I heard they made a new version of the Nintendo DS, the DSi, the slogan being "what will you and i do?" I need it. I NEEEEED it. I heard you can trade in your DS lite and buy the DSi for 70 bucks, so I'm getting it soon. Yay!
Yeppers, very true. I turned mine is along with my Mom's 360. (She didn't want it anymore) A couple of games and didn't have to pay for my DSi. lolz I was so excited...I almost seized. jkjk
But yes, it is amazing! heartheartheart
Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 12:34 pm
i got mine for my birthday,my dad couldnt afford it so he SOLD MY DS! crying i miss my pink ds,instead,i hav a boring old black one crying