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Reply Sci-Fi/ War Role Plays
Capacité - A Psychic Role Play - {REOPENED} Goto Page: 1 2 [>] [»|]

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Shadow Piranha

PostPosted: Sun Dec 14, 2008 5:43 pm

A psychic is defined as someone with beyond natural or known capabilities in controlling their physical and/or mental processes. Common examples are Telepathy, speaking through the mind]; Pyrokinesis, controlling fire; Telekinesis, moving objects with your mind; and Precognition, knowing things before they happen.

The role play you are about to view happens to deal with the beings known as psychics, who possess those fore mentioned abilities and so much more... But keep in mind that these such written events, circumstances, and people were based on the lives of five very special young children who really existed. They did not, however, exist in the world that you have known since birth. No, but in a separate reality.

What I am trying to explain, though you do not have to believe, is that there are millions of separate worlds out there. Floating around in the space around you. Even now, as you breathe, your breath sucks in and blows about those worlds, even possibly destroying some. Do not be discouraged though.. For new worlds sprout up willingly in their place. For as was once quoted:
"When one door closes, another opens."

Simply keep in mind that every dream you've dreamed, every television show you've watched, every story you've read and most importantly, every action you take.. creates a new world. Everything you see, feel, touch, hear, speak, smell, and taste... sends out ripples into the universe.

Nothing is as it seems, and everything is as it will be.

Look. Listen. Create.

Due to me no longer wanting to listen to people whine.
-cough- wolfchild -cough-
This thread is now open.
PostPosted: Sun Dec 14, 2008 5:55 pm


In the year of 2000, a girl by the name of Emily, dreamed that she had powers. Great powers, beyond that of any mortal in existence. She had the power over the elements. Not just the ordinary elements that might come to your mind such as Fire, Water, Earth, and Air. But of Light, Dark, Body, Mind, and Soul. She knew, in her waking state, that something in her dream was true, and that while she slept, she had to keep a tight reign on how she used her abilities.

In her dream world, she was a Goddess. Worshiped by the people there. She ruled over them with a kind and gentle heart. But like all Gods and Goddesses, her time came. By this time, she slept constantly in her world. Never leaving her helpless dream world for too long. She grew to be an old woman, alone.. but not quite. For in her dream world, she had married.

Now, as in every marriage, there came the topic of children. The decision was easily reached between Emily and her dream King, Erik, to have five young children.

These children, once born, showed to have great abilities. Each inherited from their mother. They were strange children, and the King, for fear of them growing of age and succeeding the throne, sent them away.

Grieved with the loss of her dream children who were so very real to her, Emily threw herself from her home's window. The kingdom fell into the hands of her dream love, Erik who gladly took the throne. But, he fell ill. Knowing that only a child of his and his wife's blood would be allowed to seize the throne, Erik searched for them diligently, sending out legions of soldiers to search when he could no longer.


Shadow Piranha

Shadow Piranha

PostPosted: Sun Dec 14, 2008 6:10 pm


The legions of soldiers searched tirelessly for the children. They tore apart homes, burned entire villages to the ground in search for them. And the children were right under their noses. Quite literally in fact. For the King had accidentally placed them in a Portique, a bridge to another world. This other world, just happens to have been our own. The children, only babies, were spread out across the planet. They landed in London, Paris, New York, Tokyo, and lastly Moscow. Each country's government met, and conspired to keep these strange children hidden.

They formed Capacité, the French word for Ability, given that each child had just that. The children were placed in the homes of special agents, assigned to each child as their protector. To teach them, and keep them hidden. To make them... normal. Of course, with being demi-gods and goddesses, it was a difficult task, no doubt.

And still, in the childs' home world, the soldiers searched. Eventually the entire planted had been burned. It's inhabitants choked on the smoke of the King's furious search. Civilizations crumbled. Families, slowly, died.

Erik was deaf to his country. To his planet. To himself. His hatred consumed him, and in turn consumed his soldiers, and his world. It collapsed upon itself. Destroyed because of Erik's selfishness.

PostPosted: Sun Dec 14, 2008 6:22 pm


Now it is up to you, children of Emily and Erik.
To learn the truth of who and what you really are.
To break free of your captors.
And find each other.

You are the first, and last of your kind.
It is up to you what happens next.
You can recreate your home world, designing it as you see fit.
Or you can destroy and take over the world you have now.

