When buying packs, don't you want to get the most for your money? Want to pull holos out of your packs 99% of the time? Want to virtually eliminate the factor of the shitty Normal Rare? What if I told you there was a way to do so, for a simple investment of $30 or less? Sounds too good to be true, right?
Wrong. Enter the digital pocket scale. One of these can be purchased on eBay for as little as $20-$30. You only need a 0.1g x 500 (this means that the scale weighs a maximum of 500 grounds in 0.1 gram increments), but some people will argue that a .01g or .001g scale is better (which, while it is true that the weighing capabilities are better, it is unnecessary for booster packs in my opinion).
Here is the kind I use.
Now you're asking yourself, "How does this scale help me get holos?" Simple! Packs with Super Rares or higher weigh more than packs with Normal Rares (Ultimate Rares are the exception, unfortunately, as they are made out of material similar to that of a common).
Now, how to use your holo-pulling tool:
1.) Go to any store that sells packs (convinience stores like 7-11 or Target are best).
2.) Pick an area to scale where you will be out of the way of the other customers and not disturbing anyone.
3.) Get the packs you wish to scale, and organize them by set AND 1st Ed./Unlimited (different sets weigh differently, as well as same sets of different editions).
4.) Choose a set and edition that you want to weigh first, and put all the other ones off to the side for now so you don't mix them up.
5.) Make sure your scale is set up on a flat surface as it won't read properly if it is unbalanced, and that you have it set to g (grams).
6.) Open your scale and place the packs directly on the weighing platform, trying to center them as perfectly as you can.
7.) Once you start to get readings, place your packs in piles in front of you, in order of weight (starting with lightest and ending with heaviest). Most packs will have 4 different weights, with the lower 2 being Normal Rares and the higher 2 being Supers and above. For example, you are weighing a bunch of 1st Ed. Phantom Darkness booster packs. Your first pack weighs 13.2g (this is just an example, do NOT base your actual pack weights off of these numbers), your second weighs 13.3g, your third weighs 13.4g, and your fourth weighs 13.5g. Make four piles; one for the 13.2s, one for the 13.3s, one for the 13.4s and one for the 13.5s. Scale all of your packs, placing the appropriate weights in their appropriate piles after reading them.
8.) You should now have a bunch of the lower end weights and only a few of the higher end weights. This makes sense; most of the packs in a sealed box only contain a few foils and a lot of rares. So (again, example), your end result should look something like this (if you were scaling a brand new, untouched 24 pack box):
[9] 13.2s
[8] 13.3s
[5] 13.4s
[2] 13.5s
The 2 lower end weights are all Rares (maybe an Ultimate or 2), and the 13.4s are likely Supers, while the 13.5s are likely Ultras or Secrets.
9.) Purchase the 2 highest weight groups of packs.
10.) Enjoy your new foils for only $3.99 + tax!
This method works best with new 24 pack boxes, but can also be done on boxes that have already been purchased from. In such a case, I would only take the absolute highest weight group of packs to avoid the Normal Rares as you have less of a selection to screen. Sure, you might miss a Super or 2, but you also save yourself the aggravation of accidentally purchasing a Normal Rare.
This method can also be done on Blister Packs (the ones encased in cardboard, usually found at Wal-Mart and such places), but it is a little trickier. I myself have done it multiple times, but you need to be very careful with how you place the pack on the scale because the over lying cardboard can throw off the reading. Make sure the pack itself is directly on the weighing platform. With these packs you also want to take only the absolute highest weights just to be safe. If you really want to get every single foil from these blisters, then you could try one of the .01g or .001g scales I mentioned above for greater accuracy, but I personally still wouldn't chance it.
Pack irregularities! Yes, they do exist. Sometimes you will get a pack that weighs a lot less than the others, and sometimes you will get one that weighs significantly more! The one that weighs less is usually a pack with no rare at all (I've seen it plenty of times), and the one that weighs more is usually a pack that has extra cards, or more than one rare/foil! While it may just have extra commons or 2 Normal Rares, it is definitely worth your money to go for it. In my experiences, it is almost always multiple foils. I have seen people pull anywhere between 2 Aurkus, Lightsworn Druid to 5 Ghost Rare Black Rose Dragons from a single irregular pack! These packs are far and few though, so don't expect to get one on every scaling run you do.
What do you do if approached by the store owner/staff? Simple! Don't look shady or get defensive; just tell them there are certain cards in this set you want for your deck or collection, and that the scale helps you find them. Most people will leave it at that, but if they start to give you a hard time, defend your position as the customer and explain it to them like this - You aren't doing anything wrong or illegal. You aren't damaging or stealing anything. You are simply inspecting the packs before you buy them, just as people at the supermarket inspect fruit before buying them to get the best ones. Tell them that as long as you are allowed to scale, you will be back often to give them more of your money. What if that still doesn't work? well, if speaking to an employee who just won't listen, ask to speak to their manager. Usually when hearing that they will have a regular customer for their packs, the manager will allow you to scale and Solemn Judgment the employee (xD!!). If they don't, or if you are already speaking to a stubborn manager, just tell them "No scale, no sale!" (I did not come up with this, but I have been told it is like a universal scaler's motto), and take your business elsewhere. Let them know that you and all of your friends will be giving one of their competitors your money instead of them. Some won't care, some will have second thoughts. Depends on the person.
I hope this thread is helpful to all of you out their who are sick of wasting your money on Normal Rares.
If you already do this, what have your experiences been?
If you didn't already know about this, do you plan to start?
Let me hear your success stories, and if you have any questions that are not already covered in this article, please feel free to ask me! I have been scaling for years and can help you with any issues you may have ~ <3
It is 100% legal, and is just plain smart. That is all I will say on this issue. If you have a problem scaling, keep it to yourself; DO NOT post it here.
Thank you for reading, and once again I hope you find this thread helpful and informative! :3