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Questionable Genius

PostPosted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 10:39 pm
Two souls so different, the two people in the entire school who would have probably never interacted have been brought together.
Shy little Sage Green, and engaging Jet black..

Is it fate?

Is it chance?


.....it is Advanced class drama.

Instead of doing monologues for finals this semester, Mr Huber has decided to pair up his students for a one on one scene. To make things interesting he paired up the group instead of letting them pick their partners like usual. His reasoning behind this, was he felt the students were relying to much on what felt safe. Mr. Huber felt that the class needed a challenge, being paired with someone they never would pick as a partner being that challenge. As part of the overall grade the student's must practice the scene with their partner, in their own time every day and have a parent sign a paper to prove that they did so. He even picked the scene for each student.

The students, slightly perturbed, crowded around the bulletin board, to see who they were stuck with for the rest of the year.
PostPosted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 10:54 pm
+||+We are but mere players and the world is our stage.+||+

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The Name Of this Brave Lass/ Lad...
Sage Green
As You Can See,I'm A...
My Age Is Nothing But A Number...

People Don't Know The Real Me...

Sage has clinical depression, she has had it ever since her mother died. She was made fun a lot in elementary so is very quiet and shy because she doesn’t want to give anyone any reason to hate her. All she wants is to fit in, so when she does “open up” her personality conforms to whoever she is interacting with. She is sort of a shut in because her dad babies her, and her grandmother psychology and verbally abuses her.
She dresses awkwardly because she doe not have a female figure in her life. Sage desperately wants someone to love and be in love with her, the fact that may never happen upsets her.

My Life Is Pretty Much Loveless...
Sage’s mother died when she was three years old. Her father was so affected by it he took on three jobs so he could make ends meet , and pay for life insurance, a college fund, and a nest egg in a high yield savings account. Because of this, she never see’s her father much, and is looked after by her fathers mother. Her grandmother is very old fashioned , shrewd and strict ,she always makes it a point to tell Sage how worthless she is.
This treatment has not helped Sage at all with her depression, and despite the Lexipro she is a cutter. She cover’s her cuts by wearing long-sleeved shirts even in the summer. She doesn’t know why she started .All she knows is, when she feels like she is filled with too much pain to handle, watching her blood flow out of her skin on to the floor helps her calm down. It’s like The pain isn’t so scary and overwhelming if she can feel, smell, and see it.

Pass Me Some More Of That!
Sage loves the rain, when it rains she lays on the pavement and watches the drops fall.
Music is her favorite thing in the world. In school she plays classical guitar for Orchestra.
She enjoys reading and reads what ever she can get her hands on, in fact her nose is always in a book.
Lime sherbet, her mother used to make it homemade and every time she eats it brings her happy memories of
her mothers smile. She loves to write poetry, her notebooks are riddled with her work.
She loves the smell of fresh cut grass.

Ewww Get That Away!
Mean people.
Her grandmothers perfume.
The squeaky sound of new shoes.
Bad poetry.
Being alone.
Being uncertain.
The color yellow.

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The Name Of this Brave Lass/ Lad...
Jet Black

As You Can See,I'm A...

My Age Is Nothing But A Number...

People Don't Know The Real Me...
Jet has actually lead an uneventful life, or so it seems. His happy bubbly character is actually belies what he has gone through in his life. He has moved schools most of his life, and this is his first year here. He has lost every girl he has ever loved, all of them have died in tragic accidents, and so, he is afraid to love anyone, though, that doesn't get him down. Full of energy and always optimistic, Jet gathers friends like they were baseball cards.

My Life Is Pretty Much Loveless...
Jet has lost a total of ten girls from what he refers to as his curse. While he longs to be loved, he shuns people away, fearing another tragedy. His loveless life is of his own doing though, and he knows that.

Pass Me Some More Of That!
Jet loves: Sunny days
Rock music
Video games
Anything that makes him laugh
And the smell of oranges

Ewww Get That Away!
People who put down others
Being in too large a group


Questionable Genius


Questionable Genius

PostPosted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 11:26 pm
"...How can you expect someone to love you... User Image

------Sage Green------

When Huber had announced that he would be choosing the pairs for the final, Sage felt very uncomfortable. She usually paired up with Raven, or Bob. I fact those were the only people she really knew, or talked to even. Raven shot Sage a empathetic look as she walked back from the bulletin board. " It's not that bad go look for yourself"
Sage frowned slightly and replied in a soft whisper,
" Who did you get?"