Obviously, as you all have different personalities and wants and needs, there will be confliction amongst you.
It will be catastrophic.
One of you, will die.
But in the end, I know that the correct decision will be made.


Shadow Piranha

Shadow Piranha

PostPosted: Sun Dec 14, 2008 6:39 pm

Children Information Form

Name:: Your name, obviously.
Age:: You all have one year age differences, the youngest child was 15.
Gender:: Male or female, duh.
Abilities:: THIS CAN BE ANYTHING. Be creative.
Side:: Good or bad, not that difficult. Good, obviously means creating a new world. Bad, obviously means the opposite, and destroying this one.
Biography:: 1-3 Paragraphs Minimum, 6 sentences to each, at least. BE LITERATE.
Appearance:: NO MANGA. Put the link in the 'Link' area between the IMGLEFT coding in the form.
Mental History:: Bipolar Disorder, Schizophrenia, etc.
Physical Health History:: Broken leg when she/he was younger, deformities such as missing an arm, etc.
Family:: The special agents aren't special agents to you. They're your family. I'll fill this in when you're paired with an agent.
Pets:: Optional.
Likes:: List form.
Dislikes:: List form.
Extra:: Put what you want here such as a theme song for your character, if they know how to play an instrument, a little tidbit about them that's not in the Bio, whatever you want.
Username:: I'm sure you aren't that stupid.

[IMGLEFT]Link[/IMGLEFT][b][color=YOUR POST COLOR]Name::[/color][/b] [size=9][/size]
[b][color=YOUR POST COLOR]Age::[/color][/b] [size=9][/size]
[b][color=YOUR POST COLOR]Gender::[/color][/b] [size=9][/size]
[b][color=YOUR POST COLOR]Abilities::[/color][/b] [size=9][/size]
[b][color=YOUR POST COLOR]Side::[/color][/b] [size=9][/size]
[b][color=YOUR POST COLOR]Biography::[/color][/b] [size=9][/size]
[b][color=YOUR POST COLOR]Appearance::[/color][/b] [size=9][/size]
[b][color=YOUR POST COLOR]Mental History::[/color][/b] [size=9][/size]
[b][color=YOUR POST COLOR]Physical Health History::[/color][/b] [size=9][/size]
[b][color=YOUR POST COLOR]Family::[/color][/b] [size=9][/size]
[b][color=YOUR POST COLOR]Pets::[/color][/b] [size=9][/size]
[b][color=YOUR POST COLOR]Likes::[/color][/b] [size=9][/size]
[b][color=YOUR POST COLOR]Dislikes::[/color][/b] [size=9][/size]
[b][color=YOUR POST COLOR]Extra::[/color][/b] [size=9][/size]
[b][color=YOUR POST COLOR]Username::[/color][/b] [size=9][/size]
PostPosted: Sun Dec 14, 2008 6:45 pm

Agent Information Form

Name:: Your name, obviously.
Age:: You have to be at least 22.
Gender:: Male or female, duh.
Weapon:: Please don't go overboard...
Biography:: 1-3 Paragraphs Minimum, 6 sentences to each, at least. BE LITERATE.
Appearance:: NO MANGA. Put the link in the 'Link' area between the IMGLEFT coding in the form.
Mental History:: Bipolar Disorder, Schizophrenia, etc.
Physical Health History:: Broken leg when she/he was younger, deformities such as missing an arm, etc.
Assigned Child:: This is the same as the family bit on the children's form. I'll be filling this out.
Pets:: Optional.
Likes:: List form.
Dislikes:: List form.
Extra:: Put what you want here such as a theme song for your character, if they know how to play an instrument, a little tidbit about them that's not in the Bio, whatever you want.
Username:: I'm sure you aren't that stupid.

