lol fear the [un]originality of my poem's title! Or not. XD
The poem itself could probably still use some work as well, but here it is anyway:

Once there was a caterpillar who wished to sing a song,
But his voice, I fear, was really not that strong.

Day by day he'd eat and long to sing to all the world,
For what's the point of a song that's never to be heard?

Finally, he curled up tight and put himself to sleep,
Despairing that to himself, his song he'll have to keep.

Upon the dawn he woke, in silent envy watching the birds sing,
'Til he spied his song beautifully writ upon his wing.

Now he flutters, quite content, through gardens with the ever busy bee,
Happy in the knowledge that his song is heard by all who see.