
Do not steal art!
this includes;
- Requesting art and not paying
- Promising art and not giving
- Copying art that is not yours
- Claiming art to be yours when it is not
- Posting art under your user name in which you have neither been given or bought

Do not steal lyrics, poems, or songs!
this includes;
- Lyrics/poems/songs/writing that are not yours
- Lyrics/poems/songs/writing that you don't have permission to use

Consider everything posted in this guild as Published!

If I catch any art/writing stealers, I will kick them out of the guild

||♫||What you Can do||♫||

You can post anything in the guild as long as;

1) You drew or wrote it
2) You bought it, and say who the artist is
3) It is not a nude picture, or writing that has an over excessive amount of swearing in it

||♫||Critiquing! (criticism)||♫||

Criticism IS allowed Unless the user says otherwise

Critiquing is NOT

"Oh, that sucks"
"God you suck."
"I hate it."

Nor is it...

"ZOmGGGgGGgG I LOOOvEEE ItttSSSsSsSsS!!!!!!!!!!"
"That's my lover now wink "
"*bows* goood arrrrrtsie O.o"

No, that's mindless nothing comments.
Critiquing IS

"I don't like it because....."
"You should change....to...."
"It would be better if...."

Or this

"I like the part where....."
"I like this art/writing because....."
"The image is........"

Please keep to that type of critiquing, not only does it soften the blow, but the artist is getting feed back as well and pointers. On the other end, they are getting compliments about their art and being told why they like it and who knows they may like the part that you do ^-^

As for you artists

If someone says they like it, TAKE THE DAMNED COMPLIMENT!
Seriously man, they like it, it means it's good ^-^

The biggest rule is to
have fun ^-^