Hey, I know I sound like one of those annoying Timeshare people but... uhm... could you guys look at my store? Some of you may actually like what I have in there! So, could you PLEASE look in my store?
I know some of my prices are kinda ridiculous, but that's becuase I'm trying to get enough gold to A) Start my own guild (if I can get enough gold) or B) Get that Panda Plushie!!! So, whadya say? Please? :/
my url: My Store

My Items-
Face Veil - 60g SOLD
Goldfish Drop - 692g
Lucky Star- 1,500g
Jackster Tunic - 1,000g
Red Bar Chair - 200g
Olive Matte Floor Tile- 40g
Silver Tiara with Sapphire - 650g SOLD
Black Fur- Trimmed Underwear - 400g SOLD
Dark Elf's Light Armor - 700g SOLD
Dark Elf's Spider Dagger - 500g SOLD