Sage moved the carpet around with her feet her eyes fixed at Raven's shoes.

"That's funny... You seem to care more about who I got,then who you did... Don't worry Sage you will always be my favorite partner. I got Robert."
Raven mocked a shudder when she said the boy's name.

Sage let out a sigh of relief, "Oh, I feel bad for you." Sage replied quietly betraying a slight smirk.
Raven laughed " OK so I read you completely wrong on that one. No, you didn't get stuck with him the whole semester, I did...Now go see who you got, I'm not gonna tell." Sage rolled her eyes and meandered slowly to the bulletin board. She scanned the piece of white photocopy paper until she caught sight of her name. Sage Green & Jet Black. The name looked familiar, but she couldn't match it with a face. Which one is he? Sage was pretty embarrassed, over the fact she didn't know who the heck she was partnered with. Maybe he knows who I am. Sage lamely leaned against the bulletin board, she wasn't about to go around the whole room asking boy's if the were Jet black. Even if he didn't know who she was, she would be able to single him out as soon as the other kids met with their match. By the looks of things, nothing of that sort was going to happen anytime soon. Sage didn't even bother with asking Raven to point him out. Knowing Raven, she would announce, " You don't know who Jet black is?" with out realizing it, and that would just make matters worse.

...When you can't even love yourself..."
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 06, 2009 3:54 pm
Jet was currently surrounded by a group of his classmates, all of whom were debating on who their partners would be, instead of just checking the board. Jet didn't care overly much, he figured that his partner would find his way to him eventually anyway. Its not like a single person in here doesn't know who I am anyway.

Jet was the popular guy in class, always had been, with his "just get up and do it attitude." He figured that whoever it was would be excited to do it. Most of the girls in his class liked him, and most of the boys hung around when they could.

One of the boys, his friend Ricky, came back from the bulletin with a smile on his face. "Jeez, Jet . . . aren't you the least bit interested to see who you got paired with?"

Jet shook his head. "Nah, not really, it doesn't make much difference." He cocked an eyebrow, "But . . . are you going to tell me or what?"

Ricky smiled an evil looking grin, "I got paired with James . . . and that's all I'm gonna say." He laughed a little, grin still present. "Good luck with the weird partner."

Jet looked over toward the bulletin. What the heck did he mean by that?  

Tir Malice


Questionable Genius

PostPosted: Sat Feb 07, 2009 12:54 am
"...How can you expect someone to love you... User Image

------Sage Green------

After a while Sage began to feel overwhelmed with her embarrassment and discomfort. Sage slid down the wall slowly, and folded her legs to a cross legged position. Sooner or later, her partner would check the board, and then they could go in to Huber's office for a scene script. She wondered what this Jet Black guy was like, would he be mean like Robert, or interesting like Bob? An involuntary wince crossed her face as she thought back to that horrible day. The day she had felt the most rejected, and overwhelmed by life in general. Why do feeling’s have to be so complicated?

+|+Flash back winter break+|+

Sage was so excited about movie night, it was the first time she had her friends over for an extended period of time. Sage enjoyed hanging out with Bob and Raven, they brought out something in her she didn't think existed. A personality. She was also looking forward the sitting next to Bob on the couch. When Sage was about to check on her brownies, the phone rang. Sages heart was racing and her face slightly flushed. It's him.
Sage made a mad dash to the phone, in a gasp she answered.
" Heh...heh...lo?
"Green?" Sage sighed inwardly at the sound of Bob's voice.
" Yeah, hey Bob..."
" How did ya know it was me?"
"You know the answer to that question." Bob chuckled in agreement.
"Soooooo...When is it cool to come over?" Sage blushed a the prospect of being alone with Bob.
" Um well grandmother left already so....Whenever. you want I guess."
"Okay I'll call Raven to come get me in a bit."
" Oh... okay, I'll let you go...then.."
"Not so fast Green." Crap he remembered! Man why do I put my self in these messes?
"You said if I burned the whole Cake discography for you , you would tell me who had a crush on me..."
" Yeah...I did.."
"Well what’s her name?” After long silence Sage closed her eyes tight and quickly replied, "Sage Green" she hung up the phone before he had a chance to respond.

