User Image

.:Edited Regular Soquili:.

Colorist wanted:
Name of horse:
Temper (one word for horse's personality):
Description (eye color/hair color/hair style etc):
Okay please can her base color be a pearly white, One that has a little bit of a purple tint to it but not too much to be considered pale purple. More like the shadow a light purple if that makes sense. Can her mane be like the short mane you can get and her tail be the medium length thank you. Can they both be white fading into a pale gold near the tips please. Can she also have a the light gold around her eyes like a eye shadow effect thank you.
Reference image(s):
[x] ~ Can she have this sort of orb and butterfly pattern on her legs with the pale gold that you used for her hair.
As for edits can she please have a scarf exactly like the one from the coocoon the white one that is on my avatar. Also can she have a lotus in her hair just next to her ear, can this be white too.
Which stage you want them to start as?(basket,foal,or adult):
Default accessory color(s)?:
Tag frame color:
Tag feather color:
Hair/clothing edits: