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Aaron's interviews [Sunny is commin' up]

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 02, 2008 5:01 pm
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Don't post :[

If you have to post about how you think I'm the most awesome person in the world then please make a new thread. And label is Aaron Is My God. ;DD

Please send me messeges about what I can do to have better interviews. I've never interviewed anyone before o:

PostPosted: Sat Aug 02, 2008 7:01 pm
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Tilly: Interview me.

Aaron: Okay! Why did you join the guild?

Tilly: Well, Sara sent me an invite last summer, meaning Summer of '07. I thought 'Looks interesting' and accept plus, I felt like joining Guilds. :3

Aaron:I'm glad you thought that guild look interesting. ;DD What about the guild made you stay?

Tilly:Well, I saw that the Guild was inactive during some parts of the day, mostly during the afternoon, so I wanted to stay and keep it active. But, the more important reason I stay was because everyone there was nice, funny, and interesting in their very own way. I also stayed because I wanted to be the Word Games Queen as I mostly wanted to keep up as last poster. :3

Aaron:I love noble causes crying
Sorry. So of all the interesting people in the guild who did think was the most interesting? Did they inspire you in some way? Have jokes that were always funny? Or were they so sincere that you just couldn't not love them?

Tilly:Well, I find everyone interesting. But, I would say Penciled C o o k i e and Feuerleben are the ones I find the most interesting. [ I find you interesting still . ] Feuer is funny with what he does and how he acts. Cookie may have been my enemy in the Food war but, I'm fond of him and find him quite kind and I find him quite silly. In general, I find them both so cool. :3

Aaron:[I'm interesting xD] Feuer and Cookie are very cool. Another cool person is Sapphiresara for making the guild. But I still think she's a ball of clutter ;D What do you think?

Tilly:Well, I find her avi's full of color.
And so matching.
I wish I had all of the stuff she had.

Aaron: Everyone wishes they had all her stuff. xd Even after just recently getting banned (unfairly) by Gaia she's already got alot of things. She probobly buys Monthlys. Have you ever bought a Monthly Colectible? What do you think about the recent ones?

Tilly: Sadly, I have never bought Monthly Collectibles with actual money, I have bought MC's with my Gaia gold. Though, most of my collectibles were gifts. I only bought about maybe about 6 or so collectibles with my Gaia gold before. Though, I remember giving about 4 or so away as gifts to people. Well, if you are talking about the July collectibles, I don't like them much. Even if they are shiny, I'm not fond of them much.

Aaron: That's pretty general but it gets to the point. Speaking of Generals, who do oyu think is winning so far in the Great E.F.E. war of '08 (with dinosaurs)? Who do you think with win?

Tilly: Well, I'm not sure.
Seeing that I have forfeited my French Duel to the Death with Cookie, I know that I'm not going to win but, I would say Cookie would win. Forsure. But, it's anyone's game.

Aaron: I'm pretty sure I won't win because I'm a lazy leader. >.<
So what do you think about the upcoming U.S. election? Who are you rooting for?

Tilly: -Holds up Piggy Plushie-
Mr. Piggy shall win. :3

Well, I don't have much of an opinion.
I'm not into politics. So, I'm not sure.

Aaron: I like Obama too... 'Cause he's my home dawg. ;D
Do you own any pets? If you don't then what pet would you want to own?

Tilly: ;w;
Yes, I own 3 dogs and 2 turtles.
And they are the laziest animals I have ever met.

Aaron: Animals shouldn't be lazy. I suggest using a whip.
Do you have a favorite drink?

Tilly: Well, my turtles do get excited when they see me. :3

Well for my favorite drink:
Cold = Milk, Water, Jones Soda, or Lemonade.
Hot = Coffee or Green tea or any Tea in general.

Aaron: Do you think it's getting hotter? What's your opinion on Globnal Warming?

Tilly: Well, I do find that it maybe getting hotter but, I think it'll cool down once fall comes.

Global Warming is a horrible thing as it shall be the death to all of use.
So, remember to wear sunscreen.