The Movie night was a success, but all Sage could think about was, what she had just revealed. Bob didn't seem to be acting any different towards her. After awhile she thought maybe by some miracle the phone had cut off before she betrayed her true feelings. After a couple of movies Raven decided to get fast food. Bob stayed behind with Sage. The tension in the room was overwhelming with out Raven’s company.
Sage had sat by her self on the bean bag chair while Raven and Bob shared the couch. Sage jumped as she felt Bob's hand as it rested itself upon her shoulder. "Sage...Look, about the phone call earlier... I just need to get this out of the way right now, you deserve it." Bob turned Sage around and looked her square in the eyes. " I care about you a lot Sage you are one of the most interesting people I have ever met, But.."
Sages heart sunk, a numb feeling passed through her body, she could feel the sting of tears as they started to form. She knew exactly what he was going to say.
I Don't...Feel the same way you do...about me."
Sage let out a weak broken smile, "Okay." was her only response. Bob gave Sage a quick hug. " Lets start on Benny and Joon! Raven has seen it on a million times. She won‘t mind if we start it early." Sage nodded, put the DVD in the player and jumped back into her bean bag chair. She didn't like the felling she was experiencing, it was as if her heart had been ripped out of her chest, thrown around the room a few times then sewn back in. I knew it, I will never find love. I'll never be something to someone.

+|+ End flashback+|+

Memories seem to resurface at the weirdest times. Sage closed her eyes tightly trying her best to chase away the ghost feelings of her past, as well as the lingering ones. Despite her efforts, a few drops of tears ran down her pale white cheek. Sage wiped the away with the bottom of her black long sleeve shirt, and breathed in deeply in an effort to calm her self down. In a soft whisper Sage sang a part of her current favorite song: Friend is a four letter word, by Cake. Often when sage got depressed she would sing to her self with out realizing it. “When I go fishing, for the words, I am wishing you would say to me- I’m really only praying that the words you soon be saying might betray the way you feel about me…”
Sage's voice was wonderful, due her self esteem, she never shared it with any one, voluntarily.

...When you can't even love yourself..."
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 07, 2009 10:28 am
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Jet Black

After a few moments, Jet had realized that most of the class had paired up, but his partner had not shown up yet. That's odd, he thought to himself. It was then that he noticed the girl by the board. She was looking around the room, as if lost. He cocked his head a little to the side and watched her. Argh, what's her name, why can't I remember it?

Jet was sure he had seen her in class, but couldn't remember the name. She never left much of an impression, even on stage, it was like she didn't want people to really remember her. She sank down along the wall, and looked like she was deep in thought. He looked away, and started chatting with his friends again.

Ricky was smiling at him when he turned around. "Figure out your partner yet?

"No, I wonder if they were absent today."

Ricky laughed. Don't be stupid, everyone was here today, remember? Teach made such a big deal about it because its the first time it had happened so far this year.

Jet slapped himself in the forehead, "Oh, that's right! I wonder why they haven't come to find me yet."

Ricky laughed again and picked up his bag. "Well, me and James are going to pick up our assignment now, good luck buddy!"

Jet gave half a smile and turned to look at the girl in the corner again. Then his eyes widened . . .

She was crying . . .

+ Flashback +

Jet was standing in front of Sarah's house, his arm was still in a sling. His head wrapped in gaze. He still hurt, but he had to do this.

The car accident had been a week before. He and Sarah had been riding in back of a cab, one that his parents had paid for. A drunk driver of a semi truck had slammed into the passenger side of the cab, the side Sarah had been on. They had been taken on separate ambulances and Jet didn't see her after that.

Sarah's mom opened the door. "Oh, hi Jet."

Jet looked up at her, her eyes were rimmed with red, like she had been up all night. "Hi missus H, I was just wondering if there had been any word on Sarah."

He looked down the hall, Sarah's little sister, Caitlyn, was sitting against the wall, crying.

+End Flashback+

Jet stood up and walked over to her. As he approached her could hear music. She was singing, and very well too. He stood next to her almost entranced by her voice, but she didn't notice him there. He stole a look at the bulletin, he found his name. His partner was . . . Sage Green! That was her name, he remembered now!

