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Breaking news!
  Zomg! honey get the kids!
  Ah! -hiding-
  -sobs uncontrolably- I know someone that's in there!
  Geez feuer this is depressing ...go get help
  This thing is exciting!
  Call me a whore cause I'm polling!
  Continue the story! 8D
  Stop the story! D8
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 20, 2008 5:13 pm
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Cindy Donovinh: Hello Gaians this is Cindy reporting breaking news in front of the small Cupcake mountain guild where there has been a string of homicides! Just recently we heard some screaming and a chair was thrown out the window! The swat team came 4 minutes ago and is bringing out a negotiator, Oh here comes a peramedic -runs to a paramedic- Sir How many do you think are in the building?
Paramedic: Well There is probably 20-30 more people inside the guild an-
Cindy: How many do you think were killed?
Paramedic: Well i'm still not sure since we weren't able to get inside The doors have been blocked
Cindy: So you mean there are still injured people in there?
Paramedic #1: Yeah....
Lanzer: -uses megaphone- Gaians please for your own safety move back 50 feet
-all gians move back-
Cindy: Thank you sir
Paramedic: No prob.
Cindy: So as you can see over my shoulder the swat team is trying to break down the door and are unsuccessful maybe if we talk to the cheif of police we can get some answers -walks quickly to the cheif- So chief do you know who is keeping all those gians hostage?
Chief: We are still not sure who is holding them hostage but we do know It is a Male
-bullets from a machine gun shoot out from the window from cupcake mountain-
Cindy: Oh god!
Chief: Everybody get behind the cars!
-gaians run chaotic around the building and hiding behind large objects-
-shooting stops-
Cop #1: Man down man down!
Paramedic #2: Quick! look for any casualties!
-paramedic team scramble around looking for injuries-
Cindy: Chuck are you okay?!
Chuck(a.k.a. camera man): Yeah, boy was that a rush!
Cindy: Are we still on?
Chuck: Yea
Cindy:This is Cindy Donovinh bringing in the latest of the cupcake mountain massacre We'll send more information when We get new information

Newslady: Geez this is pretty bad I feel terribly sorry for anyone who has a family member in that guild.
Newsman:Indeed.....In other news another kiki has been fished out found in lake durem
Newslady:How tragic.....



Newslady: This just in Cindy has more information about the tragedy.

Cindy: Hello barbera a few minutes ago one of the survivors crawled out from the basement window we coouldn't understand what she was saying but trauma experts are helping her rehabilitate. As you can see the shooter is still in the building -points at the building- It's been 5 hours since the shots first rang out and It does-
-more shooting-
Cindy: Chuck run!
Barbera(a.k.a. news lady): Cindy? Cindy?! What's going on girl?!
-camera starts filming wildly to a tree-
Chuck: Cindy wait up!
Cindy: Hell no! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ahhhhhhhh! -screams like a woman in a horror film-
Chuck: Cindyyy!!!! Please!
Barbera: Cindy?! Chuck?! What's going on?!
Newsman(a.k.a. cody): Isn't it abvious Barbera they're running for their lives
Chuck: -panting- Cindy! -stumbles and falls sending the camera flying to the ground-
Cindy: Get up chuck! -hiding behind an oak tree-
Chuck: Geez what's wrong with you woman?! Why didn't you help me with the equipment?! -stumbles to the tree-
-shooting stops-
Shooter: -yells out from the window- One by one all will fall!
Chief: -hiding behind squad car holding his wounded ankle- My god....This man is insane
Paramedic #2: We got multiple casualties over here!
-medical team goes to help the wounded-
Cody: Is everything okay Cindy?....Cindy please if you're there talk to us.
Cindy: -panting- Were here Cody just another blast of bullets
Barbera: Are there any injuries?
Cindy: Well since the bullets went everywhere there has to be some injuries
Cody: This is bad
Chuck:Cindy I'm scared -hands are shaking-
Cindy: Keep the camera still chuck
Barbera: Cindy are there still any civilians in the area?
Cindy: I don't know but I heard the chief of police order any civilians still in the area out
Cody: Cindy you gotta get out of there!
Cindy: I wish we could but our van got sprayed with bullets so were stuck
Barbera: Well can't you get a ride out?!
Cindy: -voice starts cracking- Well....all the other news reporters scrambled out of the area and the officials said that we weren't safe making a run out of the area on foot. So we hid behind a cabin
Cody: Geez
-shooter takes out his gun again and starts spraying the area with bullets-
Cindy: Oh god! Chuck get down!