Aaron: Considering I have abnormally white skin I think I'll take your advice and were sunscreen. I don't like being burned.

What is your favorite memory in EFE

Tilly: ;w;
Wow, I wish I had abnormally white skin like you.

Everything about Efe is memorable beside Sara getting banned.
That was a very dark event.

Aaron: I got it by constantly wearing a sweatshirt and pants for half my life.

Well I'm glad I could get to know you better. I had a great time. :]

I'm sorry we have to end at such a depressing note but I have sunscreen to put on. ;D

Seacr-- I mean... Aaron out.

Tilly: ;w;
Well, thank you for asking me questions.
Now, I am left alone.

Aaron: xDD I'm still gunna send messages if you want.

Oh, I forgot , do you have a boyfriend?

Till: o:
Why thank you.
I like talking to people.

Well, at the moment, I am currently single.




PostPosted: Sat Aug 02, 2008 8:50 pm
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Aaron: When did you join the guild? And when and why did you become a moderator?

Sunny: I joined Jan 14, 2007, so not that far from the date of which the guild was created.
I was asked to be a moderator not long after joining. I had been a part of Gaia for about a half a year by then, and I was fairly new to being committed to guilds.
So I'm not sure why I accepted the mod position, or even why I accepted the guild invite.
I'm glad I did, thoughh. [:

Aaron: In you whole time here you must have had some great times. Is there a best time you've had at the guild?

Sunny: Ha. Pick one pretty darned good time I've had here?
I don't know if that's possible. D:

Aaron: How about a couple? xd

Sunny: A couple? Well, I've really enjoyed the guild events.
I can honestly say that they're completely unpredictable.
From flower girls to wishing you had boobs to grope.. Haha.











PostPosted: Sat Aug 02, 2008 10:13 pm
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Aaron: So I heard you leik interogations! ;D

Feuer: In-te-ro-ga-tions interogations.....Yes I do like interogations

Aaron: Great.

I'll ask the standard questions first.

When did you join the guild? Why did you stay?

Feuer: Erm....I think I joined the guild..... late '07 and I stayed cause I was having the time of my life ;D
-starts day dreaming- ;o

Aaron: I see that you like daydreaming? What do you like to daydream about?

Feuer: ......
I'm getting paid for this right?
I day dream about lots of things ;D
I day dream about you
food war of '08
Everything 8D

Aaron: I'm sorry but you're not getting paid.
[I is daydreamed about! : DD <3]
What's your favorite part of school?

Feuer: My favorite part of school?
since I'm still on vacation and I already know what classes I'm taking I'm probably gonna say... Biology......I'm taking it again cause my biology teacher last year taught us nuting! D8<
And I wanna learn biology stuff!
No I did not Fail the class I chose it! D:<
I'm happy to tell you that I got a C! a C I tell you!
Ha! Better than my other grades I can tell you that!
-squishes stress ball-

Aaron: I failed Algerbra because I didn't turn in homework and my teacher hated me.

So how is your summer going? What kind of exiting things have you done?

Feuer: I failed algebra too because I could not understand a word she said and she never explained it that well D8
She hated me too cause I would never talk to my other classmates :<
-pats your back-
Well nothing exciting happened to me this summer other than being stranded in Los Angeles with a load of shopping bags with 4 other people all because someone parked the car weird and messed up the gear shift! D8<
We were there for 5 hours! and it was dark until my moms friend brother came to pick us up
when I was only half way in the car
(Small car, we hispanics travel in groups)
He started going!
My moms friend started screaming
"Mi pata Mi pata! que te pasa! Ivas a pachucar my pata menso!"
then her husband was all like
"Nada paso con tu pata apurate!"
Then we went to eat at a club
nothing more fun then seeing your mom being flirted with younger men =.=
and dirty dance
Then when my moms friend sister brother got the bill
He started sweatin' like a pig
that's when I knew
He couldn't pay the bill -_-
200 dollars! D:
My mom gave him like 30 dollars :/
and when we were getting home my moms friend was driving cause her husband and brother were drunk
Her brother started sleeping on me! e.o He was all droolie and weird and stuff he was taking pictures of me D8
and I missed a chance to go to Hurricane harbor :<
My mom,sister and my moms 'Guy friend' went without me :>
I didn't want to go cause I had no trunks and I'm afraid that the freeway/highway thingy might collapse and kill us all ;~;

Aaron: Woah.

