My spirit is:Broken Cadaver
They call Me: D'ablo
I can destroy you with my: Dagger and Revolver
Don't hate me because I'm beautiful:
People say I'm: not many people see me but those who do tend to see me as "scary"
My Race is:Earth
I have this many candles so far: 19 years old (when died)
Well my life is like this: I was raised on in a rich part of my town....this is where all of the crime would happen, well one day as i was returning home I was greeted at the door by a gun pointed at my head. The man demanded money but i had none on me. he asked me one last time and when i refused, he shot me.
Type of person I would all for:i only wish to be with a human girl but not so sure i can now
A little something else about me:I am in fact a spirit of the dead
The song that describes me best is: Killing Myself Again by Deadstar Assembly