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Reply 03 One-on-One RPs
That Lexi Chick and TeHsChNoZbErRy Goto Page: 1 2 3 [>] [»|]

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 12:21 pm

Name: Nero
Age: 982
Personality: Nero, by nature, is a very distant person. He, quite literally, hates about everyone. He'd be more likely to stab you than to speak to you. He's easily aggravated and has a short temper that should not be messed with. By no means is he at all emotionally or mentally stable, so there's not real telling how he may react to something until that something happens. He's also incredibly impulsive, and if he gets one of his violent urges, it's suggested to get back because when he lashes out, people get hurt.
Bio: He's one of the more elder vampires. The first hundred or so years of his life he had been kept as a sort of sexual pet to a woman who tortured him in every way imaginable. How he escaped his century long torture is a result of his brother's efforts, but it still left behind a series of nasty scars, both mental and physical as well as the slave bands still inked into his skin around his biceps and his throat.
5 Likes: Blades, solitude, working out, pain, and most forms of violence when it’s not directed at him.
5 Dislikes: Females, people, being touched (that’s a big no-no), talking when he doesn’t have to, small spaces, and himself.
Appearance: Nero

Name: Zical
Age: 982
Personality: Zical is a friendly, optimistic man. He's outgoing, likes a good beer every now and then, and generally tries to act pleasant around others. Though, once you double cross him do not expect to be in his good favors again. Ever. He cares deeply for his brother, though Nero shows no signs of the same affection and more often than not pushes Zical away
Bio: He spent the first hundred years of his existence, as soon as he could go out in the world on his own, looking for his brother who had been stolen from them when they were infants. After a long, hard struggle he did indeed retrieve his brother from slavery, though he'd lost his right leg from the knee down in the process. He still walks with a slight, unnoticeable limp do to the prosthetic limb. It took many years to get Nero to even talk to him, and even now he can't seem to get any sort of returned affection from his brother. It's painful enough to see his brother still suffering, but it's worse to know he can't make a difference for him at all. But he deals with it as it comes and does his best to be there when Nero needs him.
5 Likes: Beer, his red smokes (a relaxant drug he uses often), Little Debbie snacks, baseball, and people.
5 Dislikes: Extreme and unprovoked violence, cake icing, most forms of Chinese food, nuts, and most animals.
Appearance: Zical

And a human- (Schnoz will make another charrie soon ^^ )

Name; Jeanne Dumanche
Age; 23
Personality; Jeanne is a slightly odd baker. She works at her brother's bakery, but doesn't let anyone else do her job. She keeps her workplace orderly, but will notice if anyone even touches anything. She's very stiff, and isn't one to go out and have fun. The only time she relaxes truly is when she bakes.
Bio; Jeanne grew up in a single parent household with five elder brothers. When she was young, she noticed how messy her brothers and father were, so she began to clean up. It became her unacknowledged job for the rest of her young life. When she was in school, she was always the best student. When she graduated, she drove straight into culinary school. She recently got out of culinary school, and went to work in her brother's bakery.
Nice Clothes
Things out of Place
Scruffy People
Taking things slow
Appearance; Jeanne is short. She towers at 5 feet, one inch. Her hair is disorderly and curly, which she holds back in a ponytail. Her eyes are large and round with a deep green shade to them. Her body is quite a bit rounder than the ideal, but she doesn't really fixate on it. She wears simple clothing, and she wears very weak prescription glasses. Her glasses are the most recent style, but they were picked out by her brother, her input wasn't very important in the selection.
PostPosted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 3:26 pm
"New York, what a s**t hole." mumbled a dark figure as he moved through the cover of shadows with unmatched speed. He paused briefly in the light when the scent of something caught his attention. His black eyes narrowed as he moved the multicolored blonde, red, and brown strands of hair from his face before adjusting the neckline of his turtle neck, making sure it did it's job of properly concealing the tattoo band inked into the skin around his neck. The male hated that mark along with the other two that encircled his biceps. They were painful reminders of what he was, ultimately a worthless form of life. He half wished someone would just ******** kill him already. But his luck was slim, and no one had yet to take pity on his miserable self. Scars covered his body, though he kept them all well hidden except for the ones across his face, one over his right eye was one of the bigger ones as well as a scar that pulled at his upper lip, leaving his expression in a permanent sneer.