Well that souns like... Fun... xDD

Speaking of fun, what was the most fun you've ever had in the guild?

Feuer: I had fun all the time because E.F.E is full of fun and I think Everyone wants to have fun because if we didn't have fun then people would be boring and boring is so like not fun and living forever is not fun because we were never suppose to live forever ........

Aaron: What would you do if you had to live forever?

Feuer: I wouldn't want to live forever because we were never mean't to live forever so I don't want to live forever
and If we lived forever it wouldn't be right because living forever is wrong
.......I feel angelic

Aaron: Do you have multiple personalities?

Feuer: -gasp- No!
I don't have multiple personalities! D:
Do you think I have multiple personalities?! D8<
Shoop da whoop!
You foo!
I think it's that dang Mei....
Shes trying to make me look bad
She had her eye on my job as the mascot ever since she met me >:I
Don't trust her -wiggles finger- no.....

Aaron: Do you think Mei will be totaly destroyed in the Great EFE War of '08?

Feuer: She probably will since I found this formula to make strawberries sour and rot >;P
-drinks a smoothie-

Aaron: Do you like being the Guild mascot?

Feuer: I sure do 8D
-eye droops- Being a guild mascot is fun
Oh one of my favorite songs is on
Bartender I really did it this time Broke my parole to have a good time When I got home it was 6 AM The door was locked so I kicked it in She was trippin' on the bills I think she was high on some pills

Aaron: You really like to quote songs. Do you think you'll be in a band later in life?

Feuer: -sits up on my chair and touches your cheek- With a taste of your lips, I'm on a ride You're toxic, I'm slippin' under taste of a poison paradise I'm addicted to you Don't you know that you're toxic?~
XP haha I don't think I'll be in a band :/ I can't sing and I can't play any instruments v.v

Aaron: Maybe you'll write songs for the lazy artists who still make a bajillion dollars xDD

So who do you think is the coolest person in the guild?

And is Sara clutter?

Feuer: XD

The coolest :0 I'd have to say you and shryle >w< heart
I think sara gotten some work done with her clutter I saw her go into a building to get a cluttersuction last week

Aaron: One last question:

Will you marry me on Gaia? o:

Feuer: o-o;




PostPosted: Sun Aug 03, 2008 2:47 am
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Pesty: I absolutely agree with that statement.

Aaron: lol


First question, the same question as always. When did you join this guild and why did you stay?

Pesty: Sometime in 2007. I can't really say exactly when but last year sounds right. Why did I stay? Well, the people were funny, I actually didn't hate everyone right off, and everyone just seems to take my killing sprees in stride.

Aaron: Would you consider 2 people in the guild a killing spree? Have I failed at being evil? xD

So how many people do oyu think you have killed so far?

Pesty: You need at least four people for it to be a spree. No one can fail at being evil, we're just evil to different degrees. And I have probably racked up a body count of... what's the world's population? Whatever it is, triple it because I've destroyed the world at least that many times.

Aaron: Woah. So do you think you're going to do it again?

Pesty: Oh yes. I find destroying the world very fun. I find one thing better, and that's reading.

Aaron: I love reading too.

So when you destroy the world how do you repopulate the earth? Do you let one one (or a few) lucky women live or do you have another way?

Pesty: You see, I rip a hole in space, then I drag everyone's souls back to a rebuilt earth and give them new bodies so I can kill them again. The bodies may not be the same but I really don't care.

A fellow reader huh? That's rare these days.

Aaron: Yes it is! :[

So are you going to kill everyone in the guild too then? Have you met anyone that you thought was cool enough not to kill?

