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PostPosted: Thu Oct 09, 2008 8:08 pm
'kay, so today in my creative writing class we were typing up short stories when i thought of this! enjoy.

It was about three years ago that my parents got divorced. Since the day my mother left, my dad spoke to me less and less. I started to get depressed and stopped eating, and wore hats to cover my face. I wouldnt talk to people, I wouldnt do my assignments, my grades started slipping. My dad never said anything about my grades and I just figured he didnt care. I thought that either of my parents must not love me anymore. There was no other reason for them to get divorced. I thought they were happy. I was so wrong.

I guess it was my fault for not paying attention that day. When that car swerved the corner of the parking lot, and I didnt see it until it slammed into my already-frail human body...that was my fault. I shoulda been paying attention. Even when they brought me to the hospital by ambulance I wasnt paying attention to how broken and mangled I was. My dad visited me only once during my stay at the hospital, and I yelled at him. I lashed out with all the fury I had kept surpressed for two years.

'You never loved me! You never thought about what I wanted, never!' I shouted at him.

'Now, Faith, honey...' my dad tried to reason with me. I just shook my head angrily, and felt the tears well up in my eyes. My dad cautioned me to take it easy and not move so much.

'Like you care!' I had screamed at him. 'I wish I was never born! I WISH I WAS DEAD!!'

My dad tried to calm me down, but I only yelled at him to get out or I'd call the doctors to kick him out. He stood up, his face pained and full of agony, and without another word, he left.

That was the last time I ever saw my father. In my first life, at least. Yup, that's right; shortly after the accident, I died. The doctors told me that I only had like a week to live. I was so malnurished anyway that eventually I would have gotten extremely sick and died. They said it was better that I died now, instead of suffering for a longer time.

Back then, death was something that I had feared. I had no religion, so I had no idea what was waiting for me after death. Turns out that God had a plan for us, this whole time. For those who lived righteously on Earth, they got into this special "kingdom" of glory and paradise. For those like me, who werent so 'righteous'... well, we could settle for the lower kingdoms that arent as great. But, we also get the option of a second chance.

Guardian Angels. That's what we're called. We're the little voice inside your head that's telling somebody what they should do in certain situations. Unfortunately, there are also devils doing the same thing for evil purposes. And theres millions of them. For every one person on the earth, there's three devils too. That's a LOT of devils around to tempt people. So our jobs as Guardians is to help people live righteously so they--and us too--can get into the special kingdom made just for us.

So here I am, sitting on the local park bench with my Kanshisha-Sukete, or Guardian-Helper. I laughed at the memory of that long ago time. It seems so far away now. And stupid. If I'd known what lay ahead after death, I would have been a better person.

"Nice weather today, right, Faith-Mitsukai?" Whisperwind wondered. I nodded absently; it was a nice day out. Whisperwind smiled happily, letting the late autumn sun warm his pure-white fur.

"So, Faith-Mitsukai, do you see anyone we can help out?" He asked me. I scanned the area. Everyone here seemed pretty happy today, no one gloomy or troubled. Even the old lady sitting, unbeknownst to her, on the same bench as us seemed in her own blissful world.

"No..." I began; it was all quiet. Whisperwind hushed me, one ear pricked. His ear swerved a little before he spoke again.

"You hear that?" he asked. I strained my ears, but heard nothing. I shook my head. Whisperwind smiled.

"That's the sound of peace." he told me. "How do you feel right now?"

"Calm...?" I answered, but it sounded more like a question.

"Exactly, Faith-Mitsukai, Exactly!" Whisperwind laughed happily. "Everyone is happy, so we dont have to do anything until trouble arises." He jumped off the bench gracefully and started walking up the sidewalk. I followed silently, with half the same grace he had, having to catch myself before i fell.

He seemed blissfully unaware of the fact that I'd almost tripped. I was probably the most clumsy Guardian---

"Faith, you need not think such terrible thoughts."

Whisperwind had stopped and turned to look at me. "You're special and unique. You shouldnt criticize yourself for who you are. When you're a full-fledged Mitsukai, you will be as graceful as the silver wind blowing over the earth, or the gentle waves against the shore..."

"But i'm not a full-fledged Mitsukai, Whisperwind." I protested. "My wings are pitifully small. I doubt I'll ever have my full angel wings."

Whisperwind's tail flicked, but he didnt say anything for a while. When he spoke, his voice was small like the wind he was named after. I had to strain my ears to hear it.

