Tamer's ProfileName: Alexander Cross
Nationality: American
Astrology Symbol: Taurus
Zodiac Symbol: Snake
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Job: College Student
Abilities: Very Persistent Fighter , Technological skilled ,Intelligent
Equipment: Digivice,Cell phone,MP3 player pack with school work and laptop
Appearance: Personality: Cross is very intelligent, strong and silent type, and always looking for the next challenge. he has sworn no allegiance and is only out to better himself.
Home: Studio apartment near campus
Biography:Cross has always been an excelled student.Both in academic and martial arts.He has always joined competition to be the best.When He received his digimon partner.He decided that he should test himself and his digimon.
First Encounter: (There had been a sprouting of digimon at the local school and as much as Cross did not want to participate His partner and Digivice came to him.With this new found challenge Cross wants to see how far he can make it.
Crest :None so far
Digivice:Digimon Partner: Demi Devimon
Statistics:Tamer Battles:Tamers I have gone against: None
Times won: 0
Times Lost: 0
Times Tied: 0