Prepare, for soon, this place will have all the information you ned to get yourself started in Crittendo! (hope this ok Takt that I put this here)

It's okay you put it here, Egg buddy, this is where it's supposed to go! Now start writing! >D

I'm starting!
yay! XD



Membership Card Rules:

- Before you are eligible to request a Card, you have to make 100 posts, anywhere in the Guild. Sounds like much? Don't worry, time flies when you're having fun here. Posting in a few games and threads each day might land you those 100 posts in a week!
- To request your own Membership Card, you may turn to one of the Card Shops in this Subforum. Post your desired character and you're good to go! Be sure to inspect the Pick Up thread first to see which characters are taken, as using another member's character or Membership Card is strictly forbidden!
- Remember that the artists have social lives as well. Cards might perhaps take more than a few days to be made, but they eventually will, so please be patient with the artists.
- Your first Membership Card will always be free. You may of course request a new Membership Card from another shop or change your character after you received your first one, but every new Card/character swap will cost you 500g when you do so.
- Don't forget to tell the artist your birthday when you request your Membership Card, as Membership Card holders can get their birthday posted on the Crittendo Calendar!

Contest and Event Rules:

- This sub-forum is for challenges and contests, be they Wi-Fi game contests or simple contests you may find anywhere on Gaia.
- Whatever the contest, it belongs here. Make sure you offer some kind of prize for victory and state the rules of your contest clearly.
- If I do not approve of your contest, we can delete it so keep it all clean and nice overhere, thank you. Besides, that you guys can go nuts competing and making tournaments.

Chatterbox Rules:

- Not many rules for the chatterbox. Just be polite and follow the normal rules and you should be OK. This if for out of topic discussions and stuff.

Guild Games Rules:

- There aren't many rules here... as well. Here we can post games such as the story game and the arrow game and play them in peace. Add some other games while you're at it, too.

Video Game Discussion Rules:

- This is the games sub-forum! Where you talk about actual games such as Yoshi's Story, Sonic Adventure, Kirby's Air Ride and etc. I'm a pretty serious gamer so I thought we needed something like this... Anything about an actual game (i.e. not just about Kirby in general) can go in here. Also, if you have your own ideas, your welcome to put them here too.

Creative Center Rules:

- Basically, this is where you share your stories, art and other crafted arts things made by you! Don't be shy to post your work, we won't bite.
- Be nice when giving feedback. Don't flame other people's work.
- Only post original content made by you. Do not post other people's stuff!

Shops and Quests Rules:

- Yes, you can both tell people of your quests and open shops here as I feel they are kind of linked. Please don't beg when questing and please don't be hostile in any way. I don't like hostility! So, just shop nice and quest nice.
- Anyone can make a thread here, just make it nice and neat. You can make a shop where you buy things or it could be free, it's up to you. Now go nuts and have a blast!

RP Rules:

- Let's start off simple, only RPs and RP-related discussions should be in here. I will move it away if it isn't. As for RPs... don't be limited. You can make any sort of RP you want in here, not just one about Nintendo or it's critters.^^ Just be literate and don't try to do everything. Also, don't decide what other users characters do, it's not nice.

Interview Room Rules:

- Welcome one, welcome all to the Interview Room. This is a new idea coming from my brilliant friend, Kouenki so listen up. This forum is dedicated to interviewing. Make your own thread and allow the questions to come to you or question someone else. This is an ideal way to start knowing our members better!
- Alright, just so you all know, do NOT ask ridiculous questions. I'm sure you know what I mean. And remember! The person you're interviewing has a right to not answer your questions if they don't want to.

Directory and Important Threads:

Member Administration & Membership Cards
Contests & Events
Nintendo's Critters Post Yourt Picture Thread
Questions and Queries about Nintendo and Crittendo
Count to 1,000,000
Video Game Reviews
Show Off Your Creative Skills
Interview Room
Member Birthdays
New Member Thread