Paramedic #1: Get the injured out of here!
Swat leader: Men shield yourselves!
Paramedic #3: -pushes an injured girl into a bullet proof swat car before getting shot in the back-
Paramedic#1: Nathan Noooooooooo!
Paramedic#3: -falls to the floor breathing heavily-
Paramedic#1: Nathan! -holds nathan- Hold on buddy!
Swat#1: -jumps off the back of the swat car and carries nathan into the car-
Paramedic#1:Keep holding on Nathan! -runs to the side of an ambulance-
Cindy: -still behind the oak tree-
Chuck: -sobbing uncontrollably-
Cindy: Get a hold of your self Chuck!
Chuck: I can't!
Barbera: Cindy you need to get to a safer location!
Cindy: It's to dangerous to run away from this tree
-shooting stops and shooter laughs insanely-

Another update!

~7 hours later~

~Cindy and Chuck are resting under the tree with the camera off~
Chuck: Cindy I'm getting tired
Cindy: Me too chuck come on I think it's safe -gets up and looks over the side of the tree-
Chuck: What do you see Cindy?
Cindy: Well The officials are still there
Chuck:Can't they come get us?

~ meanwhile 20 miles away~

Cookie: Sunny! Sunny Sunny!
Sunny: Yes?
Cookie: There's a huge problem with the printer!
Sunny: What's the problem?
Cookie: Come! -grabs sunny's hand and pulls her to the office-
Sunny: Oh Geez! Dino how did you get stuck inside the printer?!
Dino: ...Long story

Mei: Hey Viet
Viet: Yeah?
Mei: So I heard you liked sunny
Viet: What what what?!
Mei: I been reading in the E.F.E Weekly paper and it said that you were crushing on sunny
Viet: Who?!
Mei: I dunno the writer is unknown

Dino: Ow ow ow!
Cookie: Keep quiet dino!
Dino: Stop it!
Cookie: Just calm down Dino!
Dino: Ahhhhhhhhhh!
Cookie: Geez be a man!
Dino:This is very uncomfortable!
Cookie: It's your fault for getting stuck in the printer!
Sunny:Ouch that does look painful well I better get to work Cya boys later
Dino: Don't leave me with this monster!
Cookie: Hey I'm trying to get you out! I am no monster!
Dino: Ow!

Sara: -notices sunny walking in the hallway- Hey sunny
Sunny: Yeah?
Sara: Do you think I'm just a ball of clutter?
Sunny:.....Not at all!
Sara: Good! So where ya off to?
Sunny: Just patrolling the area
Sara: That sounds boring
Sunny: It is...nothing exciting happens here besides that food war
Sara: Oh yeah I remember that
- has a flashback-
Feuer: Stop the war!
Mei: Strawberry explosion of flavor!
Dino: -battle cry-
Cookie: You will all phail!
-big quake shakes the ground-
Feuer: Make peace! -holds up peace sign-
Sunny: -hiding under a bomb shelter with Sara- This is madness!
Sara: Madness? This is Sp-
Sunny: Don't even go there!
Sara: Fine then
feuer: Stop the Wa- -explodes-

-end flashback-

Sunny: Poor feuer
Sara: Indeed He had so much to live for
feuer: -yells from the rose field- I'm not dead!
Sunny: Did you hear that?
Sara: Yes..It's like the ghost of feuer needs help crossing to the other side- sniffle-
feuer: Geez! -watering the roses-

Cookie: Come on one more pull!
Dino: Owwwwwwwwww!
Cookie: Almost out!
Dino: Gah! -is pulled out of the printer-
Cookie: There I got you out
Dino: Gee thanks
Cookie: Well I got to copy these papers for the crew meeting
Dino: Right -limps to the nurses office-

Viet: -screams-
Mei: Whoa Viet calm down!
Viet: I will not calm down until I know who the writer is! -crumbles up paper-
Mei: -slaps Viet- Calm the F**k down!
Viet: -has red hand mark- oh so it's like that now
Mei: Huh?
Viet: Yogamaloopa!

