyoshi..." The girl smiled to herself, Looking to her shoes "Ever wanted
to get married, and have kids?" Kiyoshi stood there, Crossing his arms, thinking.
"Maybe." He said in a calm voice.

"Really? I would love to sometime myself! I want to get engaged young and just settle down..." She continued to
smile to herself as she told him, "Say Kiyoshi..." She looked up at him "One day will we get married?" her smile
faded as she was worried for an answer.Kiyoshi, Who was now getting sick of her trying to force him into things
just gave up and closed his eyes gently.
"Sure" He said, Opeing his eyes and looking at her "C'mon Yoko, you need to get to class, don't get in trouble."
"I want to stay with--" Before she could finish Kiyoshi interupted
"Please?" Kiyoshi's face looked concerned but in his heart he didn't feel a thing, He was sick of Yoko But didn't
know how to end it, Yoko smiled and hugged Kiyoshi for a few moments, Then left the classroom and sunk into the
crowd, Kiyoshi sighed and his tail moved slowly back and forth as he thought. He looked up into the corridor,
waiting for the crowd to die down, as he did so he breifly caught eye contact with Saku, A good friend of his,
Her long black hair brushed across her face as she slowly walked by. she looked as deeply into Kiyoshi's eyes as he did
to her's, It was like they were both in a trance for a breif moment, Then the crowd pushed Saku on, and Kiyoshi snapped
out of his trance-like state, Walking out into the corridor and onto first lesson.

First lesson was slow; Magic studies, The short Trians were the best here, Being naturally gifted with powerful magic,
Kiyoshi knew plenty about magic, Since he was in his last year it was all recapping on how safely to use it, and
the laws on using magic in public. Kiyoshi leaned back in his chair, while others around him practiced, he thought
it a waste of time, the final test would be a battle with the Organization, the judging board of all the magic
college's in his area. Kiyoshi looked over to his right, Where Kira sat, Kira is Kiyoshi's childhood friend, they
grew up together and we're room mates at the college, Kira looked over and whispered
"I dare you to shoot a fireball at the teacher, He's put me in detention this afternoon and i will be so bored alone."
Kiyoshi looked up sighing,
"Why do I want to get into even more trouble?"
"Because Saku will be there." Kira said with a smirk on his face, "I know you like her."
"How about I throw you at the teacher instead?" Kiyoshi joked, looking over to Kira,
"Because I'm fat and you're a skinny runt." Kira replied
"You are fat, But i'm no runt" Kiyoshi looked back up Swiftly knocking Kira's hand so he dropped the fire aura
he was practiing with, it exploded underneath him and the intire class went silent.
"Kiyoshi!" The teacher shouted "Detention, This afternoon!" Furious, the teacher slammed down a black book and
wrote down Kiyoshi's name. Kira nudged Kiyoshi playfully and smiled.

At break, Kiyoshi walked over into the O.C. where he met his friends at breaks. he was the first one there, as usual.
as he leaned against the wall, a small First-year human boy ran upto him and touhed his tail.
"Wow!" The boy exclaimed "It's real!?" In shock, the boy looked up at Kiyoshi, He couldn't belive his eyes.
"Yes," Kiyoshi said, Looking down "It is real" Kiyoshi smiled and flicked his tail up hitting the boy in the face gently.
"It moved!!" The boy shouted jumping back "How did you get that!?"
"Born with it, And these" Kiyoshi pointed up to his ears, And twitched them,
"Wow, That's really cool mister!" The boy was amazed, He had never seen a Maryian before.
"Kiiiiiyooooo!" Shouted a girls voice, Kiyoshi and the boy looked towards the sound and Yoko was walking towards them
"Why is Yoko here?" the boy said, crossing his arms "I don't know why she's in this school, I've been here a month
and already know most of the school hate her..." Hearing that, Kiyoshi smirked a little.
"I know, But people put up with it for the sake of peace" Kiyoshi stood up straight, Waving at Yoko, The
boy looked up at Kiyoshi and said his goodbye's, Walking off towards the near-by Dinner hall.
"Who was that?" Yoko asked, as she arrived next to Kiyoshi,
"A curious boy" Kiyoshi answerd, leaning back against the wall
"Cute, You get all the attention, don't you?" Yoko smiled, Rustling through her bag
"I guess..." Kiyoshi looked to his right, to see a few more of his friends walking towards then, Amongst them, Saku.

