I've been a little bored lately, and haven't had a good role play in sometime.
It would be lovely to start up at it again.
Quickly, about me:
-I consider myself to be at least semi-literate, I can spell correctly and use punctuation correctly.
-I'm on pretty often.
-When I role play it's normally a romance with bits of action/gore/nastiness.
-not into yaois or yuris, sorry.
-My average post size is anywhere from two to four lines; I'm lazy sometimes.
-I'm open to most any role play suggestion you may have.
-My letter 'P' key is messed up.
-I role play only in PMs.

What I'm currently into:
-Vampires (not the Twilight kind)
-Mafia based role plays of any kind
-Nearly anything~

And I ask for this only in a role playing partner:
-The ability to use words, spelling and punctuation correctly.

Please send me a PM if you are interested.

And thank you for taking the time to read all of this, hope I didn't sound scary or mean. sweatdrop