Name: Saleana
Age: 14
Race: Failed Clone of the Ultimate Lifeform(Shadow)
Appearance: Her fur color is black with red streaks on her quills (Just like Shadow) which are normally tied back. Two shorter quills fall on to her shoulders. Clothes are a Red Tank top, Blue Jeans White Gloves and red and black boots (They look identical to Amy's except black stripes instead of white)
Weapon: None
Type: Speed
Magic: None
Background: Basically, Saleana's life sucks. From the beginning People and her creators have called her a horrible mistake and she will never live up to Shadow. Tragedy always seems to follow her around, but her friends always seem to keep her happy and it's not her fault
Likes: Her Friends Silver and Blaze, Sonic and Co, Ice Cream, Stuff Crust Pizza(if you have never heard of Stuff Crust, it's a Canada thing) and Fireworks.
Dislikes: Thunderstorms, anyone in a lab coat and Dr. Eggman
Relationship: Saleana is in no relationship as of yet.
Crush: Sonic The Hedgehog
Theme: How Soon Is Now by Tatu