"Kiyoshi you little runt!" shouted Kira, Now that he was standing it was more obvious he was a strong boy, well
built and a little shorter than Kiyoshi. He always wore fingerless leather gloves, and he excelled at hand-to-hand
combat, "I got something for ya'!" He shouted, Throwing over a small box, Kiyoshi caught the Box with his right hand and
lifted the lid, inside was a small necklace, Silver with a thin chain, it was a small dagger, Sharp, too. "It's from
Saku!" as Kira shouted that Saku, in embarrassment, Hit Kira in the arm.
"S-Shut up!" Saku told Kira, Tristan on the other side of Kira laughed, Nudging Kira on the other side.
"Yeah Kira! Don't be so mean! Meany!" Tristan was the jokester of the group, Skinny and as high as Kira. He didn't
really go well in and Subject, He skipped most of his class's. One the small group reached the usual spot, Saku blushed
and looked down to her feet.
"D-do you like it?" She asked softly,
"Yeah, I love it" Kiyoshi answered, Taking it out of the box, "Would you?" He asked Saku.
"S-sure" she replied, Being more nervous than ever. Kiyoshi knelt down and turned away from Saku, Handing her the necklace
so she could tie it around his neck for him, "Is that too tight?"
"no, it's Just right" Kiyoshi answered, Standing back up and hugging Saku. Saku then leaned against the wall next to him,
Blushing crimson red. Yoko was jealous and pushed Saku out the way and Saku fell to the ground.
"Aww isn't that cute, But look, It's cheap trash!" Yoko laughed,
"Shut up Yoko" Kiyoshi said defensibly, Helping Saku back up from the floor.
"Don't touch that dirty Human, Kiyoshi, You're better than that!" Yoko screamed. Yoko was a Marita, Masters of
White magic, Healing and such.
"Say one more word about Saku, My friend, And i will Throw you across this yard, understand Yoko?" Kiyoshi said firmly.
In rage, Yoko swung her hand at Saku, Kiyoshi grabbed Yoko's wrist before it hit, Kiyoshi's hand began to burn red
and Yoko screamed in pain. Kiyoshi let go and Yoko clutched her wrist tightly, There were no marks.
"Kiyo! Control yourself dude!" Kira shouted.
"Isn't she your girlfriend Kiyo?" Tristan added. Kiyoshi stood beside Saku and calmy said
"She Was. My girlfriend, Not anymore." Hearing that Yoko flew into a rage, Throwing Punches and Kicks towards
Kiyoshi. Kiyoshi moved out of the way of each of her swings untill Kira dived onto Yoko, Stopping her. Yoko
screamed and struggled free, Running off, Saku blushed yet again, hideing behind Kiyoshi. From behind of Tristan a
quite voice said
"W-w-What happend...?"

Chapter 2: 'Did someone say something?'

Everyone looked towards the voice, Tristan stood aside to show a girl, Shory brown hair and glasses, She was the more timid
of the group, her name was Miu, "Why was... Yoko, so upset?" She asked, Kira wraped his arsm around Kiyoshi's neck and yanks him down into a friendly
"This brilliant guy here, Finally Split up with that good-for-nothing Whore" He said with a hint of delight in his voice, Kiyoshi
managed to get Kira from around his neck and returned the favour, Captureing Kira in an even more tighter headlock,
"She over-reacted and began to lash out." Kiyoshi said, "She needs to seriously think over stuff, She's a mess and in no fit state
for a relationship or any type of social life with that attitude." He added, Miu walked over to Kiyoshi, Who had let go of Kira,
"H-here." She held out a charm, It was a 'Luck' Charm "Kira Told me that... That you have you and him are competing in the School
Battle Pit tomorrow, I-I... I hope it helps." She placed it in Kiyoshi's hand and moved off towards the Dinner hall, Before Kiyoshi
had a chance to say thank you,
"Whats with all these gifts, Guys?" Tristan asked,
"It's Kiyoshi's birthday." Kira shouted, As if to make everyone hear
"Kiyoshi has a... Birthday?" Tristan replied shocked, "I thought Kiyoshi was immortal, And didn't age?"
"I don't age, My appearance stays at the age i want it to look, They class my Birthday as the day I was found, 16 years ago,
So that makes me 16 today, In human years." Kiyoshi explained, Placing the charm in his right Pocket.

