June 20, 2007
3:32 pm
Dear journal,

HELLO NEW JOURNAL! Today was a normal day..oh WAIT. Pfft normal. It’s Edward, the god’s, birthday today! Oh he is so so hot.

Alright since you are a new journal I’ll fill you in. Edward Cullen. Those two little words send shivers through my entire being. He is so so so hot. Wait I’m repeating myself. Anyways I go to Forks high school in Forks, Washington. Where I sit from afar and gaze upon his beauty…all right all right. I need to confess. Edward…he doesn’t exist. I mean I love him so much...but he is just a character.

This journal though is a compiling of my story of life with him in my head. So just bear with my craziness, please?

My friends think I’m psychotic and quite frankly I believe I am too. But hey, if I get to spend my hours chatting it up with Edward and the gang then being psycho is totally worth it.

This is how it works for me. Everything and anything relate to Twilight. I have ACTUAL conversations with them in my head…yea you are probably backing away right now and dialing for help. You have to understand though, this is my life.

In this journal will be all of my daydreams….

June 20, 2007

Alright so today Edward's birthday...

"Edward!" I looked over the crowd of students blocking my view of his perfectness.

"Over here Nikki!" (Nikki is not my real name, but for the purpose of this story it will have to do v_v) I clapped in delight when I heard him respond to my searching. His pale white hand shot up in the air so I could spot him. Rushing in that direction I tripped on a backpack that was laying in the middle of the packed hall..god why were there so many people scurying around...right before my head cracked on to the white hallway floor, cool arms wrapped around my waste.

"My, Nikki, clumsy as always." I blushed and looked up into his beautiful topaz eyes, sparkling at me and sending my heart into a frenzy.

"H-hey" I spluttered out. Oh god he can hear it beating faster too. "Uhm..well..lets head out to your house...there's a surprise for you."

He frowned at the mention of the surprise I set up for his birthday. I smirked and started to pull him to his perfect silver volvo out in the parking lot. Once we reached it he pushed my back up against the car and, with both hands on either side of my head, leaned in closer.

"Mind telling me what this surprise is, love?" He looked deeply into my eyes and I felt like confessing right then and there...no no I cant do that..it's..a surprise. I shook my head side to side trying to clear it.

"Edward Anthony Masen Cullen, cut that out right now. I will not tell you, so just be patient and wait." He sighed and pulled away from me. He opened the passenger side for me, closed the door, and headed back around to get in the drivers side. I quickly locked the doors and stuck my tounge out at him.

He grinned a heartbreaking crooked smile and shook his head.

"This isn't funny, Nik, let me in or no more kisses." I rolled my eyes, but unlocked the car anyways.

"Oh like you could resist my lips for long." I pouted making my lips look fuller and, of course, he looked at them with longing. I chuckled and said, "See!"

He pulled out of the student parking lot and headed to his mansion in the forest, as I liked to call it.

...Oh I've got to go, journal, I'll tell you the rest soon!

June 20, 2007
7:01 pm

Alright I'm back journal, sorry to leave you hanging. So where was I? In fantasy land I'm sure...hmm ah yes and just in case someone reads you journal (hope to god no one does) but as much as I love Twilight I DONT own it. Yes it's so sad, I know. -cry- anyways...

We wound up the path to his huge home and I was tingling with anticipation. Oh lookey Emmett! Yes! He is so much fun and such a big bear of a brother. The car stopped and I was instantly being run to the backyard in Emmett's massive arms.

I beat on his chest playfully. "Brute, pervert, what do you think you are doing?" He looked down at me and laughed.

"Well I am kidnapping you fair maiden. Is that not obvious?"

I rolled my eyes. Overdramatic much?

"Ha well I'd like you to run that by with my boyfriend over there." Pointing with my thumb over to the steaming Edward. I snickered at the expression on his face.

Well I suppose he's spotted the backyard. Emmett put me down and I turned back to Edward.

"So. What do you think?" He looked up from the decorated backyard and smiled. He scooped me up in his arms and hugged me close.

"I love it." He whispered in my ear. It made me shiver.

All the trees in the yard were covered with silver sparkling stars and a silver tarp was on the ground with silver glitter scattered everywhere. In big letters hanging across from two trees it said "Happy 107th 17th Edward!"

I looked up into his eyes and he kissed me.

...ah I hate my imagination some times. Drives me crazy. Well anyways HAPPY BIRTHDAY EDWARD LOVE! -sigh- Talk to you tomorrow journal.

June 21,2007
11:27 am

Dear journal,

Hey,Im in school right now and just had the FUNNIEST conversation with Alice while my Algebra teacher droned on...

I was currently sitting in the Cullen's fabulous living room twirling my hair absentmindedly. Edward was out hunting with Emmett and Jasper. Rosalie was off god knows where, Carlisle was at the hospital, and Esme was in her garden.

So that left me and Alice. Alone on the sofa.

"Nikkiiii!" I sighed and looked at the pixie like vampire that had become my friend.


"Im bored." shocker

"Well lets watch something." I flipped the plasma screen on and sifted through the channels. I stopped suddenly at the opening of some Disney movie. My eyes grew wide and I started laughing uncontrollably. Alice looked startled.

