Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 7:10 am
How would that be formulized mathematically?
Everyone who joined that guild only joined under the premise of 'why not'
Like cattle leading each other to the slaughterhouse. Asking each other 'why?' along the way and being told 'why not?'
Kids...I swear.
Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 11:12 am
I joined to have something better instead of rummaging though all these pointless bumping threads for a glimmer of intelligence.
Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 1:16 pm
Nei1 I joined to have something better instead of rummaging though all these pointless bumping threads for a glimmer of intelligence. Motion 2nded. Motion carried! This place has far more intelligence than the cybering youth who have nothing better to do with their time than fly about bumping meaningless threads and foraging through chat rooms wanting to cyber.
That and those areas who have people insulting others or opposing something for such a stupid reason with such an obvious reason as to why the action was carried out in the first place to make themselves feel suprior or amused because there's nothing else to do with their lives...
Getting away from the mundaneness of humanity and the common choices they make for all the same reasons.
Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 4:00 pm
I got invited to join Why Not? on two accounts and didn't see a point to joining it either time. Too many threads to sort through.
Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 4:21 pm
I got one of those invites once. .and i was like 'hellz no!"
. . . I really don't like the premise of "why not" as a group sort of thing. I think that nothing can come of it, and it will just be like the CB .. .
Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2008 1:06 am
For me, I actually wanted to have more intellegent discussion about things other than "Sephiroth is the most badass villan ever!" or "WHY DID AERIS DIE!? NBOES!!!!!!"
Oh, and my favorite "Nintendo 64 is SOOOO retro, no one plays it anymore..."
SHAQ-FUing kids and their SHAQ-FUing VGD forum...
(PS. Shaq-Fu is a replacement for F*ck on Cheapassgamer.com, another forum Im a memeber of")
Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2008 2:05 am
I was invited to that guild over a year ago I joined (Cuz I figured, why not? lol) On several accounts And I run a pretty successful gift exchange there just about every other month And I luff some of the people I've met there (Not just the kidz) Including Z ~ She's pretty cool So, I'm pretty happy to see them on the top of the registry mrgreen heart