Hello ~

Im fairly new around here (Gaia and this Forum!) but I was hoping to find another literate rper. There's a few scenerios I would like to try, but if you're interested and have a few ideas PM me and let me know!!

I will do yaoi/yuri/het if it turns out to be a romance - but I also like rps where there's just interesting platonic relationships.

Ok, so here's a few I'd like to have a go...

Doctor/Paitent (I would prefer to play the paitent but am happy with the doc too!)

Boarding School (lol ok, ok not orginal but I had real fun with this one once.)

Fantasy settings (either modern or olde!)

PM me if you're interested! Like I've said I would only really like litereate rpers, the odd typo and mispelling is fine (I do so all the time) but a good chunk size post is always welcomed.