The heat of the desert is so intense that hell was like a tundra of death. The sweat on my face slowly drips into my mouth so I can get some hydration. I walk on with a goal only a lunatic will try to commit. They call me, Abbigail. I was born and raised in England, and I planned to stay there too, until my love moved to India to undergo certain needs he said. This is why I am here in the desert, right now. I am waiting for him to answer back my call for love.
There is nearly any shade out here and it is sand dune after sand dune after sand dune. It seems like it is the sea of rocky, hot sand that slowly gets lonelier every second. I am more likely to die then ever see my love again, but if that is what I reach to of being, then that is how I should go. I am only 15 though, I failed to mention. I wish I would have brought something to keep me warm at night and cold during the day like those hot cold pack that everyone is using, but hot at night and cold during day. These though will unlikely help me now.
I am doing this out of an act of compassion and love, not really to set a goal. The sweat stings my eyes as though I would be going blind. Then I think back on how I was happy laying beside the one I love in bed, us listening to music and slowly falling in love again and again. God made us for each other, and he and I both knew that from the very first time we set eyes on each other. I love him, and he loves me in return. He does not care what I where or how i look, I just know that he loves me for me.
The day turned to nightfall and it suddenly dropped about one hundred degrees and now it is in the negatives. I slowly walk on to find a place to rest when all of a sudden it started to get very musty and windy. A sudden feel of sand paper cuts and scrapes my body like a tornado. God made us for each other, and he and I both knew that from the very first time we set eyes on each other. I love him, and he loves me in return. He does not care what I where or how big of boobs I have, I just know that he loves me for me.
The day turned to nightfall and it suddenly dropped about one hundred degrees and now it is in the negatives. I slowly walk on to find a place to rest when all of a sudden it started to get very musty and windy. A sudden feel of sand paper cuts and scrapes my body like a tornado I’ve heard that voice before, I slowly answered back, I said, “ Yes?”
“Do you know who this is?”
“Who is this?”
His voice was so sweet to the very word.
I though for a moment, and then I knew, it was him, my love.
I turned around to face him to see if he was actually there, holding me, but I was pitch black, so I could only feel his sweet warm breath breathing onto mine.
“I have missed you my love” I said as I rubbed his scruff.
“I know you have, my dear, as so I have missed you my Juliet. Why have you travelled all the way out here?”
“Too see you my love, to see you.”
“Me? You should not have taken the risk. My dear, you could have died.”
I stopped myself from saying anything about how I haven’t gotten water in over 2 days and I was about to die. I only lay there, beside him, holding him like I had always dreamed of. He was the one I love, and now we are finally together again.
“I have to tell you something”, he said.
I turned and tried to squint to see him.
“What my love?”
“I have been gone for over a year, and you just now have come to find me. I thought that we where over, I have a wife.”
“A wife?!”
I backed away from him to think, I started to run. I had no energy to run, but I had the pain. He tried to stop me but I did not stop. I finally got to and oasis about a mile from where it happened. An oasis I though to myself, yeah! I drank the cool water and ate the fresh onions. It felt like heaven to eat and drink something that was not coming from a flower or cactus. I heard the rustling of something in the bushes. I slowly backed away and almost started to run until I realized that I was a baby deer. It looked like it had been bitten by something like a snake. I slowly walked towards it and realized that it was barely alive, it was being poisoned, and still being poisoned, by a snake. I got a rock and throw it at the snakes head. It slowly coiled back and lunged at me.
I backed away quickly and throw another rock. The snaked coiled and strikes again. Then all of a sudden something pushed me out of the way, he was holding fire. Then I realized that it was my love, my love that had betrayed me. He was holding fire and slowly swooshing it around to make the snake turn around, it worked. The snaked hissed and then uncoiled and slithered away. I immediately ran over to the baby deer to help it. I grabbed it and out it over by the campfire that my love was still making. I grabbed some cool water and spread it over the wound and put it in its mouth too. The deer started to breathe more slowly and started to calm down.
That was a good sign. He was getting more wound up and started to stand. He fell back down, so we had to tie him down so he would not leave and get injured again. By morning the deer was wide awake and started to breath in my face, it was sweet. My love, I guess, crawled over beside me in the middle of the night, I felt like I was crying. I had a bad dream I remember, maybe I was crying because of my dream and he came over to comfort me, well it worked. He was facing my back and holding me securely around my chest. I was about to turn around and wake him up with a kiss, but then I remember about what happened yesterday.
I wanted to get up and leave, but I still had that feeling that he still loves me. Then all of a sudden he kissed me on the neck and started pulling me closer. His touch was soft and tender, like he was holding a delicate flower. He pulled me as close as I would go to his body and then he whispered in my ear, “I’m sorry Abbigail, I still love you, I will runaway with you and never see my wife again.”
My body told me to trust him and so did my heart. I only answered, “Okay.”
We turned around to face each other, it was almost dawn. I kissed his face and felt his hair.We truly still loved each other, so why do I have the feeling that he is going to go away again? Why do I feel him, but he is still so far away? These are questions that only the dead can answer. They would now, there years in the wars of love and hate; they would now the answers I seek.
His touch was so tender that I felt as though if he where to touch me any harder, I would suddenly break into the unknown and never come back. His eyes where as bright as the evening sky, and his skin was so soft to the touch it felt as though I was stroking a rather soft dog. He slowly kissed me on the forehead, and went down to the nose, then down to my chapped lips. When he kissed me, I felt the sensation that only my love could give me.