Pesty: *Scratches head* I could swear I've already killed everyone in the guild... or just most of it. Anyway. Only a few people, and there just as insane as I am. I've had Caramel Dansen playing for the past thirty minutes...

Aaron: I listened to it for 4 hours and went crazy. :[

So what's your favorite music genre?

Pesty: Really? I love these kinds of things.

I would have to say Heavy Metal.

Aaron: I was a major headbanger in 6th grade.

So who's your favorite artist? Favorite song?

Pesty: Ensiferum is currently my favorite. They're from Finland! I would to say my favorite song right now is Into Battle by Ensiferum. It was Unforgiven by Metallica, but then my friend introduced me to Ensiferum and yeah.

Aaron: Have you ever been to another country?

Pesty: No, but I want to go to Japan and Italy.

Aaron: Do you have a favorite Anime/Manga?

Pesty: Favorite anime right now is Bleach. Once this interview is over I'm gonna go watch it via interwebs. My favorite manga is Love Hina. It's funny as hell!

Aaron: Have you poured gasoline on someone then lit them on fire and sent them to hell?

Pesty: I have in the guild. Several times. Always funny.

Aaron: One last question.

Are you a ninja?

Pesty: Depends on how tired I am. Right now? Yes. In an hour or two? No. Though I'm always a ninja at school... Hmmm....

PostPosted: Sun Aug 03, 2008 4:02 am
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Seeing that Aaron was interviewing people, I thought I might was well interview him.

Tilly: OK Then. Let's Get This Interview on the road!

First Question:
What time is it for you?

Aaron: 2:47 In the bloody morning.

Tilly: o:
Me too.

Were you sleeping before you got on Gaia right now?

Aaron: No, actually I was trying to catch up with old friends. But it turned out they don't like to get up too early.

Tilly: Ahh, I see.
Catching up with friends it always great.
Now, tell me, how did you end up joining the Efe Guild and What made you want to stay and post away?

Aaron: Shryle (Moose at the time) invited me after we became friends on the MPT. I stayed because Shryle is made out of 100% win. And because I was a newbie and thought I was all that because I was in a guild. xDDD


Aaron: At the time I think I was AaronForever or some lame thing like that. Maybe Napoleon forever. Anyway, DINOSAURSAIDTHATHEMETSHRYLEONTHEMILLIONPAGESTHREADANDWEBECAMEFRIENDSANDIWASFULLOFMYSELF.

Tilly: o: That is one pretty long word.
So, Tuesday was my first day I ever ate at Subway, yeah go ahead and laugh it up. When was the first time you ate at Subway?

Aaron: I don't know. But I always order:
Garlic bread thingy, peperoni, cheddar, onions, pepper, lettuce, chipotle sause.

Tilly: o: Ahh, I see.Sounds good. Lynn, my friend, and I shared a Tuna sandwich. It was good.

Now, I know you like Gundams. Which model from your collection do you prize the most?

Aaron: Definately my Strike - E. It's not the one I painted but its got an awesome jetpack and a huge a** sword. My dad randomly bought it for me.

Tilly: o:
Amazing. Have you ever watched any of the Gundam series? Which Series?

Aaron: I haven't watched a whole series yet but I've started Gundam Seed and Gundam 00 and almost finished gundam wing. I'm also reading the Seed mangas.

Tilly: o: That's really great.
So, I believe you are an artist. Do you draw with your right hand? Left? Or are you Ambidextrous?

Aaron: I'm not really an artist. I suck at drawing. But I can draw with both hands, although I draw better with my left. Left handed people are more likely to be ambidetrous I've heard.

Tilly: That's so awesome. I wish I was left handed but, I'm a right hander.

Mostly everyone has been to Youtube. What's the funniest video you have seen on YouTube?

Aaron: Peach's Slutty Brawlgasm. 2 SSBB machinima makers colaborated to make an episode where both of their SSBB worlds collide. You've got to see it.
Part 1
Part 2

Tilly: o:
Cool, I'll remember to watch the videos.

