Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 10:04 am
I don't know what anyone has heard about this, if anything. But I thought be it such a climatic timeframe, there should be something about it in the serious discussion forum.
I know pretty much all about it, but explaining it all has proved to be not worth the time as it mainly falls on blind eyes.
This thread is on the off chance someone in this guild knows enough to care, but wants to know more about what exactly is going on, going to go on, and what they can do for themselves.
Reaching for the light...On the road to 2012.
Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 10:18 am
it can only get better by then.
Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 10:22 am
It gets a world worse before getting better.
Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 11:55 am
2012 again? *sigh*
"2012" is not the end of the world, but the begging of a new time for this world. slowly but surely we have already seen changes that are for the better, but many only see those changes as for the worse.
Maney believe that the Mayan culture have "accurately" predicted the end of the world due to the fact That the mayan calendarl stops at The man who predicted this is José Argüelles, the founder of Planet Art Network and the Foundation for the Law of Time. Personally, my husband and i believe that he only believes a "cataclysm" will happen because it stops at 13, or December 21, 2012. He has written a few books, as well as his wife, but his calendar, if i have interpreted the Wikipedia Page accurately, and As mathematician Michael Finley notes: "Since the 365 day Maya haab makes no provision for leap years, its starting date in the Gregorian Calendar advances by one day every four years. The beginning of Arguelles' year is fixed to July 26. Thus his count of days departs from the haab as it was known to Maya scribes before the Spanish conquest. Arguelles claims that the Thirteen Moon Calendar is synchronized with the calendar round. Clearly, it is not." then this prediction is wrong in some, if not a large degree. Also, The Mesoamerican Long Count calendar forms the basis for a New Age belief, first forecast by José Argüelles, that a cataclysm will take place on or about 21 December 2012, a forecast that mainstream Mayanist scholars consider a misinterpretation. My husband has done alot of research, he is attempting a major in Mental Disabilities (as he himself is disabled) and has seen over the years a steady increase in Autistic Disorders such as his own (Aspergers Syndrome). He believes that in 2012, we will enter the new age, autistic disorders becoming more and more common due to the earths shifting north magnetic pole, as well as energies from various other sources. It is not the "end of the world" but rather the end of an old era, and the beginning of a new.
Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 1:39 pm
What about the passing of the planet "Nibiru"??? If that is true it could cause a polar shift, aid in our evolution, or destroy us, etc..
Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 3:58 pm
I think aliens will communicate with us in 2012, which is why the world will "end." And by end, I mean the end of a way of thinking and the start of a new, slightly more enlightened age.
Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 6:00 pm
queen of qeeks I think aliens will communicate with us in 2012, which is why the world will "end." And by end, I mean the end of a way of thinking and the start of a new, slightly more enlightened age. I heard something about that. Something like WE are becoming aliens. Either way aliens have been communicating with us for years now.
Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 6:26 pm
Maester_Leoshin queen of qeeks I think aliens will communicate with us in 2012, which is why the world will "end." And by end, I mean the end of a way of thinking and the start of a new, slightly more enlightened age. I heard something about that. Something like WE are becoming aliens. Either way aliens have been communicating with us for years now. I agree. I always get strange looks from people when I say that.
Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 8:10 pm
I know.. It's like they take offense to being called an alien. I mean come on.. How stupid can you be, of course we are aliens to someone/something out there.
Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 8:15 pm
hehe i used this in a story today for my literature class. i made a second major depression which crashed an international banking system which caused millions of people to lose all their money and belongings, putting more of a value on the actual dollar, making rare coins even more valueable and people who chose not to rely solely on the banking system to come out on top. we were supposed to take something to the extreme out of a list of items...i chose atms/direct debits/plastic money.
i'm not sure what's going to happen. i can only hope it's for the better. i've heard a lot of speculations, seen a couple of specials on tv, but i haven't done enough research, nor am i a mayan, so i can't say for sure exactly what's going to happen.
Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 8:49 pm
With as many significant dates have past in my time, people building in anticipation and fear, and nothing happens accept the next day... I will just ignore it.
Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 7:42 am
Lita Kuragari 2012 again? *sigh* "2012" is not the end of the world, but the begging of a new time for this world. slowly but surely we have already seen changes that are for the better, but many only see those changes as for the worse. Sorry, I don't like quoting long paragraphs. Anyways, for beginning to take place, an end must occur. It is the end of the age of Egotism, and the beginning of the age of Light. Even now conscious of it or not, humanity is beginning to put through the transmutation of vibrations, as over the next years they will be purified and heightened. I won't get into the destructive part of this era change. But it will be there, so be ready. okay?
Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 7:46 am
Maester_Leoshin What about the passing of the planet "Nibiru"??? If that is true it could cause a polar shift, aid in our evolution, or destroy us, etc.. I don't know why suddenly people refer to planet X as Nibiru, or a planet at all for that matter as it is an aborted brown dwarf star. Last time it was around in its orbit, was in the time of Moses and the 10 plagues of Egypt. Its part in series of events surrounding 2012, is believed to be fairly significant. But we will see.
Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 7:49 am
queen of qeeks Maester_Leoshin queen of qeeks I think aliens will communicate with us in 2012, which is why the world will "end." And by end, I mean the end of a way of thinking and the start of a new, slightly more enlightened age. I heard something about that. Something like WE are becoming aliens. Either way aliens have been communicating with us for years now. I agree. I always get strange looks from people when I say that. Queen of qeeks: It is suppose to be a 'secret', but the 'aliens' are going to 'contact' years before 2012. -See profile. Maester_Leoshin: the 'homo sapien' condition, is alien.
Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 7:57 am
Lil-Jo With as many significant dates have past in my time, people building in anticipation and fear, and nothing happens accept the next day... I will just ignore it. Fear keeps you a slave. Hope gives you freedom. I'd say more but you know, Im tired. Dumb job. xP