Whatever. He didn't have the patience to wallow in his own self pity bullshit. He knew he was a messed up individual, he got over it and moved on the best he could. (Which really wasn't that good to begin with.) A noise behind him caught his attention and he grinned in his own sick-minded fashion. "Wouldn't try it." he advised to the lesser behind him, but the dumb-a** didn't seem to want to listen and came at him any way. Nero turned around just seconds before the pasty b*****d could strike and captured the male by the throat, in the same instant pulling out his more favored knife from God knows where and laying into the smaller male.

Nero was a giant '******** you' to the world. A big, walking, sometimes talking, usually cursing SOB with an unmatched hatred for females and a fondness for violence. He was thin from his preference of refusing to eat unless he had to. The starving sensation kept him on edge, just the way he liked it. And yet he still towered at 6'4" and even starving, he sustained a decent muscle mass. A muscle mass he used to rip the smaller lesser apart, abandoning the knife at some point to rip the kid apart by hand. This is what Nero lived for, ripping those who opposed him down till there was nothing left but blood and the mangled remains, which is just what he did. He stood once he'd satisfied his sick-minded 'game', as he liked to call it, wiping a smear of blood from his scarred cheek, which didn't improve a thing considering the rest of him was splattered with the dark crimson fluid of blood. As a final motion he stabbed the thing in the place were it's heart should be. Just like that the creature disappeared in a flash of light, no remains of the massacre left.

His black gaze glittered in the dim light and he picked his knife off the sidewalk, cleaning it and placing it where it belonged before continuing on his way, having no real place to go. He went wherever he could get, having no real purpose, still hoping someone would be a match for him and just kill him already. He was hoping...always hoping. He shook off the thought and continued the way he had been heading, stopping only when he'd reached the entrance to a bakery of sorts. He looked up at the flashing neon sign with a letter or two out and narrowed his eyes. Why the ******** Zical insisted on eating here, he didn't know. He growled his displeasure and headed inside only to spot the male across the room. Zical was equally as tall, same multicolored hair, though his fell down to his mid back and was currently tied back in a braid. "You wreak of lesser, brother," he pointed out, canary yellow gaze searching his brother.

"Ran into one on the way here, left no trace," Nero responded and slid into the booth, folding his arms over his chest and taking a quick, almost cautious glance around the restaurant as if he expected something to just jump out and attack him at any moment. Which was completely feasible in his mind.



PostPosted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 3:41 pm
Jeanne was working at the bakery. She was sitting at a table, holding a cup in her hand. She looked at the almost black liquid in the cup, her mind not really focusing on it. Her mind was a bit numb, so she took a soft sip of the drink.

The bitterness gave her a jolt and she almost spit the liquid out. But she reluctantly drank it, the now lukewarm liquid sliding down her throat and soothing it a bit. She glanced around the empty shop, wondering briefly if she should go ahead and head home.

Yes, she should. She got up, going back into the kitchen. She poured the coffee into the sink, carefully aiming for the drain. She then rinsed out the mug and the sink before putting the mug back with the others. She carefully adjusted the placement of the mugs before turning off the lights and leaving the kitchen. She came out, finding two men in the shop. She had already taken her apron off, and it was crumpled up in her hand. She carefully put it back on, grabbing the order pad and walking over to them.

"Hello," she smiled at them, "Is there anything you need?" she asked, carefully adjusting her feet so they were parallel to each other.

She looked over the two men, carefully noting the clothing and already building up her expectations of them. The man on the left would order a pastry, and the man on the right would order coffee.

At least, that's what she thought. She carefully wrote a quick description of the men in her notepad, just out of habit. After she was done, she stood completely still, not even tapping her pen against the pad as some of the other employees did.
PostPosted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 3:50 pm
"Again?" Zical murmured and set his chin in his palm as he tore his gaze away from his brother before he managed to offend the poor b*****d. Not that he'd manage not to offend him someway no matter what he did. Nero was a temperamental creature and Zical was well aware of this by now. "They've been getting closer," he added almost absently and Nero just seemed to grunt in response, the darker twins black eyes moving throughout the restaurant as if accusing every last person in here of being some sort of enemy. And in Nero's mind, they all were. Human scum, worthless pieces of life and barely worth his stare. Hell, it'd suit him just fine if every last one of them dropped dead. ********, that'd be more than fine. A dream come true. Well... then again, maybe it was best if his dreams didn't come true.