[IMGLEFT]Link[/IMGLEFT][b][color=YOUR POST COLOR]Name::[/color][/b] [size=9][/size]
[b][color=YOUR POST COLOR]Age::[/color][/b] [size=9][/size]
[b][color=YOUR POST COLOR]Gender::[/color][/b] [size=9][/size]
[b][color=YOUR POST COLOR]Weapon::[/color][/b] [size=9][/size]
[b][color=YOUR POST COLOR]Biography::[/color][/b] [size=9][/size]
[b][color=YOUR POST COLOR]Appearance::[/color][/b] [size=9][/size]
[b][color=YOUR POST COLOR]Mental History::[/color][/b] [size=9][/size]
[b][color=YOUR POST COLOR]Physical Health History::[/color][/b] [size=9][/size]
[b][color=YOUR POST COLOR]Assigned Child::[/color][/b] [size=9][/size]
[b][color=YOUR POST COLOR]Pets::[/color][/b] [size=9][/size]
[b][color=YOUR POST COLOR]Likes::[/color][/b] [size=9][/size]
[b][color=YOUR POST COLOR]Dislikes::[/color][/b] [size=9][/size]
[b][color=YOUR POST COLOR]Extra::[/color][/b] [size=9][/size]
[b][color=YOUR POST COLOR]Username::[/color][/b] [size=9][/size]

Shadow Piranha

Shadow Piranha

PostPosted: Sun Dec 14, 2008 6:50 pm


1. Use some form of OOC: [], {}, (), <>, ||, //, /, etc.
2. Be lit. or semi-lit. No leet speak.
3. No arguing unless it's in the RP and even then don't drag it on because that gets boring, and annoying. Physical arguments apply to this as well.
4. I have the right to change these rules at any given time so check here at least once a week for changes.
5. Send me the app. in a PM and title it 'Agent' or 'Child'.
6. Keep swearing to a minimum.
7. Ignore the last bit of number 5, just PM me the application.
9. Be respectful.
10. I do not discriminate against homosexuals of any kind. Nor do I discriminate against someone of another race. Be as creative as possible with your characters. This is fiction, live the life you want!
11. Don't post when your partner is offline. It's rude.
PostPosted: Sun Dec 14, 2008 6:54 pm


User ImageName:: Gerard
Age:: 26
Gender:: Male
Weapon:: Revolver and a Tazer Gun
Biography:: Born in Japan to his parents, Gerard always had a lust for power, and the control of those who had more power than he. He used all of his talents as a smooth talker to work his way to the top of the Japanese police force. But it wasn't enough for him. The lure of more powerful nations called to him, and at age twenty he moved to Moscow.

Unsurprisingly, a few months after moving there, Gerard found himself being asked into the Russian Secret Service by Capacité. When he learned about his charge's abilities he immediately started asking how she gained them, wanting some of his own but he was told that information was top secret on a planetary level and no one had access to that outside of the heads of Capacité.

Grudgingly he ceased his search and accepted the mission, using his resources with his new job and the money he'd stockpiled up at home to by the palace once used by the Romanov Boyars. From this alone one would recognize his craving for power and elegance as this was the most beautifully restored palace in all of Russia.

Once he met his charge he told her quickly of his purchase and moved them into the palace in St. Petersburg. It was an easy move as neither of them had much. He gave her Anastasia Romanov's former room and he took up the room posted next to hers. It wasn't easy, but not six years later the entire palace was restored to it's former glory. They lived like the czars of Russia must have once had, and Gerard was happy.

He loved his charge, much to the disappointment of his bosses and to his own surprise. He would do anything to make her happy. And, as this is true and cannot be bragging, he could do anything to make her happy.

Appearance:: [x]
Mental History:: OCD, if he sees something he wants he takes it. Through any means necessary.
Physical Health History:: Healthy.
Assigned Child:: Maya
Pets:: Siamese long haired cat named Kyo.
Likes:: -Power
-Great food

Dislikes:: -Weakness
-Loss of Control

Extra:: Gerard can sing, and he does so in fluent Japanese whenever the mood strikes him.
Username:: - DarkDreamsDexter -


User ImageName:: Erik
Age:: 17
Gender:: Male
Abilities:: Shapeshifter.
Side:: Good
Biography:: Erik grew up in France with his parent. He learned of his ability when he was playing with his dog Francis, and tripped. Flying through the air, his only thought was, 'Stop'. And because he could change his form, he morphed into a bird. It was strange, opening his eyes, and suddenly seeing everything from the eyes of a hawk.

His first experience as something other than his human form was disturbing, and it took him over an hour to figure out how to change back. Once he gained a small insight as to how his ability worked, he began using it more and more often. He asked more and more questions about the beings that lived upon Earth. And steadily, the range of beings he could transform into ranged to over a thousand. Yet he yearned for more.