~Back in Cupcake Mountain~

Cindy: -behind a cabin now- Well that run was successful
Chuck: Speak for yourself....-is dirty and his shirt is ripped-
Cindy: ....Well you shouldn't of had screamed while running here
Chuck: I was screaming because I was being chased by angry chipmunks!
Cindy: Why were they angry anyways?
Chuck: I sat on one of them
Cindy: Oh

Next part Canceled!!
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 20, 2008 6:02 pm
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~ Back in the news room~

Barbera: Were going back live to Cindy who is on the scene
Cindy:Hello Gaian's this is Cindy Donovinh bringing in the latest of the cupcake mountain massacre 2 more survivors managed to get out and we were able to get a few words out of one of the victims
He said and I quote " It's a mad man dude!...mad man!"
The shooter is still unkown and his motives are still unsure so far we know that there are alot of casualties and unfortunatly a paramedic lost his life saving another
Cody: Has the area calmed down?
Cindy: It's a bit calmer, But the tension is even greater we don't know when another spray of bullets will come
Barbera: I see you got a bullet proof vest now Cindy
Cindy: Indeed Me and chuck here borrowed some vests from the swat team just in case there's another burst of bullets
Chuck: -thumbs up-
Cindy: We have the swat leader here and he agreed to talk on camera. So Mr. Swat what do you think happened in the building?
Mr. Swat: Well ma'am a maniac has taken the cupcake guild hostage and has killed off a few, we are still sure if this is a terrorist act
Cindy: Have you had training in this kind of situation?
Mr. Swat: Of cource we had we are trained in anything that is possible to happen
*Commercial break*
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*end commercial break*

Cindy: Were back and during the break cops got a look at the shooter and saw that he is a white male with a distinctive scar on his cheek
Barbera: any word on the condition of the 3 survivors?
Cindy: They have a couple bruises and are extremly shaken up they seemed unharmed so there might be hope that there still may be survivors
Cody: We got some recordings of the first frantic police call of the massacre we warn you this may disturb younger audiences
-plays recording-
Operator: 911 how may we help you?
Woman: Please help there is a maniac in the building! -shooting and glass shattering in the background-
Operator: Where are you ma'am?
woman: I'm at cupcake mountain! It's a guild please hurry!
Shooter: Hey!
Woman: -screams-
Operator: Ma'am are you there?! -hears shooting then a thud-
-end recording-
Barbera: This has to be the worst massacre since the kiki massacre of '05
Cody: I agree

~Back in E.F.E~

QUANiiEE: Tilly
Tilly: To busy -operating a strawberry- Hand me the jam
QUANiiEE: -hands tilly the jam- What are you making?
Tilly: The greatest waffle Evah! I shall destroy cookie's weak army!
QUANiiEE: But I got to go eat
Tilly: You just ate!
QUANiiEE: Yeah like a carrot stick I need food tilly!
tilly:In a moment anything can change QUANiiEE anything

Cookie: -watching cookie's gone wild- ...wow
Dino: -walks in- Wow cookie...wow
Cookie: You shut up

Viet: -stomps on roses-
feuer: Hey! get out of my rose field!
viet: Viet angry! viet smash!
feuer: -slaps-
viet: Viet furious!
feuer: Calm down viet!
Viet: viet need kill!
feur: Here have these -pops some blue pills into viets mouth-
viet: Viet is calm viet go search for mei now -walks away-

Sunny: If only shryle were here to see the E.F.E
Sara:Why did he have to go on that journy?!
sunny: now now sara at least E.F.E has it's loyal members -sees viet dancing the crazy chicken- .....
sara: Now you don't see that every day

~Back at cupcake mountain~

Cindy: This place has gone silent we'll send more information when something happens Cya soon
Chuck: -turns off camera- How long are we gonna stay here Cindy?
Cindy: Until it ends chuck I want to be remembered for covering the cupcake mountain massacre
Chuck: What if lasts 3 days?
Cindy: Then we'll wait
Chuck: Aw man Really?

~2 hours later~

Cindy:Okay Chuck.....we gotta get out of here

Chuck: Huh?.....Wha? -laying on the floor-

Cindy: We gotta get out of this place

Chuck: You say this now?