"Faith, if that's what you believe, that is what you become. If you believe in yourself, you will become a full-fledged Mitsukai in no time at all. Plus all the children you're helping makes it a win-win situation. God is well pleased in you, even when you mess up." Then he smiled his furry little smile. "Come." He turned and began trotting up the sidewalk again.  
PostPosted: Thu Oct 09, 2008 8:16 pm
(cool, i like it)  


Vice Captain

PostPosted: Fri Oct 10, 2008 1:20 pm
Awesome! I love it! ^.^  
PostPosted: Fri Oct 10, 2008 2:35 pm
*claps* Awesome Patch! You should really write more. 3nodding  



PostPosted: Fri Oct 10, 2008 4:20 pm
sweet. thanks guys~! I've got this all planned out it my head...it'll be awesome!
k i changed a bit of it. note: mitsukai = angel. akki = demon. ok. here it is:

“You shouldn’t think such terrible thoughts, Faith-Mitsukai.” He said in a low, firm voice.

“You know it’s true, though, Whisperwind.” I replied, rocking myself forward until I was kneeling in front of him, head down. “I’m probably the worst Guardian Angel in the history of Guardian Angels—“

“If that’s what you think, that’s what is true.” Whisperwind cautioned. “Don’t worry. You’re special in your own way. You don’t need to compare yourself to anyone else, Faith-Mitsukai…”

“Stop calling me Mitsukai.” I pleaded. “I’m not even half of a full-fledged angel yet.” I flapped my small angel-wings. They were pure white, like Whisperwind’s fur, but small. Full-fledged angels have the big, full wings you’d think an angel would have.

“Yet.” Echoed Whisperwind, smiling.

“Yet.” I agreed, frowning at his cheerfulness. How could he act so confident about that? He couldn’t know for sure. “But I doubt I’ll ever be a full-fledged Mitsukai…”

“Come, Faith.” Whisperwind said. “Let me show you something.” He began walking away. I got up and followed the little white creature as he made his way back up the path. Soon we exited the park and the happy, colorful scene seemed to turn grayscale.

“Where are we going?” I wondered, observing the dreary buildings that were looking down on us. There was nobody in sight, and the streets were covered with scattered newspapers and litter. I wondered what had happened here, and where everybody was. I quickened my pace so I wouldn’t be separated from my Guardian-Helper. The ominous silence dragged on and it made me feel a little uncomfortable, so I began speaking. “Where are you taking—“

“Shhh.” Whisperwind silenced me. I shut my mouth quickly. His voice dropped to a whisper. “Look up there. What do you see?”

I looked up ahead and saw a little girl. Her clothes were tattered and torn, her skin marked black in some places with dirt. Her short, brown hair was messed up, and the little bunny plushy she dragged behind her was almost as torn and dirty as her clothes. Tear marks could be seen as clear lines down her dirty brown cheek.

“That poor girl...” I mumbled sadly. Just the sight of her, so sad, made me want to cry and hug her until she felt happy again. “We should do some—“

“Watch.” Whisperwind cut me off again. I nodded and kept my eyes on the little girl as she ran towards a small can full of garbage. She started digging through it.

I brought my hands over my mouth. This poor girl had to eat garbage? Did no one know she was suffering like this? I went to go help her, comfort her, anything…but as soon as I took a step forward, Whisperwind jumped in front of me and shook his head. He looked back at the girl and so did I. She had found something and pulled it out; it looked like a small loaf of bread. Or whatever was left of it; it could even be passed off as one slice of a loaf. Then she suddenly turned and took off up the path, tripping a few times along the way, each time getting up and running faster than the last time.  
PostPosted: Fri Oct 10, 2008 4:38 pm
dude Patch, thats a good story you wrote. we need more!  


Dangerous Seeker


PostPosted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 5:16 pm
“Come on!” Whisperwind yelled over his shoulder, having already been ten paces in front of me, following her. I ran after both my Guardian-Helper and the little girl, until I caught up to Whisperwind, looking at the girl from a distance, behind some colorful autumn bushes.

“Why are we so far away? And why are we hiding behind a bush?” I wondered. Mortals cannot see Angels unless we’re told to let them see us.

“Wait. Watch her,” was the answer I got. I peered through the bush to see the little girl trip and fall to the ground. She got up slowly, obviously holding back tears, perhaps the same tears from an earlier fall. She walked a few more steps forward, then stopped and broke off a small piece of the bread. I looked harder and saw there was another person there; a little boy, lying down. He was wrapped up in what was supposed to be a blanket, with a wet, torn rag on his head. He was almost as pale as Whisperwind’s fur, which is pure white.