"You trippin' or something, you seem more edgy than usual," Zical pointed out, eying his brother with something close to concern that he hid quickly when Nero turned his head to look back at his brother. "I got a weird feeling on the way over here. I think s**t's gonna hit the fan soon, or at least get pretty damn close," Nero answered quietly, though the roughness in his tone remained; the coldness. Zical was used to it, and he was also used to his brother's 'feelings' of things. It was something to be taken serious, he knew. Nero had a rather in tune sense with things, more than any other vampire he'd come across. "You think it's the hunters again?" Zical asked carefully and Nero responded with a short nod before they were interrupted by the presence of Jeanne.

Nero inhaled, her scent filling his senses so suddenly it almost made him dizzy for a moment. God, what the ******** was that? He shook his head to clear it and otherwise ignored the woman, turning his gaze outside via the window, trying to distract himself from that scent of hers. It was damn near intoxicating and he couldn't figure out why for the life of him. And after a moment he just stopped trying altogether. "Hey. I'll have a danish and a cup of coffee, and get a bottle of unopened water for my brother here. He's not in an eating mood," Zical told her with his usual, signature smile. Unlike his brother, Zical was a warm, friendly sort of person. He liked people for the most part, but then again, he hadn't grown up like his brother had.



PostPosted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 3:57 pm
Bingo on the pastry. Jeanne jotted down the order, not that she needed to. She was the only person there, and she could remember the order perfectly. She glanced at Nero, then smiled at Zical.
"It will be right out," she said, turning and walking back into the kitchen. As she got into the kitchen, she quickly took the scrunchie out of her hair and ran her fingers through her curls. She then grabbed the hair again and wrapped the scrunchie around it.
After getting that done, she quickly washed her hands and went to the coffee pot. She poured the coffee and grabbed a bottle of water. She put the danish on a plate, then carried it all back out to the men.
"Here you go," she said, setting the order down on the table and carefully arranging it so that Zical had his food and Nero had his water. She didn't linger long, for she'd fiddle with the plates all night if she stayed. "Tell me if there's anything else you need," she said to the men, going back into the kitchen and pouring herself another cup of coffee.
This time she mixed a spoonful of sugar into the coffee before drinking it. This cut the bitterness quite a bit, and she was able to drink all of it before she started to wash some of the dishes.
PostPosted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 4:08 pm
Zical, while not as in tune with things as his brother, could still sense things decently enough and caught the discomfort from his brother. When the female was gone, Nero turned his gaze to find his brother just staring at him oddly. "What?" Nero snapped and Zical held up his hands as a ' relax' sort of gesture. "You comfort level plumeted into the negatives. You sure you're not trippin'?" he asked carefully and was returned with a sort of death glare from his brother. "No, damnit. Can't a b*****d just be uncomfortable in peace?" he said darkly and Zical just sighed. "Uncomfortable and peace don't really go hand in hand brother," Zical pointed out. "How about you get off my d**k, ya feel me?" Nero responded coldly and Zical shook his head once and shut himself up.

Nero returned to staring out the window for a time. As soon as Jeanne got back in range the male's head snapped up and he glanced at her with that cold, deathly stare of his for a split second before he turned his gaze away again as if looking at her somehow did one of them an injustice. Zical still looked a little unsettled by his brothers behavior but said nothing and just offered Jeanne a smile as usual as she set his order in front of him. "Thanks," he told her before looking at his brother in hopes that Nero would at least say something polite for her bringing them the order. But it was a short lived hope and Nero only made a sort of annoyed sound under his breath, snatching the water bottle soon after it was set down in front of him.

When Jeanne was gone again, Nero took the time to study the bottle as if looking for some sort of sign it had been tampered with. When he found none he twisted the cap off and took a long sip. "Not everyone is out to kill you," Zical pointed out. "It's a shame," Nero said quietly. Maybe if everyone was he'd have his miserable life ended by now. Zical hid his hurt before his brother could sense and it lowered his yellow eyes, starting on his coffee.



