locally to me the teachers union went on strike at a local collage due to them being offered a 3.2% pay rise when the head of the collage (already on £60,000 a year) has recieved a 32.3% payrise, the thing is you think its bad but no-wonder the unions are up in arms if you look at all the pay rises previously 16% for mps in previous years added to their £70,000 it would easily be possible to meet the union 5% payrise demands if people higher up stopped having huge payrises especially as it is very easy to live on over £50,000 a year without needing the rise like alot of people in lower paid jobs (teaching being a prime example) as the starting wage is a measely £18,000 a year despite to teach requiring a 3 year degree or a PGCE degree added to a standard degree.