About a year ago I had a dream that kept reoccoring over and over again. I thought it may have been just random but now I'm not so sure of myself.
The dream:
I was in a beatuiful forest that was foregin to everything as it went on forever. It was so lush and the sun was either rising or setting. There was another figure in front of me into the stream nearby. The stream was beautiful, and the sun reflected off it. The figure and I went into the stream, and it seemed that the figure apparently had a connection with me. As the figure went down the stream I felt compelled to follow her, and I did. I thought that the stream was to shallow but as I went into it, it was also beautiful and seemed full of wonder and excitement. It would become shallow in some parts and deeper in others. As the figure kept going so did I. We weren't going anywhere at all, there was no destination as I could see. As well as that the whole time that I was there the figure felt to me as if it would protect me.

I was wondering if anybody could tell me anything about this dream. I'm really confused on it and was just hoping that anybody could link it to anything such as my gods. I'm Norse so it's obvious that my gods would be the Norse gods. As well as that dream I was wondering if I might have something wrong with me. Lately I have times where I fell compeled to protect my bloodline and feel as if I could tear anything apart to savalge it. There's acouple other things such as wanting to kill anything in my way and feeling as if I can't control myself, like there's a beast inside me or something.
I also love salmon sweatdrop xp but who wouldn't!(random)