.:Regular Soquili:.
Colorist wanted: Any
Name of horse: Lazuli
Owner: Kitsune Mistress Nyoko
Gender: Female
Temper: Mystical
Breed: Lapis Lazuli
Description: Lazuli is predominantly dark blue (#00008B). However, this blue is interrupted by silvery (#C9C0BB) veins and golden (#D4AF37) splotches, a characteristic of the beautiful Lapis Lazuli stone for which she is named. Her eyes and hooves are a rather vibrant gold (#FFD700), while her mane and tail take on a more wispy silver color (#C0C0C0). Her mane is fairly long and falls just below her chest in loose curls, something that makes her appear even more ethereal. Her tail falls in the same way, just barely brushing her hooves in gentle curls, but not touching the ground. Both her mane and tail have simple tumbled pieces of Lapis braided into them in select places. She is mostly adorned in simple but elegant gold jewelry, although a select few pieces have touches of silver. (Jewelry will be CC, but no more than would fall under Minor Edits. Lazuli would ideally be on the Draft Base with the optional Leg Feathers.)
Reference images: None, Follow the description as best you can and feel free to use artistic liberty!
Which stage you want them to start as?: Adult
Default accessory colors?: Gold (#FFD700) and silver (#C0C0C0)
Premade Tag Number: N/A
Tag frame color: #082567
Tag feather color: Left feather is #D4AF37, right feather is #C0C0C0.
Tag BG: Here
Hair/clothing edits: Custom hairstyle detailed under description. No clothing.

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