He knelt down next to her and smiled. "You know . . . you have a lovely singing voice."

------ You never know what life has in store for you, unless you live it ------  

Tir Malice


Questionable Genius

PostPosted: Sat Feb 07, 2009 4:28 pm
"...How can you expect someone to love you... User Image
------Sage Green------

Sage jumped up from the ground so suddenly she had almost fallen down again.Sage managed to awkwardly stop her self against the wall. Sage's face was a bright crimson, she hated it when people caught her singing to her self, it was so embarrassing. Sage stared at the boy like she was a deer standing in the middle of a street with an oncoming semi speeding in her direction. No I don't.
"Um...Thanks I guess."
Sage responded in a soft nervous whisper.
Sage's insecurity often prevented her from believing compliments, to her there was always a catch, always a but at the end of the sentence. Sage turned her gaze at the boy's shoes, she rarely looked at peoples faces, eye contact was too much of a risk. After a few moments of silence, Sage decided to ask,
"Um, do you happen to know who Jet Black is?"
This guy didn't look like the type to shout out things, so she felt safe asking him to help her out.

...When you can't even love yourself..."
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 07, 2009 9:53 pm
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Jet just smiled at her. "That would be me." He said quietly.

He leaned down to look her in the eye. "So, we are going to be partners, huh?" He stood up and looked at the bulletin board. "I wonder what are assignment is going to be?"  

Tir Malice


Questionable Genius

PostPosted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 12:46 pm
"...How can you expect someone to love you... User Image

------Sage Green------

Sage's eyes grew wide with embarrassment. Man the one person I decide to ask and it had to be him. " Oh I'm sorry, I...I..um... Hello."
Realization, flooded through her, he was the boy that always played the lead roles. When Jet looked in her eyes, her instinct was to turn away but for some reason she couldn't. They were a wonderful shade of brown, like the color of the earth after it had been soaked in a summer rain. After a few mere seconds she turned her gaze to his mouth, to her confusion there was a smile painted across it. His voice was kind and sincere, not angry at all. Sage calmed down a bit, out of all the people in this room she hadn't expected to paired with him. Jet was a good actor, he demanded his presents on stage. The main reason she hadn't recognized him was because the only time she really looked at him, was when he was someone else.

Sage smiled softly, and fiddled with a piece of her dark hair."Yeah...Guess so, lets go in."
Sage motioned to Huber's office. Conversation was an art that Sage was not well practiced at. Usually Raven and Bob would do most of the talking and she would respond. Sage guessed she could have went through and discussed what the assignment could be, but it made more sense to her to just find out. Just as Sage was going to open the door, Huber stepped out. she almost fell in to him, but managed to take a small step backwards, for stabilization.
"There you guy's are! Well, what are you waiting for? Come in and I'll discuss your scene with you." Sage followed Huber in his office and sat down in a blue office chair. There were framed pictures of all the past play's that have been put on. Most of the recent pictures had Jet in them.
"Jet, have a seat, please." Huber sat in his huge black lazy boy office chair, he picked up two zerox copied scene scripts from off of his desk and held them up, with a enthusiastic smile.

...When you can't even love yourself..."
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 1:35 pm
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Jet Black

Jet took his excitedly. He skimmed across it once and raised an eyebrow. Well . . . now this is different . . . I didn't expect . . . He looked at Sage, and the look on her face was almost absolute horror. Jet almost blushed from her embarrassment.

It was a romance. Jet had done romance before, but Sage had only small little roles all season, this was a demanding role from her. Jet started to worry that her preforming ability would affect his grade, and he looked at her kind of aside.

Then he pushed those thoughts aside. Now come on Jet, don't go thinking like that, I'm sure everything will be fine. He skimmed the script again and sighed a semi-sigh of relief. Well, at least its not a romance tragedy. He stared at the paper, his eyes betraying the sadness of his thoughts.  