The little boy started coughing. It was the saddest sound I had ever heard, and it pierced my heart that he had to live like this. I sat there and watched through brewing tears as, selflessly, the little girl kneeled down and gave the big piece of bread to the little boy, whom I thought was probably her little brother. She ate the small piece herself.

“Faith.” Whisperwind said, not taking his eyes off the two children. “Did you see how many times that little girl tripped on her way up here? Do you see what condition she is in?”

All I could do was nod; if I tried to speak I was sure I’d start sobbing hysterically. It was like I had just seen the saddest movie, even though I just probably witnessed their normal way of life. Whisperwind continued, “Did you also see how selfless she was, giving up her dinner like that?” The tears began spilling over when I thought of how little the poor children got for dinner. I had thought that the piece of bread was just a snack. It made me feel guilty that I was so blessed in my mortal life, and I rejected the food I was given. If I had known about these poor kids back then…I’m sure I would have appreciated the life I was able to have.

“That girl, and the little boy as well for that matter, is going to the Kingdom of Paradise. It doesn’t matter how klutzy the little girl is, or how dirty their clothes are or how little food they got. What determines where they end up is the acts they do, and how pure their hearts are.”

Whisperwind turned to me. “You are no different than that, Faith. You are a good person. Someday soon you will become a full-fledged Mitsukai.” He smiled. I smiled back, blinking back more tears and wiping away the ones that had spilled over. Whisperwind turned back to watch the children.

Suddenly, he growled, “What is he doing here?”  
PostPosted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 5:20 pm
I turned quickly to see what he was snarling about, and saw a boy dressed in red and black looking over the little girl, saying something to her. The boy’s face was hidden from my view, but I could see he wasn’t human. Two small, bat-like wings were protruding out of his shoulder blades much like my angel wings were on mine. The girl was looking hungrily at her brother’s uneaten piece of bread; for the little boy hadn’t touched it.

Whisperwind’s growling deepened. “How dare he say that to her!”

I looked at my helper. “What’s he saying? And who is that?” I wondered, confused. Whisperwind’s fur began standing on end.

“That, Faith, is an Akki. A demon. Like you are a Guardian Angel, you could say they’re the other side to what we do. The Mitsukai help humans to do good things. Akki are the ones who make bad things happen in the lives of innocent bystanders. I know that one well. That is Luke-Akki. He’s trouble.”

“We gotta help that girl, Whisperwind!” I decided, standing up. “We gotta help her!”

“Faith, what are you—!” Whisperwind started to say, but I had already started running towards the little girl. I heard Whisperwind yelling at me to come back, but I paid him no mind.

“He’s not going to eat it. He’s sick. Besides, you went through the trouble of getting it…” The demon, Luke, was saying. He looked up as soon as I’d arrived, his eyes a cold, soulless amber and irises like a cat’s. He sneered at me.

“I am hungry.” The girl whispered, thinking it was to herself. “And he isn’t eating it. I did go through the trouble to get it.”

“That’s right, Marie.” Luke said, still leaning over her but keeping his eyes locked on me. The little girl, Marie, started reaching for the uneaten piece of bread that was meant for her brother.

“No, Marie! That is for your brother!” I pleaded. “He’s sick. He needs that food!”

Marie’s hand paused in mid-reach. It sort of amazed me how I was able to influence this girl more than Luke could.

“But, if you take it now, he will die and go to a ‘better place’, and you’ll never have to get food for him again, or go to bed hungry. It’ll be much nicer for you.” Luke smiled at me. It wasn’t a kind smile; it actually kind of scared me.

Marie’s hand stayed in its position while she hesitated. She started making a low ‘mmm’ sound, like she was deciding whether to take it or not.

“Maybe he won’t die.” Luke continued, and I stared at him. How in the world could he be so heartless? “He’ll never know that you took one extra slice of bread…”

Marie seemed to make up her mind. She started reaching again for the piece of bread.

“But what if he does die?” I whispered. “Do you want to be responsible for the death of your brother, because you ate the meal he may have needed to live?”

To my great surprise, she stopped. Her hand flinched back. Tears came to her eyes. She turned and looked straight at me. Straight at me. “No.” She sniffled. “No I don’t.”