Cindy: Come on pal -lifts chuck up-

Chuck: Is the shooter still out there?

Cindy: -looks out the window- I think he's gone for now

Chuck: Thank goodness -walks out of the cabin with Cindy-

Cindy: Come on -sneaks to the police car-

Chuck: -follows- hey Cindy what are you doing?

Cindy: Quiet down Chuck -hot wires a police car-

Chuck: Cindy I don't think this is right

Cindy: Do you want to get out of here or not?

Chuck: I do but I don't think this is legal

Cindy: Quick get in

Chuck: But Cind-

Cop #2: Hey you! Don't move! -runs towards cindy and chuck-

Cindy: Hurry up Chuck! -pulls chuck in-

Chuck: Wah! Urg.....-climbs to the passenger seat-

Cindy: Let's put the petal to the metal! -presses on the acceleration-

Cop #2: Hey! -gets covored in smoke-

Chuck: Ah! -puts on seat belt-

Cindy: The gates! I can see the gates haha!

Shooter: Oh no you don't hehe -aims and shoots at the front tire-

Cindy: -scream and goes out of controls-

Chuck: I knew this was a bad idea! -grabs on to the handle-

Cindy: Ah! -crashes into a street light-

I just lost my creativity again!
No good stinkin water and chatting D8<

Okay I'll end this story and tell you what happens!
Cindy Makes it back to the news room
Chuck gets shot in the back and dies instantly!
Cop #2 gets married to the swat leader!
The shooter commits suicide by detonating his bomb so his identity is never known!
Viet goes on a rampage and gets shot down by tranquilizers
Sunny has a romantic kiss by the lake with Cookie
Aaron finds a secret rare Gem that turns him into a dinosour
feuer wins first prize in the rose garden festival
There are no survivors in the cupcake mountain massacre
Mei becomes guild president while Sara is in rehab
Shryle never returns
Encarton and crackbaby Stay together at the bus stop while it's raining and have a sweet and memorable kiss >w<
The end!


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PostPosted: Sun Jul 20, 2008 8:33 pm
That's actually really.. depressing. D:
PostPosted: Sun Jul 20, 2008 8:42 pm
It's a nice story and all but where do you get the time to actually do this O_o

I have to agree with Sunny... It is quite depressing  



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PostPosted: Sun Jul 20, 2008 9:27 pm
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Hey you knmow what they say
Making a tragedy is easier than making a happy film :/
PostPosted: Sun Jul 20, 2008 10:30 pm
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Next part is coming soon! 8D


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PostPosted: Sun Jul 20, 2008 10:52 pm
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User ImageTwinkle twinkle little star,
How I wonder what you are!
Up above the world so high, User Image

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Good work! In news-reporter terminology too! I bet the shooter is Lord P., and he's holding us ransom in EFE. xd Hehehe

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User ImageLike a diamond in the sky,
Twinkle twinkle little star,
How I wonder what you are!User Image
PostPosted: Sun Jul 20, 2008 10:54 pm
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The identity will be revealed at the end! 8D


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PostPosted: Sun Jul 20, 2008 10:59 pm
User ImageUser Image
User ImageTwinkle twinkle little star,
How I wonder what you are!
Up above the world so high, User Image

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User Image
User ImageLike a diamond in the sky,
Twinkle twinkle little star,
How I wonder what you are!User Image
PostPosted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 7:42 am
Well, this story is going to turn out very interesting if you ask me!
In my spare time, I write little mini stories. You know, maybe 3 paragraphs tops.
If you guys want, i'll write something and post it on a thread called "Renegade's Story"
That's just if you guys want me to.  



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PostPosted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 10:59 am
Well, this story is going to turn out very interesting if you ask me!
In my spare time, I write little mini stories. You know, maybe 3 paragraphs tops.
If you guys want, i'll write something and post it on a thread called "Renegade's Story"
That's just if you guys want me to.
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 1:09 pm
why am i not in there? :[  



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PostPosted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 3:12 pm
why am i not in there? :[
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You're not worthy D8
PostPosted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 4:56 pm
:O wow
They need a sharp shooter on the scene stat!
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