PostPosted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 4:14 pm
As Nero gave her a cold stare, Jeanne almost shuddered. But as she went back into the kitchen she shivered a bit, feeling a bit colder the more she went back into the room. After finishing her coffee, she set the mug by the sink and decided to clean.
Jeanne came back out with a broom and dustpan in hand, beginning to sweep as she made her way around the room. She started at the end of the room opposite Zical and Nero, not really paying attention to their conversation.
The door opened, and a young man strode in. "Jeanne!" A loud cry came from the new person, and in a few instants, Jeanne was swept up in a rough hug. Jeanne squirmed a bit, uncomfortable with being crushed against her brother's chest.
PostPosted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 5:49 pm
Zical left his brother alone, knowing better than to make any more comments about him or Nero was only going to get pissed. Again. It wasn't like it was uncommon, but Zical at least tried to make an effort not to get his brother angry. It was never a good thing. Instead, he turned his yellow gaze to the sight of the third male crushing Jeanne against his chest and he couldn't help but grin. He knew the male only because he came in here often, having a fondness for all things sugary and baked.

Nero let his gaze travel towards the way of the siblings a moment and he scoffed, downing more of his water while he looked away again. Some distant part of him half envied that sort of thing, maybe because he knew he was never going to be that close to his own brother. He couldn't stand people getting near him, much less touching him. It do didn't sit well with him, which he supposed had a lot to do with his ever fervent paranoia.



PostPosted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 5:56 pm
Jeanne wiggled out of her brother's grasp, smiling softly. "Hey Marc," she said softly, stepping back. Her brother took this moment to glance around the shop. He blinked as he looked at Zical.
"We have customers?" he said, "This late at night?" he looked at Jeanne as if she would explain it.
She shrugged, "They popped in, I served them. After they leave, I'm going to close up."
Marc nodded, "Good idea," he smiled at the duo, waving a bit. "Well, I'm going to go make coffee!" he stepped into the kitchen, leaving Jeanne to clean a bit more.
PostPosted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 6:08 pm
Zical finished up his pastry and coffee, getting up after laying money on the table, tip included. As soon as his brother was up, Nero headed straight for the door, wanting nothing more than to get out of there and away from the smell that female was putting off because her scent just called to him and it made him more uncomfortable than he'd have ever admitted.  



PostPosted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 6:14 pm
Jeanne went over and picked up the money. She watched them go, before Marc came out again.
"The one who had the coffee comes around a lot," he said, munching on a danish. "I haven't seen the other dude around though," he finished the pastry, looking at Jeanne. "Time to go to bed, sis," he ruffled his sister's hair, smiling at her.
Jeanne carefully patted down her hair after Marc messed with it, then smiled at him. "Good night Marc," she replied happily.
"G'night Jeanne," Marc left, leaving Jeanne to close up.
As Jeanne walked home, she took a detour through an alley that was usually safe.
PostPosted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 8:29 pm
The alley proved not to be so safe as it usually was. Out of nowhere two men appeared, each on either end of the alley, blocking Jeanne in the alley. They were both similar in coloration. Pale, with near white hair and dark eyes. The one in front of her grinned sickly and pulled a knife from his coat and started towards her. The one behind her seemed to come towards her as well and both seemed to have more than a malicious intent.

However, they didn't get much closer as Nero dropped in front of Jeanne, his back to her as he faced the pale man with the knife. He made a sound like a growl and bared his fangs, not that Jeanne could see that from where she was. "Back the ******** off, she's not a target," Nero warned but the offending male only grinned and came forward. He made to stab Nero, but he caught his wrist, slung him around and then pulled out a blade of his own and stabbed the thing where its heart should have been. A second later the pasty b*****d disappeared in a flash of fire. Nero turned on the second albino looking man but he had split, which was wise on his part.

With the alley now clear, Nero turned on his heals to face Jeanne and his dark eyes swept over her once. "You alright?"



PostPosted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 10:32 pm
It had happened too quickly, and she was soon finding herself facing the customer from earlier. She glanced around, not comfortable knowing that the alley she usually took as a shortcut was now apparently dangerous.
Jeanne backed against the wall, nodding. She managed to squeak out a reply, "Yes!" she ran what she remembered of the fight through her mind, but couldn't really make sense of it.
PostPosted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 3:48 am
"You need to get home," he told her as he wiped the blood from his knife on the thigh of his pants and put the blade back where it belonged on his person, concealed for the most part. "Before more of them come," he added.  



PostPosted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 4:46 am
"Er- yeah," she nodded, turning and beginning to walk away. She didn't even ask who 'they' were. Maybe it was just her being tired and imagining things.  
03 One-on-One RPs

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