I have already made a post about Discordianism on M&R (Link). so I won't repeat it again.

In addition to this I would like add the following about my path:


It has often been said that Discordianism is a religion that pretends to be an elaborate joke pretending to be a religion. And this is true.

My personal attraction to Discordianism is that it approaches some quite serious issues with a less than serious attitude and finds wisdom in this.

To be a Discordian is to me being an individual and a free thinker and not taking the world too seriously.

I am open to the idea of magic but I do not personally practice any.

I believe that chaos and order are just opposite sides of the same thing and equally important. (hence I am serious when I need to be and only silly when appropriate)

I believe that all paths have some truth and that by examining those paths critically I can find my own truth.

I have bachelors degrees in Psychology and Human Biology and I am currently studying for my masters degree in Psychology, and I am firm believer in Medical/Psychological ethics so I do not cause any actual harm if I can avoid it, but this doesn't stop me from being irreverent to those who need it.

I practice culture jamming where appropriate to put speed bumps into the path of dogmatics.

I believe in the existence of a Supreme being(s) since it's/their existence can not be disproved to my satisfaction.

I am a free thinker and I encourage others to break the shackles of dogma and tradition and question everything. Because I don't really care what you believe so long as you believe it for yourself and not because someone has told you to do it and you haven't asked why.