I smiled at her, still amazed that she was staring right at me. Humans can’t see angels unless we’re told that they can…or if they are pure in heart. “Do the right thing, Marie. That’s your brother’s dinner.”

She nodded and wiped her eyes with her arm the way little kids do. She was so cute, I almost went to give her a hug when I heard Luke growl.

“Why do you Mitsukai hafta ruin everything?” he spat out the word Mitsukai like it was a curse word. “He’s gonna be so mad at me now…and it’s entirely your fault!” he pointed an accusing finger at me. I pulled him off to the side so we weren’t arguing while hovering over Marie.

“What are you talking about? I’m only helping them do what’s right!” I shouted back at him.

“Yeah, right.” Luke rolled his eyes and moved his blond bangs out of the way. “I know what you’re doing. You’re trying to make it so they fall into your pits of horribleness. With you white-winged bugs interfering with my job, I’ll never be able to become a full-fledged Akki.”

I was so mad at him right then. He had everything around backwards, and now he was mocking me. Acting like I was the demon! He was looking down, angrily clenching his fists as well as I was clenching mine

“How dare you!” I growled, and swung a fist at him. He caught it in mid-punch, without even looking up. I tried to yank my hand back from his grip, but he wouldn’t let go. “Let go of me!” I shouted, pulling back away from him. He tightened his grip on my knuckles, and it started to hurt.

Suddenly, Luke pulled me close to him. “Stay outta my way, bug.” He whispered in my ear, and then pushed me to the ground. Whisperwind shot out of nowhere and stood in front of me, hissing at Luke. Like lightning another creature zoomed in front of Luke, hissing at Whisperwind.

“Nightshade,” Growled Whisperwind.

“Whisperwind,” replied the other pitch-black creature. “How’s Luna doing?”

Whisperwind hissed, arching his back like a cat. I wondered who Luna was and why Whisperwind was so upset about hearing her name. “Come on, Nightshade.” Luke commanded, his back to me and Whisperwind. Nightshade gave another spit towards Whisperwind, and then turned around and followed Luke up another path.

“Are you okay, Faith-Mitsukai?” Whisperwind asked as I picked myself up.

“I’m just fine.” I lied. I couldn’t help noticing how happy I was that Luke had pulled me closer. This…could be a problem.

To be continued.

how do you like it so far? i love comments! ^.^ i'll work more on it soon!

Note: The girls name, Marie, is pronounced MUH-ree, and not MAHR-ee...like the english version of Maria.  



PostPosted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 11:15 pm
Oh no! You going to make her fall in love with a demon, aren't you?!


I love doing that! blaugh  
PostPosted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 4:00 pm
>=D yup.

It'll be Faith, in love with Luke.


Whisperwind and Nightshade mentioned Luna, she's another demon. She used to be an angel, but she went to the demon's side. Whisperwind used to be her partner. Luna's in love with Luke too.

At the end, Luke's gonna fall in love with Faith too and want to be an angel, but the Devil wont let him. Then there's gonna be a giant war between the angels and demons!!!!


>=DDDDDD i cant wait for the end, but i have to stretch it out a bit....i usually skip to the end too quickly...o.o;;  



PostPosted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 6:09 pm
OMG ts is the best book ever. Really. I mean- this could even be better than ((dare I say it)) the Twilight series! It could use a bit more detail, and a bit expansion to make the whole part about her dad longer, but this has to be the best plot I've seen yet. This could be the best-selling novel of 2008! Not only that, but it's make an awesome manga, too.  
PostPosted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 5:01 pm
=D that's awesome! if only, if only...*feels inspired* TO MICROSOFT WOOOOOOOOOOOOOORD!!  



PostPosted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 12:37 pm
thanks for the critique, bearclaw. if everyone gave me great advice it would be the best story ever!!  
PostPosted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 1:11 pm
it wouldnt be the best story ever..
it already is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =D
omg i didnt leave any comments yet bc i coodnt help but finish reading it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
its so interesting n sad at the samer time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
if you publish it and it becomes a book im buying it the day it comes out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
that would be so awesume!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
lol sorry its just so awesume!!!
im saying aweusme so muchm, its awesum!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol
plzzzz write more asap!  



PostPosted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 5:52 pm
lol normally i'd jump on word and start working on it again, but i'm leaving in a few more minutes to go see Twilight! i'll work on it as soon as an idea comes to me. =D

thanks for your support you guys! you are all the best fan/friends ever!!! *blows kisses*  
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