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PostPosted: Tue May 19, 2009 6:45 am
--Chapter 1. Part 1. 'Wake up, Hero.'

'Pfft, look at that freak on his own.' one boy said, pointing out a tall figure sat alone in the school yard, engrossed in his book.
'Ha-ha, what a loser.' the other replied, moving his hand to his pocket, dragging from there a few random items, rubber band, paper, old sweets, a phone and a broken pen, the boy took the unusable pen and grasped it in his right hand, holding it firmly, his right arm would throw back before propelling the pen towards the boy sat alone. The boys eyes drew up to the object, it was as if time stopped for a moment as his head tilted to the side, avoiding the pen, the two other men looked in shock for a moment, before both shaking their heads and shouting abuse at the alone boy, the boy simply dragged his lips to a smug smirk, before his gaze dropped to his book once more. The loud, ringing of the school bell echoed throughout the complex, students moving towards their lessons as break was now finished, the tall boy would close his book, dropping it into his messenger bag that was slung by his right hip, he would stand, his tall figure standing at 6ft exactly, dressed in a white shirt, the top 2 button undone, his bottom half obscured by black jeans and a pair of black converse. The boy would walk quietly towards the door leading to the indoors of the complex, before his figure was stopped, his right arm being grasped by a female, a little shorter than him at 5ft 10", her dark blue eyes would drag up to his face, her soft tongue dragging across her upper lip, before leaning up, whispering into the boys ear;
'We see you, and so do they.' Her soft, calm voice echoed in the boys mind before his head turned, looking in the direction of the girl, she was gone. The boys right hand raised to his skull, ruffling his hair until the long blonde strands obscured his light blue eyes, his figure turning once more to the complex, walking towards his lesson room, the girls voice plaguing his thoughts, who was she, what did she mean, how does she know him.

The final bell would sound, school finishing for the day after the boy attended his tiresome lessons, he would walk away from the complex, his head turning back to look behind him as he walked into more quiet, empty areas, he felt someone following him, he had this feeling all day since the woman touched him. He would turn, walking down a long dark alleyway, stopping at its middle, looking up between the two buildings, two dark figures could be seen looking down on the boy, before dashing away out of sight, he felt a cold shiver run down his spine, before looking around him completely, he was surrounded by hooded figures. In front of him, the of the hooded figures parted, allowing the girl from before to walk past, her long white hair running down either side of her cute pale face, she would walk to the boy, smiling softly as he placed her left hand into his right, pulling it up to her lips, kissing his knuckles softly, whispering out with that calm, sweet voice,
'It's time, wake up.' as soon as those 4 words washed over the boy, his body fell limp, his eyes closing as he fell to the ground, into a deep sleep.

--Chapter 1. Part 2. 'Welcome to Seven Moon, school for fighters.'

'Who's this kid?'
'A lost child?'
'Is he End's new pet?'
'I wonder if he's a fighter.'
'Heh-heh yeah, maybe we should challenge him once he is awake.' The two voices continued to chatter amongst themselves, as the boy began to wake, his body feeling still and sore from his prolonged sleep. His eyes slowly opened to gaze upon the two figures beside him, both obscured by black cloaks, one noticed his awakening and nudged the other, both figures standing now in front of the boy, bowing respectfully, one of the spoke. 'Welcome to the Seven Moon training academy, we call this place SM for short.' his calm voice sent a shiver of reassurance through the boy, he sat up, looking down in silence for a few moments before gathering the courage to speak.
'Why am I here?' he would ask, his gaze shifting up to the two figures.
'Hmm... We think you're End's new pet.' one would say laughing to himself, the other nudging into his arm, pointing to the female behind him, the female would smile cutely before raising her right hand up, the male would turn and stutter some before speaking 'E-End I-I'm sor--' Before he could finish the woman's hand would be thrown violently into the man's chest, sending him crashing into the wall next to the boy, the now battered body would remain still on the ground, seeming lifeless, the boy would gasp, scurrying back away from the body, before looking up to the woman, her dark blue eyes shifting down to the boy, whispering out,
'I'm going to name you Tearless, you show fear, I'd love to take advantage of that.' The woman would smile, turning and leaving the room, the second figure would turn to Tearless, removing his hood to reveal his long light blue hair, he would bow his head once more.
'That was Endless... She is once of the strongest fighters in this school.' He would take a deep breath, adding 'I'm Sinless.. Friends call me Sin for short, I'm in charge of showing you around, if you would kindly follow me.' The figure would stand aside, giving Tearless a clear path from his current position to the door, he would stand, taking a glance at the downed figure. 'That is Senseless, stupid fool went and upset Endless... We normally go by our names without the 'less' in it, makes it easier a little.' Sin would stand a little taller than Tear, smiling warmly before his figure would motion towards the door, making a left turn walking down a vast hallway, riddled with students, Tear would hesitate for a moment, afraid of his new surroundings before following Sin closely. 'Well... over there.' Sin would point out of the window, towards a vast hall filled with fighting students 'That is the training hall.' He would add as his attention turned to his left, pointing down another hallway leading off into another part of the school 'Down there is our bedrooms as such, I'm sure someone will show you yours later on.' Sin would make a left turn, Tear following examining his surroundings, before a tall, slender figure would catch his attention, the figure's head would be low, deep in thought it seemed with his arms crossed casually, the man had long blonde hair, along with two purple cat ears, Tear was amazed, he had never seen such a thing, as the man passed Sin and Tear, Tear looked back to notice the man's slender cat tail, Tear would nudge at Sin, pointing towards the man who had just passed them, Sin would smirk some before explaining 'That is Kindless, cute isn't he? Never said that to his face, he'll rip it off without breaking a sweat, he's not the social type. Remember Endless from earlier? She is fond of Kindless, he's the only guy End will talk to, apart from Breathless of course.' Sin would stop in front of a pale green door, 'This is the headmasters office, he's been waiting for you to wake up for some time now, good luck.' Sin would turn to Tear, his lips would curve to a friendly smile before his form would turn and walk off into the distance.