"Whats wrong with you?" She looked from me to the movie, but couldnt figure out my reaction. O M E (Oh My Edward) some freaking psychic she was.

"Oh Alice.." I finnaly manged to say.


"...If you wore a blonde wig and green dress you would look JUST like Tinkerbell!" I fell on the ground laughing again when I hear some chuckles and Emmett's booming laugh.

I looked up to see a shocked Alice, an amused Jasper, and a hysterical Emmett. But where was...

"How clever." My breathing almost stopped. I turned my head and came face to face with my angel.

"Th-thanks." Man a whole year and I'm still not used to him.

"DONT EVEN THINK ABOUT IT JASPER!" I looked up suddenly at the screaming of Alice.

"What the..?"

Edward chuckled lowl in my ear "Jasper was planning to buy a wig and dress for Alice as a preasent." I burst out into another fit of giggles...

Oh damn, teacher and friends all staring at me right now...promise to talk to you soon journal!

June 22, 2007
4:59 pm

Dear Journal,

OME I found like the perfect pic of Edward...

Ok so he isn't PERFECT, but close enough. I mean no one can reach the hottness that is Edward Cullen, but that guy could pull off some of his hot potential. Ack. Anyways...I would love love to make like a banner with that pic..HA so unskilled with computers so thats not gonna happen -cry-

Journal I really have lost it. I made A cupcake. Yes thats right A as in ONE cupcake. I frosted it and spelled the intials E.C. on it. Bet you can figure out who THAT is...-sigh- But I have to say it was DEE-LICIOUS. mmm Edward cupcake..wow sounded sooo wrong on so many levels.

I will return! -cringe- chores...

June 22, 2007
7:53 pm

Alright I'm backkkk! Yay! Anyways during my chores, I had a very annoying talk with Mr. Muscle...Emmett....

I snuggled back into Edwards stone, cold arms. Ahh heaven.

He leaned in closer and drew his nose up the side of my neck, sending shivers through me. Back and forth, back and forth.

I turned to press my lips to his and right as it was getting good, lord meathead walked in singing my name.

"Nikki, Nikki, Nikki!!!"

"No Emmett." Edward said between clenched teeth.

"Aww coommee onnnnn!" His whining was so annoying

I sighed and unwillingly turned my head to face Emmett.

"What is it Emmett?" Oh so annoying...

He smiled. "You got tickets?!?"

What kind of idiotic question was that? Oh wait, EMMETT asked it.

"Tickets to what?" Edward groaned beside me. Obviously I asked the wrong question.

Emmett grinned wider and made a muscle.

"To the gun show! Oh yeah look at that one!" He pointed at the bulging bicep in front of our faces. I was pretty sure a vien was about to pop out of my forehead.

"THAT was what you came and interupted us for?!?" Oh how I wish to run him over with my car and actually cause some sort of damage.

I snorted.

"Go away now if thats all the stupidity you have for us." I turned back to Edward and he chuckled deeply. What a great laugh it is...

Well is Emmett an annoyance or what? Gawd. Well nighty night journal! One guess who I'll dream about...

June 23, 2007
3:15 pm

Dear journal,

OME OME. Alright. My "Twilight" zone experiences are gonna drive me insane..well if I'm not already..Well thats not the point! Ack ack these make-out sessions with Edward in my head are def not good for me. So..much..kissing..I'm sooo not complaining about that..am I? Gawd no. I need to write this down...

I leaned back in his black leather couch and let him trail the kisses down the side of my face. I was breathing heavily now and was positive he could hear the furious beating of my heart. My heart...which belonged to him.

He pulled back and I groaned.

"Oh come on Edward. You are SUCH a tease!" I pouted in that way where he couldn't help but stare at my lips.

He sighed and looked back up into my eyes.

"Nikki..you know we can't take this any further. I might..hurt you." He looked down at his hands now, which were intangled with mine.

I squeezed gently on them and lifted one hand to the side of his perfect face.

"You would never, could never, do that Edward."

He pressed his cheek into my palm.

"How do you trust me so? I don't trust myself at all."

He sounded so sad. I lifted his face and he moved it in front of mine. I pressed my lips lightly to his and pulled back.

"Edward you really are my angel. You saved me from doom oh..about 4 or 5 times now. You watch me all the time and stop me from crashing and killing me myself. And yet here you sit, so sure you will hurt me from kissing me some more."

He stared into my eyes for a moment longer and smiled.

"I really don't believe that I'm your angel...but if it makes you happy..." He pulled me closer and he pressed his lips firmly with mine...and thats when we heard the applause.

I turned from him and saw Jasper, Alice, and Emmett all standing in the doorway.

"Ah how sweet." Said a grinning Jasper.

"Absolutely heart touching." This came from Emmett, clutching at his chest where his non-beating heart was.

And all that came from from Alice was an "AWWWWWWWWWWW!"

Edward growled and the next thing I knew, I was left in the room with the "Awww-ing" Alice.

She giggled and came to join me on the know Edward-less couch.

"Wow,Edward really is mad at them." She giggled some more as we heard a clear "CRASH BANG OWW!"......

Ah I'm such a romantic. TTYL