That is probably the most accurate title I can come up with although you all might be able to label me better.

The belief system I follow makes room for every conceivable religion to be simultaneously true. (I'll explain this in a bit) My beliefs have come about due to a need in my early teens to believe something. I read a lot. My favorite books have always been fantasy. Magic has always held some draw for me so in my search for religion I tried Witchcraft. I have read a great deal of books on Wicca and Witchcraft (or ones that are claimed to be). I consider myself a Witch, but I have a tendency to use Wiccan when speaking to others because Witch has more of a negative connotation (and asking a Christian mother to accept at Witch daughter might just be a little too much). Using the term Wiccan usually allows me time to explain what I mean.

I believe in the power of the self. I believe that the belief of the person(in a god or an idea or anything) is more powerful than anything else in the world. I believe that people believe in their various gods strongly enough to make them "real" even if only for them. Thats not to say I don't believe in gods myself. I do believe that a god and a goddess exist in my little slice of reality. I believe that with strong enough convictions an individual can accomplish the impossible.

I believe that it is theoretically possible for a person to fly, or walk on water. The problem is our own doubt. If there is even a tiny fraction of a doubt it prevents it from happening. And for nearly everyone it is impossible to suspend that doubt and overcome it. Thats not to say that insane people and children who don't know any better can fly or walk on water. The person has to be conscious of the limits of the natural laws and knowingly defy them.

I believe in karma and that strongly affects the spells I do. I've never taken a spell directly from a book and done it word for word. Many of my spells are inspired by books usually more than one and adapted to the materials I have on hand and my own life and needs.

I celebrate the Sabbats as best my schedule will allow. Usually I fast during the day and celebrate with a small ritual sometime that night. The Sabbats I use are Samhain(oct 31), Yule(dec22), Imbolc(feb2), Ostara(mar22), Bealtaine(may1), Midsummer(jun22), Lughnasadh(aug2), Mabon(sep22).

I think thats about it. If people have specific questions that I didn't answer please ask them and I'll do my best to answer.