P as in Prozac is a medication
R as in Robert look it's a user named after a medication
O as in OMG look it's a user named after a medication
Z as in ZOMG look it's a user named after a medication
A as in Adam is the name of the user named after medication
C as in Carter is the last name of the user named after medication

T as in The, that's it.

H as in Happy now that your on Prozac
A as in Andrew is on Prozac now
P as in Prozac, that's it
P as in Peeing after you drink alot of water for taking Prozac
Y as in Your unhappy, try Prozac
P as in Personally I think Prozac doesn't work
I as in I think I'm crazy for writing this.
L as in Literally am I crazy for writing this?
L as in Lastly I'm done writing this.