Airborne Spirits Begging to Fly

Black claws rake the pain,
Turning it to hate,
Boiling burning cleansing all past,
Lies turned inside out,
Wings beating against the cage,

Cancer infects,
Like poison killing only pieces of us,
Drowning in dead beliefs,
Soaking them in to us,
Like rage colored thieves,

The pain becomes physical,
Trying to hold back bitter sweet freedom,
Fighting to chain it down,
Creating hurt and tears,
Just to keep it down,

Dreams of shadows,
Screams from our minds,
It is not I I despise,
The opposite I succeed to convince,
Covering it to smother it,
Only making it grow,

I force myself to bleed,
To smooth its edge,
Changing from serrated needles to a knife,
Gleaming like a much wanted nightmare,
Cold and sharp,

Forcing it into a separate conscious,
Creating a new me,
Fabricating a new mind,
Where screams and pain dominate,
Giving a sense of irony,

Eyes as deep as oceans,
Filled with cancerous emotions,
Colored like black poison,
Haunting sleep,
Causing slow destruction,

Realization hits,
Stinging like a released pressure,
Letting go of the sweet fury,
Heating up the center of our wounds,
Burning them to stop the infection,
Giving a sickly sweet relief,

Silent screams from your dreams,
Morphing into distorted angered shouts,
My bleeding sores healing,
Turning comfortably numb,
Begging for a resolve,

A new start,
A growing change,
A hopeless rage,
And a new age,
All around a giant corner,

The end of the road,
Will suddenly seem to grow,
Daring me, you, us to grow up just a little more,
Giving us new perspective,
And willingness melds with motivation,
Handing us the edge,
To become alive,

Our clouded minds will bleed away,
Causing earthquakes and hurricanes,
Washing away old habits,
Getting you to see your damage,
Hearing the call,
From the heart of our beings,

For my hate there is no cure,
There is only time to fade,
Giving you the chance to heal,
And stop your own hurt,
There’s no opportunity to bleed it out on us anymore,

My black claws rake the pain,
Turning it to hate,
Boiling, burning, and cleansing,
Your lies directed inside,
Have turned inside out,
To hear your wings beating,
Against your self-created cage.