Inbetween lessons Kiyoshi and Kira were walking down the Magic Block hallways, comeing to the stiars up into the 'Tower' as
they named it, the only place in the college where magic in combat is allowed outside of the classrooms or exams, they began
to walk up the first flightof stiars, comingto a sharp turn onto another set fo stairs, Kira walked on ahead as Kiyoshi looked
down the stairs, he heard a faint voice, Oblivious, Kira walked on and came to a dead end, Kira pressed his hand agasinst the
dark wall and walked through slowly. Kiyoshi, still curious what the sound was, waited at the cornor between the two staircase's,
Faint footsteps could be ehar comeing up the stiars, a dark figure emerged and as it got closer it became more obvious who it
was; Saku, as she reached the point where Kiyoshi waited and arched foward, crouching down trying to catch her breath,
'I'm... So glad I caught up with.. You, Kiyoshi.' She said gasping for air
'You know you can't be here, You could get expelled, Saku.' Kiyoshi explained, Reaching his hand down to help her up,
'I know but...' Saku grabbed onto Kiyoshi's hand and stands up straight 'I needed to tell you something.' she explained.
'And That is...?' Kiyoshi asked, Twitching his ears in curiosity, Before saku could breath another word, Footsteps could
be heard faintly at the bottom of the dark stairs,
'Quick,' Kiyoshi said, 'In here' He opend up a tall, Shallow locker, It was the only thing there, Saku quickly huddled inside and
Kiyoshi followed, Shutting the door behind them. Kiyoshi's body pressedfirmly against Saku's as they hid, Saku blushed crimson
as Kiyoshi placed his arms abouv her head, since was taller and room was tight, It almost looked like Kiyoshi was seductivly
prepareing to arch down and kiss Saku, That's what she was thinking anyway,
'Kiyo... I'm scare--' Before Saku could finish Kiyoshi plaed his hand over her mouth,
'Shh' he wisperd, releasing his hand from her mouth slowly, The footsteps got louder untill the two figures stood outside
the locker, it was two Thugish boys, the taller boy was mumbling something to the shorter one, they had no idea Kiyoshi
and Saku were hidden in the locker, To small boy, showing off punched the locker, As the loud thud echoed inside the locker
Saku let out a wimper, That was quikly silenes by Kiyoshi's lips, He had lent down and pressed them gently against her's, to
keep her quiet inase they got caught, Saku blushed a crimson red, and gently closed her eyes as the kiss continued, The two
boys walked away and up to the dead-end, entering the Tower, Kiyoshi and Saku were still kissing gently, As Saku tried to reach
her arm around to hold Kiyoshi closer, she fell foward, pushing Kiyoshi out of the door and onot his back, She followed and laned
ontop of him, Her skirt flutterd as she fell, Kiyoshi broke her fall, as she opend her eyes and looked at Kiyoshi, She
imediatly realised whatposition they were in, Stunned with embaressment she blushed a crimson redonce more, and stutterd her words,
'I-I uh... I'm... S-sorry-' Again Kiyoshi interupted her by placing his hand over her mouth, He smiled gently and shook his head,
'Idiot,' He smirked 'you have nothing to be sorry for.' Saku moved down and sat up on her knees, Kiyoshi sat up and looked at
Saku with his loving yet hypnotic gaze, Saku; without thinking began to lean foward, Kiyoshi also leaned foward untill both their lips
touched once more, In excitment, Saku pushed foward, So once again Kiyoshi was on his back and Saku was stradled over him,
They kissed passionatly and lovingly, Saku running her hands to Kiyoshi's neck and holding him close, Gently running her
tounge into his mouth to meet his, After a few moment of Passionate affection, A small humming noise began to echo in their ears,
Saku slowly sat up once more and looked towards to Humming sound, It was getting louder, It was coming from the stairs, Kiyoshi
looked over to see Yoko there, Her hands englufed in Fire,
'Saku... You... You...' Before she finished Yoko letout a scream and flew two Lances of Fire towards Saku, time seemed to slow down
as they approched her, Saku closed her eyes, thinking she was a goner, After a few moments, Nothing, She gently open her eyes to
see Kiyoshi infront of her, She looked down to see the two lances sticking out of his lower back, Yoko fell to her knees, her
eyes brimming with tears, Saku placed her hands over her mouth in shock, Kiyoshi silently fell to the floor, The lances gone; Leaving
two large gashesthrough his body, The blood stained his jacket and his eyes seemed to Dim.

Yet another I didn't complete, this was for a school workshop thing. Nothing important, 30 minutes to write out the start of a story, simply to spark creative ideas to the younger students. Don't think I ever checked it for errors.