Anyways, lets move on to some music. Who is your prefer music artist or band to listen to during the day? What is your song of choice?

Aaron: My favorite band has got to be Relient K, my favorite song from them is College Kids. I love listening to them. But when I'm just going for 1 song I go for Blow Me Away by Breaking Benjamin.

Tilly: Hey, that's awesome. Still talking about music. Have you ever gone karaoke singing? Or maybe you sang a song along with your friends during a day. What was the song that you sang? But, if you didn't, would you go karaoke singing?

Aaron: No, I have never sang karaoke. I sang a song once and my friends told me not to sing again. Although sometimes I sing alond with the radio when Bohemian Rhapsody comes on.

Tilly: o:
I bet your friend told you not to sing again because your voice is too lovely to hear.
My friends and I love karaoke singing.

Ok, now lets move onto some Guild related stuff.
Who would you find to be the coolest person in the Efe Guild?

Aaron: Cookie, Sunny, Sara and Feuer. I mean, they're all so awesome! Cookie is full of win becuase he drew a picture of me with a dinosaur! He draws awesome pictures and says some really funny things. Sunny is realy nice! ;D Sara made this awesome guild! And Feuer is freakin' funny and always bites peoples heads. (Shryle isn't on because he doesn't like us anymore xDD)

Tilly: -Sniffles-
I see that I'm not on the listen but, that's ok.

What part of the Guild do you enjoy the most?

You're super awesome because you were interviewed. ;D
You were the first too! Which makes you double super awesome! ;DD

I enjoy reading posts. Posting funny things is fine but it's really great to read how other people's days are going and their random thoughts... and other peoples funny things!

Tilly: ;w;
Why thank you.

Ahh, I see. Yeah, reading posts are always great.

Anyways, I think I should finish this interview up.
Feuer and I are attacking each other in a slow motion moving style movie.
Any last words of the readers?

Aaron: Slow motion is my favorite motion! xd

Well I guess I want them all to know that... I'M GOING TO EAT THEIR HAMSTERS AT NIGHT!

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Well, this interview is done!
-Shoots paper wads into trash can-


Dangerous Lover


PostPosted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 1:42 pm
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Crackbaby: L0l yeah lets do it. Anything to not get butt raped in the middle of a freakin parking lot ^.^

Aaron: Okay, the first question as always is...

Dear Crackbaby, do you like to suck the mighty c**k?

Crackbaby: ~silence~
Do I like to suck the mighty c**k.....WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?!
No I dont like to suck "the mighty c**k"! Me likey the va jay-jay! Beaver. Taco. Whatever you want to call it!
And the only c**k that is might around here...IS MINE!!
So NO!! I dont like to suck myself off!!!
.....not saying that I can.......

Aaron: Crackbaby, during your free time you stick tampons up your a**.

Crackbaby: WHAT THE SHYT?! Did....WHAT THE SHYT!?
Does it look like..
~stands pointing at crotch frantically~
~now grabbing self~
This here be THE MIGHTY c**k!!
Why! WHY?! Would I buy tampons AND STICK THEM UP MY a**!!!
~breathing heavily and sits back down~
Me no likey these questions. These are out of control

Aaron: O_O

When did you join the guild? Why did you stay?

Crackbaby: ~breathing heavily. Growls and rubs back of neck~
I joined the guild...well I'm not exactly sure when I joined the guild but I assume it was around the march/april month area. Sara invited me to the guild randomly. I was basically like "Wtf. Why are people sending me random guild invites? Stupid people..."
Yes this is actually what I thought. Sorry Sara.
But I went to look the guild over and it looked like you guys had a whole butt load of fun just being retarded. So me, I'm all about being retarded, I decided why the hell not and I join up.
I stay because of the people. You are all great people. Sometimes you in particular piss me off killing me but thats cool xD
And I think I wanted to rip off feuer's head at one point in time but I ♥ you all and would never(I use this word lightly) purposely harm anybody in the guild.