--Chapter 2. Part 1. 'Semei'

Tearless pressed the palm of his hand against the pale green door, pushing it firmly yet hesitantly until it began to give in, opening slowly to reveal a large library, Tear's gaze shifted up to see at least 5 levels in this room, all filled with books.
'My only love sprung from my only hate.' a light voice echoed throughout the library, Tear shifted his gaze down, towards the voice, alone sat a man, at a rounded table with a old book on his right hand. The man would lean back on his chair, looking up to Tear, the pale green door shutting behind him. 'I am Semei, headmaster of the Seven Moon training academy, I welcome you to my school. I'm sure you're little from amazed at this school, and confused, to say the least.' Semei would stand, closing the book in his grasp and placing it down on the table, 'Romeo and Juliet, have you ever appreciated the work of Old English theatre? I adore it.' Tear remained silent. 'Oh come now.' Semei began to become inpatient 'Speak, ask anything you wish.' Semei would brush his light brown hair out of his eyes, his gaze glancing down to his book once more.
'Why am I here?' Tear whimpered out, 'Why was I taken against my own will?' Semei would smirk to his words.
'Finally, you speak, well, I ordered your capture since you interested me, you have agility, grace, style, I want to harvest that and turn you into a fighter.' Semei would walk over to one of the book shelves, placing the book gently between two others in a vacant spot, he would squat down and take a glance over his books, speaking out 'I want you to hit me.' a smug smirk running along his lips. Tear would feel a strong shiver pass down his spine in fear, before nodding submissively, he didn't know this person so therefore he felt little reason not to attack.
'I accept.' Tear spoke out confidently, readying himself for whatever Semei might try. Semei stood, walking out into the open center of the library, reaching out his right hand towards Tear.
'I choose the style 'Spells'. Do you know what that means?' Semei would gaze endlessly at the now timid Tear,
'I-I.. No, I don't...' Tear replied, his stance trembling in fear.
'It means any attack conducted in this battle must be a spell, meaning simple kicks and punches are void, we must use Magick, Spells... Allow me to demonstrate a Spell attack.' Semei would tilt his head back, his lips would part as a long, deep breath escaped his parted lips, his gaze would then return to Tear, whispering out 'Go.' as the word echoed in the library Semei dived up, dashing from bookshelf to bookshelf, his movements impossible to follow with a human eye, the room fell silent for a moment, Tear would franticly search around for his opponent, before feeling fingertips dig into his lower spine, Semei's fingertips. Semei would lean forward, whispering out 'Fire.' His fingertips heating up as a ball of fire emerged between them, Tear was to struck in fear to move, the palm of Semei's hand would push into Tear's back, causing a sensation of pain flow through his body as the castled magick would enter his body, a burning sensation would run through ever vein, nerve and sense of Tear's fragile body, before being propelled violently into the air, a strong force pushing him higher and higher towards the ceiling, before he crashed face-first into the stone ceiling, Tear would groan out in immense pain, before his limp, lifeless body would begin to drop down, Tear's eyes closed as he soared down 5 stories of height. A dark figure would dash from the 2nd level, catching onto Tear and pouncing from the opposite wall, back into the darkness of the bookshelves, resting the body down. Tear's frail eyes would open slowly, his blurry vision only making out the man's distinctive cat ears, before passing out completely.

I never got around to adding more to this, or fixing grammatical errors, it's a old piece of work.  
PostPosted: Sun May 24, 2009 8:14 pm
Well, I'd think about going back to it. Fixing those mistakes. It had an amazing beginning, and it sounded like it would have an interesting stroyline, but you would want to go back, do it all in one style, fix grammatical mistakes such as capitalization problems, run-on sentences, and time set (you switch between 'he would' and 'he is' often. be careful not to flip between the two; i'd stick with 'he would' because it is different and intriguing.) good luck! I hope you continue to work on it. --ATW  



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