Tir Malice


Questionable Genius

PostPosted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 2:21 pm
"...How can you expect someone to love you... User Image

------Sage Green------

Sage looked at the script that she now held in her hand like it was a poisonous snake. There was a kiss at he end...A kiss. Her first stage kiss, well her first kiss in general. And it wasn't a little peck on the lips either. And she had so many lines more than she had ever had. It was a ten minute long scene, and it was beautiful. The words were complete poetry, and the plot line was interesting. Sage was bright red. she couldn't help but think of the kiss. She loved acting, but Sage was so terrible at cold reading and was always given terrible roles that she didn't care for. Since she didn't like her role she never really tried to make an impression, what’s the point? But now this woman she supposed to be, was the best character Sage had seen of all the scripts. Sage wondered if she could do this character justice, she would certainly try her hardest, but...the kiss.

Huber smiled at the two students and said." Alrighty, I bet you are wondering why I paired you two up." Sage squirmed in her seat, it was awful stuffy in the room, she just wanted class to end so she could go to lunch. " Well, Jet you are always the lead in all the projects we do. You do a wonderful job, but whenever you are cast as a secondary character you tend to out shine your partner. You need to work on toning it down a little. Sage, you have great potential. I have seen it before, your monologues are amazing. When you choose your character you nail it, but when you are cast for something your choices aren't as well thought out. You tend to be virtually invisible on stage. Now you have a lead role Sage I want all eyes on you. Jet you have to compliment Sage's character not outshine it. Alright kids get to work, you still have 15 minutes of class left."

Sage shot out of the chair, and quickly left the drama room. It felt so good to be out of there. Sage went to the food court and sat down on a metal chair, script in hand.

...When you can't even love yourself..."
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 6:04 pm
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Jet Black

Jet flinched as Sage Bolted from the room. He wondered what was wrong with her. He looked back at the script, actually reading it this time as he walked out of the classroom. It was an amazing script, really, beautiful, really. And then came the last page . . . a Kiss . . .

Was that what she was so embarrassed about? Jet looked around at lunch, trying to find her. But for some reason, she continued to elude him. He spent his whole lunch looking for her, when the bell rang again he returned to his next class.

Jet couldn't stop thinking about the whole thing. The look on her face . . . and the tears before. He made up his mind, he was going to find her after school.

When the final class bell rang, he was one of the first people outside, scanning faces as they left the building.  

Tir Malice


Questionable Genius

PostPosted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 6:26 pm
"...How can you expect someone to love you... User Image

------Sage Green------

Sage set her script down on the table, it was first lunch still, her lunch was second. She grabbed herself a tray of food and ducked into the orchestra room.
There was a large hole in the wall that used to be the drama costume closet, she often hid there when she ditched classes. It was the first time she ditched drama class, it was her favorite class. Weird Sage knew Bob and Raven would miss her, but right now she wanted to be alone. Sage ate her lunch and curled up in a little ball, after a few minutes she drifted to sleep.

The loud annoying sound of the last bell woke her up. Sage sighed collected her things, and left the orchestra room. Crap! I left my script in the food court!
Sage ran down the steps of the fine arts building and made a made dash through the swarm of classmates towards the food court. Hopefully it's still there! She didn't want to deal with Huber till tomorrow, he probably didn't notice that she left early but she didn't want to take a chance.

...When you can't even love yourself..."
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 6:40 pm
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Jet Black

Jet didn't see her when the school finished emptying out, so he decided to take a few minutes to look for her after all, his house was within walking distance. By the time he reached the food court, he found her, rushing around the tables, panic scribbled all across her face.

He was supposed to meet Ricky and James after school, but, well, this was going to be his partner after all, and he figured if something was going on, the least he could do was help.

He stood behind her as she leaned over a table, looking under the next one. "Um . . . are you ok?"  

Tir Malice


Questionable Genius

PostPosted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 6:57 pm
"...How can you expect someone to love you... User Image

------Sage Green------

Sage frantically searched the food court, but she couldn't find it any where.
Sage jumped when the silence was broken by Jet's voice.
" No! I can't find it! And I missed the Bus!" She replied in frustration,her voice slightly raised.
Sage was too worried about having to go back to Huber and ask him for another script to really bother explaining in depth what "It" was. She didn't mean to snap at him, she was just so mad at herself for losing it.
And now that he was there they were going to have to arrange when they were going to practice today. Sage didn't like the notion of bringing him ho her house to practice, not with her grandmother there. And now Sage would have to walk a two hour journey to her house. All this was just way to much for her.

...When you can't even love yourself..."
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