The Chatterbox rules are pretty simple. I mean, what can possibly go wrong in a chatterbox? Well, first off the only thing that is completely off limits is Cybering. We don't wanna find any of that stuff in this forum, or anywhere in this guild for that matter. Also, something we don't like to see is unnessisary amounts of swearing. We understand if you are angry, but you can express yourself in a less offensive manner. Also, no people bashing. This is a friendly evironment. If you have something to say talk to your computer screen, but don't post it for people to see.

Other than that feel free to post anything! From random Bunny Smashing to bumping to Advertising. This forum is for random madness and deserved to be a fun place for everyone.

On a side note, all competitions and elections will be held in this forum. Keep an eye out for new Stickies and apply for all that happen to pop up! The more you compete in the higher chance you will have of winning!