Aaron: Anyone in particular you like in the guild?

Crackbaby: Well as all should already know, with exception of newer people, I am a major fan of Tilly. This all started when she began to catch the watchful eye of Thread-Man
~pulls out Thread-Man merchandise~
Official merchandise of Thread-Man himself. Call now for these items are not sold in stores.
~holds up card with number on it for a moment before putting everything away~
As I was saying: She was and is a major fan of Thread-Man so he asked me to keep an eye out for her, you know, just for safety. Well when I decided to make an rp about Gaia and Thread-Man and what not she was a great help to me and that is where it all starts. Fantastic girl, if I do say so myself. And I do. So she is. So there. xP

Aaron: Do you RP often?

Crackbaby: Yes very often. Though recently I have acquired a rather annoying block. I can't think of anything at the moment so I'm just sort of holding on right now. Usually I'm in about three or four RP's at a time but luckily I wasn't in any at the moment of my block except for PM RP's with Araina Sonsta but I told her she would have to wait a little while.
I've come to notice that my every two monthly leave of gaia has something to do with my rping. If all my RP's die near the same time and I don't find another in about 2 days that is really good I tend to just disappear and not get back on gaia for about a month or so.

Aaron: So when were you gunna get boobs

Crackbaby: Huh?! Are we back to asking me ridiculous questions?!
Or....are you refering to when we were talking that one time in...slots?...pinball?...I think it was slots...idk.
Well I was never really planning on getting boobs for I dont think gropping myself would be all that satisfying, you know?
Other peoples boobs are much better. Also.......I dont think I could pull off having boobs.

Aaron: xDD

I don't think any man could pull off having gropable boobs. (except those Japanese guys who look like girls but I can't really count them as men)

What was the most fun event you went to? Do you have any recomendations for the events?

Crackbaby: Hmm...Maybe if man-boobs counted..possibly
I loath korean guys....~growls~ Stupid females and their obsessions with guys that look like girls.
Stupid pretties!!!

Hmmm. I'm not completely sure. OH WAIT! The Truth of Dare event in towns. That was great! I had hella fun! Asked Sunny to go out with me. Asked Cookie to cyber me. (Which he never answered btw. Aw. L0LZ xD)
Great stuff there.
I don't really have an recommendations for the events. Just keep up the good work with planning these things. I just wish more people would come, you know? With more people it would be omega fun!

Aaron: I was planning to have another Truth or Dare in a week or two. The people who come up with the most awesome truth and dare get a prize.

If you cybered with Cookie what do you think that would have read like?

Crackbaby: Ha! Wow. Man I dont know. Needless to say I wouldn't have gone past the first post which probably would have been something like:
"Hey baby, wanna get get on some Crackbaby p***s?"
And I dont know what he would say to that. Hopefully completely reject and let me laugh about it....

Aaron: Great 'cause I don't interview people who go around cybering Cookies.

What do you think about a guild comic? Will it fail in the first week?

Crackbaby: Hmmm. I could make a song out of that "Wanna get get on some Crackbaby p***s, Hey, wanna get get on some Crackbaby p***s...." xD

Guild comic? Hmmm. I think we just need good writers, good idea, some good old none-sense comedy and a bit of good drawing and it should do well. Hell I'd look at every new one if it started.
I think It'd be a good idea. :3

Aaron: One last question because I have to get back to downloading Techno.

Crackbaby, you suck black d**k.

Crackbaby: Ah yes. Techno is great

Why's it have to a a black d**k?! HUH?! Because its all PRETTY AND BIG?!?
WHAT THE ********!!
Stop asking me questions about c**k and penises and TAMPONS IN MY a**!!
~breathing heavily again~
Me no likey these question. They are out of control and simply OUTRAGEOUS!
Screw you're interview!
~stands and picks up chair, hurling it across the room~
I'm out!
~storms out growling and mumbling nonesense~
PostPosted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 3:15 pm
I will now being doing 1 interview every week.



PostPosted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 1:52 pm
[Some one goes here o:]
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