Username:fearless night





Abilities:kick boxing,boxing, and can hack just about anything

Equipment:bookbag,digivice,cellphone,book of everything,foldable bike,pen and notepad, just a pet from home and devil imp

Appearance:blond hair, tall about 5'6,glasses, black pants with a chain belt,black shirt,red and black DC shoes

Personality: very quite, does not talk to people alot, loves to fight with my digimon for fun,likes to hack. hates all people that are full of them selfs,likes just about no one.

Biography: noone really know where he comes from they think PA.his mom is a teacher.his dad in prizon no orther famly mambers. never seen teogather.they live in a big house on a hill

Home:big house on a hill

Alignment:good,but if it comes to it can be very evil

Digimon:renamon User Image

First Encounter:he was boxing in a gym when he felt like something was watching him.he looked over to the window and saw something. so he ran after it. he finnally cought it in the middle of the park woods when it saw him it attacked.kind of starnge it was boxing they boxed for 2 hours.finnally they both just fell to the ground.then it talked saying that he was the only one to ever keep up with him.(yes it is a guy) so max found out his name it was renamon so they teamed up and boxed everyday till......NOW

Extra Notes/Other:N/A