Hello, as you can see I would like a one on one RP partner. I like to RP over PM's.

As far as I'm concerned, literate means:
1. You write in third person
2. Minimal spelling and grammar mistakes
3. Your characters are dynamic and interesting
4. Your posts are at least one paragraph long
5. You will respond in a timely manner (as in, within three or four days at most)

Now, I understand that typos happen on occasion, and sometimes you have writer's block, and that's COMPLETELY FINE. In fact, I make mistakes too. Please, just put effort into your posts and if you're having a bad day tell me. Likewise, if you are too busy or your life decides to just heap everything on you at once, tell me and we can decide where to go from there.

My biggest pet peeve is when you stop replying without telling me why. Just tell me why, and it's not a big deal.

I'm up for pretty much ANYTHING. I love trying different things, so if you have something a little weird you want to try, tell me. I have boy and girl characters.
Romance is fine, just no smutty stuff. Be subtle when dealing with intimacy, otherwise it just gets crude.

Please, no anime based plots/characters. I don't read or watch anime, and I'm not familiar enough with it to create an RP.

PM me if you are interested, thanks for your time.