"No. I don't need a boyfriend. I have one. Get your heads out of the gutter! burning_eyes

Anyway.. I've been Role-playing for 10 years and my longest running rp was 5 years, 35 characters, and only one other person.

I have lost contact with my good friend, and all of my others are too busy these days. sad

I am looking for someone new to RP with, flat-out.

I prefer anime-based rp with mainly: Inuyasha, Digimon, and Kingdom Hearts. However, I am fully up for plot-based rping not from an anime... Only if it is interesting.
It must be a long-term rp. I don't want to rp one day and start again the next.
No SEX. mad I'm sorry, but I seem unable to see the 'fun' in cybering, so bring your nasty butt elsewhere.
It will be one-on-one and I'd prefer a male; or a female willing to take on a few of my OWN characters' roles. (I'm a woman. I can't fully control male characters.)

Be flexible. Use a LOT of characters! I own 82, so brush up!


I think that's it... no, I'm not soliciting, admins, just looking for a friend. smile

Thank you, please contact me on here or via PM if interested!

Oh! One more thing... If you lack grammar and spelling, don't bother. wink "

I figured I would repost this here as a bigger effort.. I'm desperate. sad