Uhm... hi.

Well, by the title, you can probably tell that I'm looking for a partner to role play with.
Quickly, about my habits:

-I am not one of those people who can type whole pages, and I'm definitely not one of those people who only types a few words. I would say I'm literate/semi-literate.
-I use correct grammar, spelling and punctuation.
-I Only role play in pm form, I hate checking threads for posts, sorry. D:
-I'm on a LOT, seeing as I don't have too much of a life, heh heh... sweatdrop
-I'm open to many different ideas you might have for any role play, plot wise.

I just ask you to use correct grammar and spelling, and to be on pretty often, please.

Really, the genre of role play I stick to is romance.... I'm not too versatile, I admit. But I do like horror and action, I just wish I could incorporate it in a role play more often. I'm also not into Yaoi or Yuri, sorry, just not my cup of tea.
Otherwise, everything else is fine, I suppose.

Thank you for taking the time to actually read this boring post, and please send me a pm if you're interested!