Erik knew that he was destined for something. It wasn't possible that he was the only person on the planet with abilities like that, just for the sake of being the only person. He began to go out late at night, using his powers to help others and to explore. He looked up mythological beasts and began experimenting. Learning. Even creating beasts of his own to change into...

Appearance:: [x]
Mental History:: Panic attacks when stressed, causing him to transform.
Physical Health History:: Healthy.
Family:: - To Come -
Pets:: Francis, a chestnut brown and black colored Yorkie.
Likes:: -Learning
-Experimenting with his abilities
-Listening to music
-Playing with Francis

Dislikes:: -Having to come home
-Sitting around for long periods of time
-Having panic attacks
-Running out of Mt. Dew

Extra:: Erik has an extraordinary singing voice, but he hides it from everyone.
Username:: - DarkDreamsDexter -

User ImageName:: Maya
Age:: 18
Gender:: Female
Abilities:: Can control the thoughts of others, as well as projecting her own into one's mind. It is thought to be a form of mind-control, but is usually only strong influence. Maya will often go into trances, dreaming of a world away from reality, these dreams sometimes projecting into the mind of her caretaker.
Side:: Bad.
Biography:: Growing up in Moscow with her caretaker, Maya has no real recollection of any biological family. As a child, she'd see images of destruction and ruin, and a kingdom so beautiful it seemed dark and eerie. Her abilities were made known very young, when an accidental thought of wanting a toy bear slipped into the mind of a nearby government official. After some time, she was swept away to stay with someone she hardly knew.

Years had passed since then, and at fifteen, Maya had learned how to somewhat control her abilities; which had evolved to complete thought transferrence. She could send her thoughts into others' minds, almost make people feel what she wanted them to feel, think what she wanted them to think. A device of mass destruction if used the right way. She wanted to find one of her dream worlds, and make it her own. That was something she made the most prioritized goal on her list.

Now eighteen, Maya has kept herself busy with activities to keep suspicion to a minimum. To her satisfaction, she'd taken up traditional belly-dancing, which she'd linked to her thought-control; something to make it so much stronger. She'd eventually become one of the best in Moscow, however, she would not want to be raised any higher than that. Attention would be drawn to her more than it already was. 'A world will soon be mine,' she'd promise herself with a grin, while a voice would answer her with an agreed, 'Yes.'

Appearance:: {x}
Mental History:: Maya has a case of schizophrenia and borderline personality disorder. She has a compulsion to make things hers.
Physical Health History:: Maya's mental history would take a toll on her, keeping her thin and underweight, however, not to the point where she is unhealthy. A wrist was sprained as a child.
Family:: -To Come-
Pets:: A black and white tabby cat called Tira.
Likes:: -Winning
-Causing delirium within the minds of others

Dislikes:: -Losing
-Being told what to do

Extra:: Maya has an irrational fear of animals that are white and furry. She cannot understand why.
Username:: iNyssa

User Image
Name: Richard Figard
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Abilities: Pyrokinesis
Biography: It wasn't surprising that Richard, beautiful even as a young babe, would become obsessive about his appearance. And having his 'parent' spoil him constantly only added to the boy's narcissism. He could never find it in himself to look away from a mirror before he'd checked his entire appearance.

Spoiled beyond belief, Richard became a model for a fashion company with the help of his 'parent'. He was quickly fired though for spending too much time preparing for his first photo shoot. Outraged, Richard burned the place down. Quite on accident, but he enjoyed every second of the blazing inferno that sparked from his hands...

Appearance: [x]
Mental History: Narcissistic Personality. NEVER place him in front of a mirror.
Physical Health History: Heart problems.
Family: -To Come-
Pets: None
Likes: Burning things, Fighting, Singing, Oriental food, Staring at himself in the mirror. In that order.
Dislikes: Stupid people, psychics, Italian food.
Username: wolfchild357


Maya & Gerard
Erik & ---
Richard & ---

Shadow Piranha

Shadow Piranha

PostPosted: Sun Dec 14, 2008 7:00 pm
Xx Reserved
PostPosted: Sun Dec 14, 2008 7:02 pm
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Shadow Piranha

Shadow Piranha

PostPosted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 6:09 pm
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 6:12 pm
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Shadow Piranha

Shadow Piranha

PostPosted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 6:16 pm
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 6:20 pm
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Shadow Piranha

Shadow Piranha

PostPosted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 6:53 pm
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Sci-Fi/ War Role Plays

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